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Journalist: “Each War Is Preceded By A Big Media Lie

By Sophie McAdam at trueactivist.com   Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya...and maybe Syria, too? This investigative journalist points out some important similarities. Michel Collon is a Belgian author, journalist, and...

A Brief History of Obama’s Drone Warfare

Back in 2007.........     President Obama was a very peaceful man who rose to power saying very peaceful things. In 2008 he was elected President of...

The Largest Military Agency The World Has Never Heard About

The United States – The well-oiled industrial military complex is something we rarely think of in terms of a machine that sources and supplies,...

Moved by Paris Attacks, Former US Drone Operators Speak Out

By MEE and agencies   America’s use of drones to target suspected militants around the world is driving hatred toward the United States and causing further radicalization,...

Islamic Extremism: What The Media Won’t Tell You

By Carey Wedler at theantimedia.org   In light of the devastating atrocities committed in Paris last week, millions of Americans have condemned Islam and the violent extremists it...