The Five Worst CIA Operations Ever


The CIA have proven themselves over and over again to be able to come up with some utterly terrifying ideas and programmes. Whether it involves the overthrow of democratically elected governments, drugs, murder and assassination attempts, experimenting on people without their knowledge using biological and chemical agents. The list is virtually endless. There are so many options that whittling it down to just five was quite tricky, but here’s our take on the five most terrifying CIA operations ever, including (in no particular order): MKUltra, PBSUCCESS, Operation CHAOS, the Phoenix Programme and Operation Northwoods.



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  1. I’ll vote to nominate “The Annex” in Benghazi as one of their worst ops as well. Putting that many people in a single building, hiring locals as security, buying / selling weapons, and no Plan B in case they came under attack…

  2. I have always known my Government and it’s affiliates to be Corrupt arseholes. To be apart of this Organization would be an Honor but, How would one contact an Anonymous source? Keep up the great work.

  3. After seeing this i have no doubt that’s it was the CIA who used 9/11 to get into Iraq ( or maybe even Iran) for oil and or so we can be involved with and have our hands in the spoils of whatever was to be achieved.

  4. How about project adult swim otherwise known as the galaxy 5 program initially started in the 90s to brain wash children the nsa did it check it and you won’t watch adult swim again. But you have to dig in Google look for the satellite programs all the galaxy programs from 1 to 7

  5. I’m wondering if you could provide the best books for deprogramming from the mk ultra as well as the monarch programming. It would be helpful to those of use who are really trying to get through what’s been done.


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