OpStopBlockTell has been coordinated with various anon members on www.anonboards.com over the last few weeks. The purpose of this operation is “to help and educate minors, and the general public about cyber bullies and how to deal with them.” Before we get started here are some statistics about the issue you may not have know which paints a picture of this growing problem in out societies:
- Nearly 43% of kids have been bullied online. 1 in 4 has had it happen more than once.
- 70% of students report witnessing frequent bullying online.
- Over 80% of teens use a cell phone regularly, making it the most common medium for cyber bullying.
- 68% of teens agree that cyber bullying is a serious problem.
- 81% of young people think bullying online is easier to get away with than bullying in person.
- 90% of teens who have seen social-media bullying say they have ignored it. 84% have seen others tell cyber bullies to stop.
- Only 1 in 10 victims will inform a parent or trusted adult of their abuse.
- Girls are about twice as likely as boys to be victims and perpetrators of cyber bullying.
- About 58% of kids admit someone has said mean or hurtful things to them online. More than 4 out 10 say it has happened more than once.
- Bullying victims are 2 to 9 times more likely to consider committing suicide.
- About 75% of students admit they have visited a website posting negative statements about another student.
Cyber Bullies on Social Media
Facebook: 75% of minors say they use Facebook and 54% report experiencing cyber-bullying on Facebook
Youtube: 66% of minors use Youtube and 21% report experiencing cyber-bullying on Youtube
Twitter: 43% of minors use Twitter and 28% report experiencing cyber-bullying on Twitter
Instagram: 24% of minors use Instagram and 24% report experiencing cyber-bullying on Instagram
Tumblr: 24% of minors use Tumble and 22% report experiencing cyber-bullying on Tumblr
Myspace: 4% of minors Myspace and 89% report experiencing cyber-bullying on myspace
*^^Source: NoBullying.com 2014^^*
What To Do If You Are Being Bullied On A Social Network: http://www.bullying.co.uk/cyberbullying/what-to-do-if-you-re-being-bullied-on-a-social-network/
Here is an excellent resource for children, teens, parents and teachers. Facebook has partnered with Drs. Marc Brackett and Robin Stern from the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence to provide resources and tools for dealing with bullying behavior and its consequences.They have introducing tools, tips and programs that help people stand up for themselves and each other. You can view this here: https://www.facebook.com/safety/bullying/
Where To Report Cyber-Bullying on Youtube: https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2802268?hl=en
Snapchat is quickly becoming a new venue for cyber bullying. If you experience harassment or bullying, block the person and report it: https://support.snapchat.com/co/other-abuse
Reporting harassment or bullying on Instagram. If an account is established with the intent of bullying or harassing another person or if a photo or comment is intended to bully or harass someone, please report it. You can also learn what to do if you think someone is pretending to be you or someone else on Instagram: https://help.instagram.com/547601325292351
**Once you’ve reported the abuse, consider blocking the person**
Additional Resources:
Comprehensive Guide To Cyber-Bullying For Parents and Children: http://cyberbully.org/
Find Resources For Dealing With Cyber Bullying Wherever You Live: http://www.1800victims.org/crime-type/cyber-bullying
Cyber-Bully 411: http://www.cyberbully411.org/
Cyber-Bully Research Center: http://cyberbullying.org/
Cyber-bullying Laws By State: http://cyberbullying.org/Bullying-and-Cyberbullying-Laws.pdf
American Counseling Association for cyber-bullying: http://www.counseling.org/knowledge-center/podcasts/docs/aca-podcasts/ht024-cyberbullying-recent-cases-what-counselors-need-to-know#.dpuf
USA; Crisis Hotline for Kids: http://hotlines.50webs.com/usa.html
Canada Kids Help Phone: http://kidshelpphone.ca
International Links to Free Counseling For Kids: http://www.kidshelpline.com.au/grownups/getting-help/who-else-can-help/helpful-links/help-lines.php
Keep It Positive, Keep Encouraging Each Other
– Filling up your friends’ Facebook feeds with positive posts instead of negative ones can boost school-wide morale.
– Start a Facebook page for students to submit positive acts they see in school to promote a culture of positivity on and offline.
– Sign up for Positivity Page.
This article (OpStopBlockTell – Anonymous Raising Awareness Against Cyber-Bullying) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article using a creative commons license with attribution to the author and AnonHQ. Join the conversation at www.anonboards.com
Just want to applaud ANON on the good work they are doing with ISIS and TURKEY…letting them know “WHO IS BOSS…..”
Speaking of bullies.. here is a real psychopath:
Lots of information here in the comments section. Would be nice to see justice done.
A random person name Deane Ewing a convict who is posting under the name of Superboy on anon boards decided to randomly pick me
and write horrific things about me and my family. I am in the process of filing and a law suit against him and I have reported him to the FBI
as I have been receiving death threats. He has also posted a link to a fraudulent gofundme campaign and is using it to scam people.
I also reported the campaign as fraud.
Please remove this I have reported it to the moderator of anon boards along with 20 other people and they will not take it down.
Here is the post on anon boards.