There is a little territory, not yet recognized by the world, known as the Free Republic of Liberland. The sovereign state rests between Croatia and Serbia, on the west bank of the Danube. Until 13th April 2015, the land was considered terra nullius, until Vít Jedlička took the opportunity to form a new state called the Liberland and declare himself president.
The Czech political activist has established the third smallest sovereign state, approximately 7 km², after the Vatican and Monaco, and prides itself as a truly free country, economically and for the individual. The Liberland motto “To live and let live,” is something the president takes seriously, and with 260,000 requests from all over the world on how to become a citizen, it isn’t surprising.
Citizenship is based on several factors, Jedlička said. “Firstly, do not be a communist or a fascist; secondly, come to the volunteer camp; thirdly, do something for the construction of a new state.”
Most forms of taxation and government assistance are also out of the question, with Jedlička stipulating that taxes in his country would be voluntary, and that it would be fine even if no one paid.
“We don’t really care that much, because the government will have very little expenditure,” with government existing to provide law and order and defence for the country’s borders, Jedlička explained. He has also stated that Liberland will have no official currency, but will accept all currencies including bitcoin.
Liberland’s current requirements of their future citizen are as follows:
- Have respect for other people and respect the opinions of others, regardless of their race, ethnicity, orientation, or religion
- Have respect for private ownership which is untouchable
- Do not have communist, nazi or other extremist past
- Were not punished for past criminal offences
This Article (The New Utopian State: Liberland) is a free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and AnonHQ.com.
A utopia? Don’t make me laugh. The only thing it’s useful for is attracting all of the circle-jerking Libertards so they can leave the rest of us alone.
They did an AMA on reddit, earlier this year. They’ve no clue what they’re doing; honestly, I’m surprised they’re even competent enough to scrape together an actual territory.
Take their bizarre, and somewhat inexplicable rage-boner for Communism. What part of Communism, exactly, are they objecting to? The principle of social and economic equality? The one these guys supposedly support? My guess is that they hear ‘Communist’, and think ‘DAE JOSEF STALIN HOOMAN NAYTURE?????’.
Huh. It appears that either anonHQ’s comment system is broken, or my comments are getting censored.
Hmm… Rules include “Do not have communist, nazi or other extremist past” but also “Respect the opinions of others” – so which is it? Sorry guys you only get one. Otherwise it will be interesting to see how this works out…