Two lions were shot to death at a zoo after a suicidal man jumped into the enclosure and began antagonizing them.

Credit: Zoologico Nacional de Chile
Two lions were shot to death after they began attacking a man who jumped into their enclosure to antagonize them in a suicide attempt.
At around 11:30 AM on Saturday, the man jumped on the roof of the enclosure, ripped through the fencing to get inside the enclosure, and began taking his clothes off. Once he had entered the lion’s domain, he began to antagonize them while shouting “very apocalyptic, very religious” proverbs.
Since they were being bothered, the lions began to maul the man and even started to drag him to their den, at which point the two majestic animals were shot to death.
The park’s director, Mauricio Fabry, told CNN,
“It was imminent (to) save this man and we had to shoot the lions.”
He explained that the decision to shoot the cats rather than tranquilize them was made because tranquilizers take several minutes to take effect and the man’s life was in immediate danger. A statement about the incident from the zoo read:
“Due to the circumstances and to firstly protect the life of this person, we found ourselves obliged to apply all of our security protocols.”

Credit: India Today
After the incident, the man was rushed to the hospital in critical condition and has been in the ICU ever since. Investigators found a letter in the man’s clothes that many believe was a suicide note. The park’s director described it as a Christian letter that had drawings of lions and stated that God would protect the man. He also added that the man’s mother had recently died.
If the park had known prior to shooting the lions that this man had a death wish, would they still have sacrificed the lives of the lions to save the man? It’s likely that they would have, simply because human lives are valued over animals and the zoo must maintain a reputation of being safe for people.
The zoo wrote on their Facebook page to explain what happened and said that the death of the big cats is “deeply painful for each of us,” especially those who care for the lions daily.
The male lion that was killed was born at the zoo and the female was rescued from the circus.
They were both shot and killed in front of visitors to the zoo, and the zoo remained open throughout the weekend with only the lion enclosure being closed off for the investigation.
Do you think the zoo made the right decision to kill the lions? Please comment on, like, and share this article!
This article (Two Lions Shot And Killed To Protect Suicidal Man Who Jumped Into Their Enclosure) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and TrueActivist.com
No they did not!,they should have shot the suicidal man instead
Agree, he’d be beyond remedying – better he gone
This situation happened in india and you are mixing up incidents with chile and and total info got hybrid and misled.
bottom photos are from india while top photos and fb page you lined are from chile…should we believe admins and moderators about whether you guys are misleading audience
If you actually look at the pictures you will see “Credits: Chile” and “Credits: India” so they are not really misleading.. Learn to look at everything.
Two lives were took in vain to save a human who was willing to die. An animal classed as “vulnerable” should not be killed for such a reason as this. And if it wasn’t for humans being so selfish and caging such a magnificent beast, This wouldn’t have happened in the first place. Therefore I believe they shouldn’t have killed them just to keep their “reputation”. Also if a human life is worth more than an animals somehow, ANY life is worth more than a business.
I just dont get the whole animal in captivity situation. Had the lions lived in their real enviroment the human had just ben an idiot who asked to die. He asker for it, jumpt in to the animals but why do they have to die? It’s sick how humams think that we are more than the other living spiecies on the earth.
We all live here and have to respekt eath other, dont just catch animals and then kill them.,they deserve more! they have feelings as well as we do and all living creatures on this earth deserve to have a happy life
Agreed. But can you learn to spell? Words like jumpt & respekt…?
If they didn’t shoot the Lions and the man was mauled to death in front of a crowd of people, then I believe the Zoo would have been held accountable for his death. They acted appropriately and rationally in this situation, though it is a tragedy the Lions had to be killed because some suicidal, fanatically religious jackass decided to jump in their and start the situation. The Zoo staff are probably absolutely devastated by the loss, but in order to not be held accountable by other people, the government and the rest of the world, they would have had to save the man’s life regardless if they knew whether he was suicidal or not. It comes down to how the world would have reacted had the man died, rather than the Lions. That is not the Zoo staffs fault, but the regulations that society places upon human life is to blame here. If you’re looking for someone to blame, blame half the human world, and the government for enforcing that human life is more important than these endangered species. Just take a look at this objectively rather than emotionally. The Zoo staff really had no choice, considering the ramifications it would have upon the Zoo and the staff involved.
Well said LegionAUS !!
But on the other hand suicide is one’s ultimate civl right.. so?
Yes, but you can not just let a man get mauled in front of a crowd people. It was at a zoo so I assume that there were small children. Also it would be bad for the zoo to let that happen. i don’t like the fact that they had to kill the animal but it happened.
Finally a comment that makes perfect sense. Thank you!
Just like another zoo killed a gorilla cause a kid fell in, Its bullshit its called watch ur dam kids and the guy that jumped in the lions den should be charged cause his stupidity they got killed
Hell no they didn’t make the right decision!!!!! The man jumped in there let him get torn up he made the choice. Those poor innocent animals that should be in the wild or in the sanctuary are in a freaking Zoo and it’s not their fault that this stupid man jumped in there. I don’t think it’s right that these beautiful Majestic animals should have to pay for the ignorance of human beings. They don’t deserve to punished and treated so badly period. They pay enough just being in f**king cages. Human kind is so selfish and ignorant.
Well said
They should gave him life for a life. Wanker he is
This question demands pretty deep thoughts on it. First of all, knowing the man was suicidal, he should have been left to die. But looking at it from another angle, people in the zoo could have had no idea of the intentions of the man. I honestly don’t believe that the lives of two lions is worth that of a suicidal religious moron. But I guess they did what they have to do, one so that people wouldn’t start whining, and so that they wouldn’t face criminal charges as I’m sure they would have if they had left the person to die.
Well said
The guy is probably going to die in the hospital, meaning the Zoo management killed the Lions for no reason…
Personally i would have shot the guy, would spare him from the pain and save the lions, hes the one deathwishing anyways and seriously, throwing your self into the Lion`s enclosure is more than enough to see a person has mental illness.
If someone was gonna kill themselves then why go out in one of the most painful way? It is just confusing to take the time and possibly mentally scar young children. But its like you said, he was most likely mentally ill so that story tells itself.
why is it every time I click to comment I get a advertising page that pops up behind my open page?…..WTF Anonymous!
Well I certainly hope this man is barred from visiting any future zoos.
so funny, cheers.
Human life is more important If people would learn that and stop being cold and apathetic to people that need help that guy probably would have gott he help he needed and the two lions would still be living the dream life of zoo captivity huh? Your way of thinking is what’s wrong with the world just saying tho
Stop killing animals this year they killed a gorilla cause of a child now two lio s for some unmatured adult