Experts from the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) watch videos of hostage beheadings, violent attacks on US military forces and hard core porn involving children to gain clues about the actions of Islamic State and Al-Qaeda terrorists in order to track them down, rescue hostages, or stop terrorist attacks on countries.
Brendan Conlon, ex-chief of the NSA’s Tailored Access Operations group specialized in capturing materials from hard-to-reach computer systems and has focused extensively on terrorist networks, said, “You have to watch the video and do a forensic analysis to see if there’s any lead to pass to along. The whole point is to make sure it doesn’t happen again.”
Terrorists are using steganography on eBay, Reddit, and pornographic websites to send encrypted messages hidden in images. The content analysts watch in a ‘porn room’ is often violent, graphic, and mostly pornography but contains encrypted messages that must be checked to see if they hold any useful intelligence.
The daily routine takes an extraordinary toll on the analysts’ emotional state. Analysts often suffer sensations of sickness, bouts of grief, and periods of depression. A senior physician with the CIA’s Office of Medical Services told The Daily Beast, “They’re being exposed to material that, day in and day out, we’re not exposed to broadly in America. That has its own sort of impact and own sort of, for lack of a better term, shock value.”
It’s one of the reasons why intelligence agencies employ a cadre of psychiatrists and therapists to help analysts cope with the onslaught of horrific, pornographic images and clips.
NSA spokesperson Vanee Vines said in a statement, “The Agency deeply values the health and wellness of our employees and provides a range of comprehensive services to address their needs. The NSA has long offered psychological consultation and intervention services to support our employees’ important work against today’s increasingly complex global threats.”
However, considering that terrorists can choose from a variety of end-to-end encrypted messaging apps readily available today, it is hard to believe they would expose themselves to intelligence agencies by continuing to communicate through Steganography, an outdated technology.
This Article (US Intelligence Analysts Paid To Watch Child Porn, Graphic Videos 24×7) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and AnonHQ.com.
This is pathetic. Why they get PAID to watch these disgusting acts of cruelty is sick.
Why would they not use lolcats? It seems weird to use something that can’t be easily placed online. I guess if you are a terrorist you aren’t worried about using criminal means to pass your messages but it seems like there would be better ways.
Wow anon… you disappoint again. “US Intelligence Analysts Paid To Watch Child Porn, Graphic Videos 24×7” should read “US Intelligence Analysts Analyze Child Pornography At The Expense Of Their Own Mental Health To Try To Catch Predators And Help Victims”
Hundreds of kids have been saved because of these analysts… so are you saying it’d be better if that never happened? http://www.nbcnews.com/id/42108748/ns/us_news-crime_and_courts/t/massive-online-pedophile-ring-busted-cops/
Why is my comment awaiting moderation, anon? Are you trying to censor my speech against this article or something? It is no secret that watching child pornography is a huge part on catching predators and helping victims. Somebody has to do it. I couldn’t. I am thankful for those that can.
This is so fucking fake.
This is pure propaganda from the government to make you think this is the truth! But it is all made up bullshit.
Who he fuck would make a porn movie to tell someone a message, give no fucking sence.
When you can encrypt a real message so it never can be broken.
Dont be a fucking stupid Americano with no brain please.
Terror was invented by the vest
Terrorists are trained by Imam agents in the UK.How do you think your self they get the equipment to do the job? When everything is so controlled as it is, why is it often the special forces knew about an attack and never did anything? Because they are a part of the fucking lie, they want racial war so the population are scared and dont think about fighting the corrupted government.
HowToRuleAsDictator 101 principles stolen from the nazists and communists.
Terrorists that live in the east and fight the US army are in reality freedom fighters that just want the vest so fuck off – who would not do that if we were the victim in their big game plan/agenda?
Remember – Snowden gave us prove that Osama Binladen was a FBI Agent! On the payroll of the FBI until the day of 09/11!
Use your brain!
It is all a fucking lie to make people scared and thrust the government to protect them.
Like a kid thrust its parents to protect it – but no government care for you in reality lol.
– You are a tool and a replaceable tool.