The US seems to be the perennial giver of the world- a leaner, meaner Santa Clause of sorts- or at least that’s what most Americans seem to think, according to a national poll. While a third of Americans seem to believe that 30- 50% of the Federal Budget is spent on aid, only 5% of Americans realized that less than 1% of the Federal budget goes to aid. Time to stop answering stupid polls and start reading more books.
HowMuch.net looked closer at the aid numbers for 2014 and figured out if there was more than meets the eye.
HowMuch.net created a map, seen below:
The map bases each country’s size on the relative amount of aid received from the US. The color shows how high each country’s GDP per capita is.
Of course, you can see which country has grown fat on US aid. Literally, in this map anyway. It also sticks out like a smurf’s sore thumb, or some other large blue appendage of his. Israel is the largest single beneficiary of US aid, while five countries receive a full quarter of the 35 billion bucks of economic aid given out by Santa Sam:
- Israel: $3.1 billion
- Egypt: $1.5 billion
- Afghanistan: $1.1 billion
- Jordan: $1.0 billion
- Pakistan: $933 million
Why is Israel, the only country of the lot which has a GDP per capita of more than 30,000 USD per month, receiving so much aid? It’s not like the Israelis need almost 10% of all of it…
According to the U.S. State Government 2013-2015 Foreign Assistance report, all $3.1 billion of Israel’s funding was used for military financing. In Egypt, $1.3 billion of $1.5 billion received was used for military-related activities as well.
Ah, so that’s why they needed all that money. To buy bombs to blow Palestine a new one… and of course Palestine gets nothing.
On the other hand, the majority of funds received by Afghanistan, Jordan, and Pakistan were used for economic development purposes. Of the $35 billion referenced in the report, $8.4 billion (24%) was used towards global health programs, $5.9 billion (17%) was used for foreign military financing, $4.6 billion (13%) was used for economic support, and $2.5 billion (7%) was used for development assistance.
The poorest nations seemed more interested in using that aid for productive purposes, at least in theory US aid has done some good.
Below is a breakout of aid received by geographic region in fiscal year 2014.
Africa: 20%
East Asia and Pacific: 2%
Europe and Eurasia: 2%
Near East: 20%
South and Central Asia: 7%
Western Hemisphere: 4%
General Aid: 45%
142 countries of 188 countries or 76% of the world received some sort of aid from the US. 103 billion dollars was spent on aid over the last three years. Almost everyone gets something from Santa Sam- even its rival China got 25 million bucks; what a country that big could do with 25 million bucks is beyond me.
Now watch a video where an economic hit man explains the real purpose of US aid, from the perspective of American corporations keen on exploiting the People. Sorry, I just can’t let this story end on a feel-good heart-warming Christmas–caroling lack-of-context “we’re the good guys, mission accomplished” note.
Sources: HowMuch.net, Fiscal Times
This Article (How Does The US’s 35 Billion In World Aid Get Spent?) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author(CoNN) and AnonHQ.com.
Bio-warfare Laboratory of German and Japanese War Criminals Under Guidance of the USA.
The Revealing Voices of Aids/HIV Theory Dissidents
The horrific Aids pandemic tremendously has generated scientific controversies within and outside the scientific establishment. Only a minority of scientists, like Johan van Dongen, and other engaged people have access to inside information concerning (bio-warfare) Aids and Ebola research.
As an experimental microsurgeon Johan van Dongen, in the early seventies, almost at the beginning of the multiple organ transplantation era, has carried out thousands of experimental organ transplantations. In order to deal with organ rejection he administered, radiation and sera for diminishing the immunity of the organ receiver. Besides that he also administered uncountable agents to recipients of organs in order to trigger, diminish or completely whipe out the immune capacity which can be compared with Aids.
During his university and hospital appointments in the early seventies, and later undercover in the pharmaceutical industry, he discovered at that time that animals did’nt die because of rejection of the transplanted organ but because of multiple infections which can be compared with human Aids victims. So, Johan van Dongen noticed that Aids can be induced by radiation, aflatoxins, Immuran/prednisolone combination, anti lymfocyte sera and many other bio-warfare agents.
Dormant HIV virus
As head of the the Department of Experimental Microsurgery, and involved in all transplantation and immunological experiments, Johan also have been involved in many controversies. Especially the connection of his work and the polemic concerning the transmission of HIV in many ways he discovered not only in his experiments but also in the extensive scientific literature the role of an obligatory cofactor that transactivates the “Dormant” virus HIV in specific human cells. And this obligatory cofactor which transactivates the “Dormant” virus in specific human cells are deliberately introduced into mostly black-skinned African people, governed by massive environmental factors as you can read in our book: “Aids and Ebola the greatest crime in medical history against mankind,” in order to depopulate Africa.
Therefore we will always like to enlighten readers about the real origin of Aids and the true nature of famous international researchers as Robert Gallo.
And as far as Gallo is concerned, Ricardo Veronesi, professor of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Sao Paulo, was personally informed about the true nature of Gallo’s research long before this controversy turned into a public scandal and as a consequence thousands of scientific Aids dissidents.
It was no less then Francoise Barré-Sinoussi of the French Pasteur Institute who revealed the criminal intention of Gallo. And not only she became an Aids dissident but also the discover of the HIV virus Luc Montagnier disputed Gallo, the fake discoverer of the HIV virus.
In their opinion the major bursts in the common scientific approach lies in its ignoring that the pathogenicity of the HIV indeed is governed by multiple deliberate environmental factors. And one of these determinant factors is the PCR test (Polymerase Chain Reaction Test).
Polymerase Chain Reaction Test
This test is a technology in molecular biology used to amplify a single copy or a few copies of a piece of DNA across several orders of magnitude, generating thousands to millions of copies of a particular DNA sequence. Especially the diagnosis of hereditary diseases; the identification of genetic fingerprints, used in forensic sciences and paternity testing; and the detection and diagnosis of infectious diseases the PCR test can be used to investigate the connection of diseases to the specific black race. Moreover, PCR can be extensively modified to perform a wide array of genetic manipulations not only in humans but also from microorganisms which causes Aids and Ebola.
Using and extrapolation of these kind of techniques we can conclude that almost all persons who have HIV in their bodies, were purposely infected with this virus which can lead to Aids. Biowarfare scientists are able to made black-skinned people artificially susceptible for HIV or Ebola by using controlable diseases as a cover-up.
Most of the biowarfare research using viruses which causes Aids and Ebola was predominantly carried out in Germany and Japan until 1945 and since then mainly in the USA and France, using Nazi and Japanese (military) scientific war criminals.
The Revealing Voices of Aids/HIV Theory Dissidents
The official scientific origin of the diverse HIV-strains has been placed somewhere between 1938 and 1948 when scientist T.F. Smith et al published an article in the authoritative medical journal Nature about this period in 1988 named: “The phylogenetic history of immunodeficiency virus”.
And he was’nt the only scientists who revealed the true nature of the HIV virus. Smith’s efforts to reveal the real origin of HIV was followed, to name a few, by Sharp et al with his article: “Understanding the origins of Aids viruses”, also in Nature, followed by Meyers et all with: “The phylogenetic analysis of the HIVs”. But the most important article is described in the top of the bill of medical journals the Lancet by scientist L.A. Evans et al who discovered the; “Simultaneous isolation of HIV-1 and HIV-2 from an Aids patient”.
And all these mentioned scientist agreed that the distribution of the HIV virus was an intentional action. Their findings makes it very conceivable that this distribution was intentional because sometimes both the new viruses HIV-1 and HIV-2, respectively HTLV-IV, are existing in one and the same person according to Evans. And because his publication is checked by the editing and scientific boards of the Lancet the outcome of his investigation is true. And this counts also for thousands of publications in other medical journals as described in our book “Aids and Ebola the greatest crime in medical history against mankind”.
German scientist Wolff Geisler
According to the famous Aids/HIV theory dissident Wolff Geisler further evidents of the intentional distribution, out of the mentioned simultaneous infection of the same persons, it was described as a second Aids epidemic in the same black-skinned population by an inefficient transmission of the HIV virus. The appearance of this extreme rare retrovirus among the African Aids patients is so conspicious that some world famous scientists uttered a sentence about it. They alleged this to be; “Only another acquired opportunistic infection but rather an additional death sentence”. But? Is it?
In Africa the probability of an early death of HIV patients is three times bigger then eslwere when HIV patients are simultaneously infected with HTLV-1 as described in the Lancet by Page et al in his scientific publication: HTLV-I/II seropositivity and death from Aids among HIV-I seropositive intravenous drug users (Lancet, 1990; 335: 1439-41), an even more extremely important publication for the Aids/HIV theory dissidents. Because especially HTLV-I, amongst many other HIV viruses, was only demonstrated in Uganda, Ghana, South Africa and Namibia. In HIV patients only in these countries appear simultaneously up till now. According to Wolff Geisler the concommitant existance of HTLV-I and HIV produces the observed rate of Aids patients in Uganda, Kenya and black-skinned people in Florida, USA and some Caibbean Islands, even though in general black-skinned persons are by nature more resistant against HIV-infection than pale-skinned persons (see below). This means the HIV viruses are geneticly engeneered as describe in our book.
No less than Luc Montagnier et al, the discoverer of the HIV virus stated that this virus is made out of the Nazi eugenics and genetic engeneered experiments as well as the development of Aids causing viruses in horses. In a very talked about article he described in the authoritative Annals of Virology: “A new type of retrovirus from patients presenting with lymphadenopathy and acquired immune deficiency syndrome”: Structural and antigenetic relatedness with Equine Infecious Aenemia Virus EIAV (horse Aids), 1984; 135E: 119-31.
Equine Infecious Aenemia Virus EIAV (HIV/Horse-Aids) made by Nazi Germany.
If we compare these findings to our references in:“Aids the greatest crime in medical history against mankind” the book now available at Amazon, the HLA-A, B, C, DR3 and DR5 loci, is examined by the Nazi’s led by Otmar Verschuer.
In 1956 he joined the American Eugenics Society and worked under auspices tiis of the Rockefeller-fund. He was also head of the Department of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Germany.
Furthermore we have to take into account that within people who have blood type HLA-DR3 Aids, it is much less common than in people who have the HLA-DR5 type. Under the Nazi’s research, it is important to note that precisely the HLA-DR5 type occurs mainly in Jews. The HLA-DR3 type contrast is most common in dark-colored Africans.
These two evidences or references are enough to let you know vividly what took place. In general you can say that it is harder for blacks to get Aids than as it is for whites, but blacks have been made susceptible for a broad spectrum of brand new diseases caused by Germans, partly under the auspices of the South African Apartheid regime, and after the war under guidance of the U.S.A.
Nowadays we now know that monkeys do not get Aids when infected with the human Aids virus. The same goes for tuberculosis until the moment that monkeys in a laboratory made receptive. Therefore black-skinned people are under no circumstances contaminated with Aids by monkeys with or without eating them. That is so to speak a criminal scientific ferrytale.
US helping its partner in crime: Israel. Fuck both countries!.