Researchers Discover Dangerous Levels of Uranium in U.S. Aquifers


A damning analysis has discovered that almost 6 million U.S. residents are drinking water from two aquifers containing contaminated groundwater. The study, according to two of the lead researchers from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, have made the terrifying conclusion that uranium presence is no joke.

The two aquifers in question are said to contain uranium levels significantly higher than the maximum containment level recommended by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The study also reached conclusions that of the six million citizens drinking the water, 2 million are living less than a mile from the contaminated groundwater.

From EPA regulations and warnings, uranium is considered high risk: “Intakes of uranium exceeding EPA standards can lead to increased cancer risk, liver damage, or both.”

Almost 275,000 groundwater samples collected from around 62,000 locations from the two aquifers in question are the High Plains and Central Valley.

The largest US aquifer, the High Plains spans from Texas to South Dakota, over eight states. The conducted research has revealed a uranium concentration of 89 times more that the EPA’s recommendation and nitrate concentrations levels 189 times higher than EPA guidelines. The nitrate presence, a common groundwater contaminant resulting usually from chemical fertilizers and animal waste, is also connected to blue baby syndrome, and potential damage to the reproductive system.

The Central Valley aquifer, which is Californian based, has produced even higher c levels with uranium concentrations at 180 times more than EPA recommendations, and nitrate concentration levels 34 times higher.

It’s difficult to ascertain just how much uranium residents of the affected areas are ingesting, but the researchers have provided a map of the most severe regions. See below.


In a twist to these findings, the two aquifers account for one-sixth of the annual revenue generated by US agriculture.

The findings of the research are available in the journal Environmental Science and Technology Letters.

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  1. radioactive people, soon on TV?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!! measure, know the whys and the sources or the sources and the whys and maintain pure… are those people trying to seem bigger than they are??? they are putting now uranium in the water, because it was not noticed before… they think the 99% can’t compare them to a table and associate them and compare to a spectrum and identify the types of beings and ideologies and technologies and forces… every being can see colors in any other being… any being just need to learn how to see and identify the colors, because it’s survival to know the sentient surroundings… so now that north american bullshit elite are trying so seem bigger than they are… people get the point, they turn the problem bigger, so no one can think that they are close enough, so why did they put now the uranium in the water… there is a lot of hidden logic in options and choices of inception, forces of the mind and abstraction… And now if they put the uranium recently it is threatening all the other beings because they probably want people to think it is not possible anymore to do anything… beware and take care of natural sources of water… if they were another beings or another distinct force without the need from no one they would be integral by themselves alone and they would trap everything in the same day like many animals circling a bigger animal to eat and taking all the energy out of the animal first… they would do the same all over the british empire countries, unless they are using another techniques and probably not so obvious to plain sight like creating another kind of problems at the same time, so no one will be able to defend because people are already in the middle of the event-problem and they will not have time and energy and forces and resources to answer back… just check if the water was contaminated recently, and you will know what and why they need to do that, because that’s not a crime because crime is after law, that’s a genocide because is before the law… you can know if there is uranium by measuring natural sources, sea, rivers, growing food, tinned food, dirt, people’s and animals bodies, so you will know how agressive is the problem and threat, because you don’t fight against governments because they say they are the responsible ones and they have position to hold their structures while governments and they have virtually a position to make you shut up while the people behind them alone like any of humans they don’t defend against no other stronger with the possibilities of having a lot of advantage-gear like they do to the defenseless beings over the planet… just look to racism, bullying, social exclusion, ethnicism and every other thing that comes to your mind can be used against anybody because anyone can stay alone in any attack vector pattern to inject weakness in message transmission… like, uninformed people will speak uninformed material and life concerns with people that understand the same language and then they live in an uninformely designed place to live in an uninformed country touched and teached by uninformed people with bad interests against them because everyone has a life and everyone has life problems, right?? no…. l0ol… no one has life problems if this nature-kind-ideological system disapears because every one thinks they want more, better dreams, everyone dreams, and someone robs enough to offer everytime something to people who dream things that they have, then they turn that available they the information passes you have a pretty shinny new thing and someone robs it and then that person learns to do that evil thing because life doesn’t seem ok and they rob a supposedly weaker person to gain position advantage because comparatively to other people their dreams don’t seem right or equivalent or accomplished because it’s own dreams was robbed, the ones dreams that he had has a gift from effort and being kind to the inner and outer self…. and that’s it people go around the world to start from zero in advantage and this story spreads like fire… it’s like a bubble scheme… the last ones lose everything and can’t win in life because the name of this scheme is probably new order of the ages, just as plain as that… in my opinion… but everyone has their own mind, their own ideas, and they can think for themselves… so read but think for yourself and get your point of you or just for example say it’s bullshit… because well what if i’m not 100% right… ;D


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