It should be no secret that the CIA conducts covert operations around the world. With all eyes on Syria, it should really come as no surprise that the CIA has covertly supplied “moderate Syrian rebels,” otherwise known as the FSA or Free Syrian Army, with rifles, mortars and rpgs. The fact that we are actively supplying mercenaries in Syria is not the shocking part. What should shock you, is the fact that 25% of all arms supplied to the FSA end up in the hands of Al Nusra and ISIS. A State Department press conference this week meant to alleviate journalist concerns, however, questions were answered with the usual “we can’t comment.”
When confronted by the fact that 25% of all arms sent to the FSA from eastern Europe end up in the hands of extremists not moderate rebels, the representative from the State Department had nothing to say, other than it is part of an ongoing investigation and cannot be commented on. According to a report from Reuters, “Weapons shipped into Jordan for Syrian rebels by the Central Intelligence Agency and Saudi Arabia were stolen by Jordanian intelligence operatives and sold to arms merchants on the black market, the New York Times reported, citing American and Jordanian officials.”
This theft of arms by Jordanian intelligence, while most likely genuine, isn’t the only way that ISIS gets its hands on western weapons of war. The U.S. has been supplying the FSA since its inception in 2011. To really understand who the FSA are and why we support them, you have to look back in history to uncover our use of privateer armies for hire.
While al Qaeda is known for being a terrorist organization responsible for 9/11, the truth of the matter is that al Qaeda was a CIA creation used to recruit Mujahideen fighters in Afghanistan for use in the war in Bosnia. They were never an organic group. Just like the FSA, who is most likely a CIA creation itself; the FSA has publicly acknowledged that at times, their goals align with Al-Nusra and they share intelligence and equipment. It is definitely no secret that Al-Nusra and ISIS are on the same page. A 2014 article from the Daily Mail stated that Al Nusra openly wants to merge with the Islamic State. Its not hard to connect the dots here. Funding the FSA will lead directly to the funding of ISIS through Al-Nusra.
Reporters in this press conference challenged the representative of the State Department. Reporters were referred to the State Department for answer on how this could happen by the White House. Unfortunately, they were met with only statements of “ongoing investigations” and “we cannot comment.”
Reporters asked why we keep funding the FSA when they openly supply groups like Al-Nusra, only to be met with more “no comments.” The war in the Middle East is not what you have been led to believe. The CIA, backed by the State Department, are running their own private proxy war for control of the region, politically and resourcefully. Press conferences like this do nothing but expose the lack of transparency that the current administration has always claimed to embody.
Sources: The Free Thought Project, Daily Mail.
This article (State Department Attempt at Transparency Falls Woefully Short) is a free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author Alek Hidell and AnonHQ.com.
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