Some of the top ranking defense personnel, intelligence analysts, and federal law enforcement officers in the United States are pedophiles who access and download child pornography on their work and home computers.
They not only compromise the nation’s security and drive the country into greater humiliation and disgrace; they put themselves at risk of blackmail, bribery, and threats by using credit cards or PayPal to pay for access to overseas pornography websites. Yet, these high-profile pedophiles are neither prosecuted by the United States Department of Defense investigators nor exposed by the mainstream media.
Child Porn in the Pentagon
In 2006, an undercover Internet child pornography investigation, called Operation Flicker, was conducted by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), a federal investigative agency. ICE revealed a list of 5,200 Pentagon employees (with high-level security clearances) suspected of subscribing to child pornography websites, and asked the Pentagon to investigate its employees.
In 2010, The Boston Globe disclosed the link between the Pentagon and child pornography to the public, reporting how the eight-month Pentagon investigation intentionally left 1,700 of its own men off the hook.
According to the heavily edited Pentagon’s Defense Criminal Investigative Service documents (DCIS) obtained by The Boston Globe, the Pentagon only cross-checked 3,500 out of 5,200 pedophiles (many provided military zip codes in their addresses when purchasing child pornography online); identified only 302 defense personnel and intelligence employees as connected to the child pornography scandal; investigated only 70 cases; prosecuted a handful and dropped many perverts due to a lack of evidence.
Later, the Operative Flicker documents obtained by The Upshot revealed that the DCIS investigators had in fact identified only 264 Pentagon employees who had purchased child pornography online. John Cook, an investigative journalist who currently serves as the executive editor of Gawker Media, penned:
“Astonishingly, nine of those had “Top Secret Sensitive Compartmentalized Information” security clearances, meaning they had access to the nation’s most sensitive secrets. All told, 76 of the individuals had Secret or higher clearances. But DCIS investigated only 52 of the suspects, and just 10 were ever charged with viewing or purchasing child pornography.”
Even though the ICE investigators warned the child pornography purchasers put the Department of Defense, the military and national security at risk by compromising computer systems and military installations, and security clearance; even though a contractor who had top security clearance at the National Security Agency, a top-ranking official at national reconnaissance office in Virginia, which operates the U.S. military’s spy satellites; and a contractor at a weapons-testing base in California were implicated; and even though a Pentagon spokesman promised to reopen the investigation abruptly halted six years ago due to lack of resources; there are no answers to why the 1,700 suspects were never investigated.
Child Porn in the NSA & the CIA
The U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) is infamous for conducting Domestic and Global Mass Surveillance to secretly snoop on users’ online communications, which NSA chiefs claim is necessary to foil terror plots post 9/11.
Remember the top-secret NSA document dated October 3, 2012, (leaked by former CIA employee Edward Snowden, in 2013)? It sought to track ‘radicalized’ users’ sexual activity and evidence of visits to pornographic websites in order to discredit and blackmail Muslim activists.
If you’ve got nothing to hide, why worry about warrantless mass surveillance? Well, because America’s Surveillance State is creepier than you could ever imagine.
The fact is NSA and CIA employees watch a lot of child pornography at work. Intelligence analysts and terrorism experts at the NSA and the CIA are paid to watch child pornography and graphic videos 24×7. So much that they even have a special porn room where agents look for the hidden clues in porn videos “to gain clues about the actions of Islamic State and Al-Qaeda terrorists in order to track them down, rescue hostages, or stop terrorist attacks on countries.”
However, not everyone enjoying child pornography at NSA is doing so in the name of national security. In 2014, Snowden revealed documents to show the ugly face of the NSA agents who captured nude images from webcam chats of nearly 1.8 million unsuspecting Yahoo users and stored the sensitive data in government servers in 2008. Even as it shamelessly violated Yahoo users’ privacy, the NSA declined to respond.
In 2016, two senior U.S. intelligence officials admitted that an “unbelievable” amount of child pornography has been found on the NSA work computers and devices. Even though there is evidence in the past that military and intelligence personnel have sexually abused minors online for years, the NSA does not want to investigate and prosecute its highly disciplined child pornographers. Kemp Ensor, the NSA’s director of security, remarked:
“In the national security space, what people do is amazing… There are many introverts staring at computer screens day in and day out.”
Like the Pentagon’s DCIS, the Central Intelligence Agency has an Office of Inspector General (OIG) empowered to investigate CIA personnel accused of criminal wrongdoings. And like the Pentagon, the CIA ensures the details of its OIG investigations are shrouded in secrecy.
However, in 2015, the OIG was forced to reveal several heavily redacted documents about high-profile investigations into serious allegations of misconduct by the CIA employees including child pornography, torture and war crimes under a Freedom of Information Act request from VICE News. But, reports VICE News:
“About 80 pages of internal CIA documents pertaining to more than a dozen OIG investigations show that CIA employees escaped charges after the cases were referred to the Department of Justice (DOJ), which declined to prosecute the alleged offenses.”
It is evident that there are some extremely disturbing and depraved things taking place at the highest levels of the NSA as well as the CIA; and it is also evident that there is more to their ‘official activities’ online and offline that they don’t want discussed.
It is a matter of grave concern that child pornography investigations within the U.S. intelligence agencies are either dropped or kept under wraps and away from the eyes of the public due to pressure from within the system.
But who benefits from the uninvestigated and unprosecuted child pornography cases? And who is threatened if those involved are investigated and prosecuted? Are internal probes an eyewash? Should independent agencies investigate child pornography allegations? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below…
Did We Finish Looking Into Those 1,700 Pentagon Child Porn Cases?
Pentagon declined to investigate hundreds of purchases of child pornography
High-Level NSA Whistleblower Says Blackmail Is a Huge – Unreported – Part of Mass Surveillance
The REAL Hastert Scandal: Pedophilia, Drug Money and Blackmail
This article (The Child Porn-Pentagon-NSA-CIA Link ‘They’ Don’t Want You to Know) is a free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and AnonHQ.com.
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The “Rule of Law” according to our Constitution states that:
It’s high time we start following the “Rule of Law” in this country and prosecute any and all public servants who violate the law! Period!
The petition to reopen opperation Flicker is here. These children need justice! America needs justice. Please sign and share
Not condoning the behavior at all, but contemporary research is showing many (possibly the majority?) of child porn users are not pedophiles. These guys are arriving at this behavior from a number of different pathways, many of which don’t reflect an innate sexual preference for children.