Detroit, MI — Once again, it is Columbus Day in the United States, a day that has lost much of its former prestige. As of late, the holiday has come under increased scrutiny because of the violent and repressive actions Columbus and his ilk wreaked upon the native population of the Americas. In fact, as we covered earlier today, many cities across the country are abolishing Columbus Day altogether and replacing it with Indigenous Peoples Day.
It seems an individual or group in Detroit takes the indecency of Christopher Columbus very seriously — seriously enough to vandalize a bust of the Christopher Columbus with an ax to the forehead with fake blood spilling out. As Detroit’s Metro Times details,
Located at Jefferson Avenue and Randolph Street, the statue was created by Italian sculptor Augusto Rivalta and dedicated to the city of Detroit on Oct. 12, 1910.”
The photo, uploaded on Imgur and posted to Reddit, is embedded below.
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