Vatican Fires Priest After He Announces – I Am A Happy And Proud Gay Priest


The Vatican has fired a senior priest after he publicly came out as gay and called for changes in Catholic teachings against homosexual activity on the eve of an international meeting of Catholic bishops on family issues including marriage, divorce and same-sex relationships. The Church teaches that homosexuality is not a sin but homosexual activity is, and priests, whether heterosexual or gay, take vows of celibacy.

Krzysztof Charamsa – a Polish priest who worked for the Church’s doctrinal arm, the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, since 2003, and taught theology at pontifical universities in Rome – told Corriere della Sera, an Italian newspaper, he was gay and had a boyfriend.

“I want the Church and my community to know who I am: a gay priest who is happy, and proud of his identity. I’m prepared to pay the consequences, but it’s time the Church opened its eyes, and realized that offering gay believers total abstinence from a life of love is inhuman,” he declared.

“Do not apologize for what you are [the LGBT community] because you’re full members of the community, and in the case of the baptized, of the Church. [You’re part of a] civilized community, and the Church doesn’t have the moral right to deny your right to love and get married,” he told Gazeta Wyborcza.

Addressing a news conference with his partner Eduard and gay activists at a Rome restaurant, he said:

“This decision of mine to come out was a very personal one taken in a Catholic Church that is homophobic and very difficult and harsh [toward gays]. I ask the Pope to be strong and to remember us, homosexuals, lesbians, transsexuals and bisexuals as children of the Church and members of humanity.”

I dedicate my coming out to all gay priests. I wish them happiness even if I know that most of them will not have the courage to make the gesture I have made today. I want to be an advocate for all sexual minorities and their families who have suffered in silence. To my Church, I want to say that I reject and I denounce the current atmosphere of exasperating homophobia. Open your eyes to the suffering of gay people, to their desire for love.

“The timing is not intended to pressurise anyone, but maybe a good pressure, in fact a Christian participation, a Christian voice that wants to bring to the synod the response of the homosexual believers to the questioning of Pope Francis. Every homosexual person is a son of God and when (he) believes in God, the son of a church or of another Christian community, and the necessity… his dignity, necessity… his love and possibility to marriage, to be… to life with another person who loves (him). This is the will of God for our life, also for my life with him.”

The Vatican said the dismissal had nothing to do with Charasma’s reflections on his personal life, which it said “merit respect”. “The decision to make such a pointed statement on the eve of the opening of the synod appears very serious and irresponsible, since it aims to subject the synod assembly to undue media pressure,” Rev. Federico Lombardi, a Vatican spokesman, said in a statement.

Francis DeBernardo, executive director of New Ways Ministry, which ministers to Catholic gays, said the Vatican’s move was “sadly disappointing”. “It is unfortunate that Church leaders did not see Charamsa’s announcement as an opportunity for further dialogue with someone they have known and trusted.”

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    • Exactly. When he was ordained, he took, as all priests take, a vow of celibacy. That applies whether one is gay or straight. And frankly he’s not special in being required to remain celibate as a priest. The offical church teaching is that sexual activity be reserved for marriage; though not a law widely observed, in actual fact all single Catholics are technically expected to be celibate and adultery and fornication are considered grave sins.

      That a priest involved in the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith can consider his own personal wants and desires to be of greater importance than the church doctrine he is supposed to be safeguarding raises many questions about his suitability to be a priest IMHO. It’s like the job requirements for priesthood are some kind of secret – he knew going in.

      I do find it abhorrent that the Church has not yet taken appropriate measures to hasten the removal of pedophiles from amongst the priesthood. That is a grave failing.

  1. He wasn’t fired for being gay, he was fired for being in a relationship and since he is a priest that is not allowed. It’s not an attack on his sexuality or anything like that, it hetero priest can’t date then homo priests can’t either.
    Also before anyone jumps down my throat saying I am gay bashing or something like that I am a lesbian so shh.

  2. No. period. no. If we are Pauline about chastity and priesthood then NO. period. if you are for everything then you stand for nothing. NO. I’m thinking about going for Catholic deaconate and I claim my valid Catholic marriage. But, I’m not going for priesthood.


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