Turns out Trump can get some things right. This NowThis video also illustrates a few important statistics that should help you understand why Sanders might be winning primary contests, but losing in terms of delegate count.
Trump: “So I watched Bernie, he wins, he wins, he keeps winning, winning, winning. And then I see, he’s got no chance. They always say he has no chance, why doesn’t he have a chance?”
“Whether it’s me or whether it’s Bernie Sanders, when I look at it, and I see all these victories that I have, all these victories that he’s got, and then you look at the establishment, and I want to tell you, it’s a corrupt deal going on in this country, and it’s not good. It’s not good.”
Instead of leaping headfirst into the ensuing conflagration, here are the three top comments from the video page instead:
P. Dillard: Holy sh**, Trump is right. I never would have thought I would say it, but Trump is right. What the f*** is going on in this election?
J. Trohoski: Trump is pandering to Berners in a blatant effort to attract them if Bernie doesn’t get nominated.
This is just a taste.
If Clinton is nominated, it will fracture the Democratic party and Trump will use her nomination as further evidence of corruption.
And he’d be right.
Which scares the hell out of me.
Interestingly, a Trump Presidency might unite us unlike ever before; Republicans and Democrats working together to oppose a fascist.
A. Poole: If Bernie gets cheated out of the nomination, im voting for Trump. At least hes not a murderer and a traitor like Clinton. I say we hand the keys over to Trump and watch this country fall apart/crash and burn. Maybe in 2020 or 2024 people will wake the f**k up.
Sources: Now This, NY Post
This article (Donald Trump Sides with Bernie Sanders: “It’s a Corrupt Deal Going on in this Country”) is a free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author(CoNN) and AnonHQ.com.
How are they going to be versatile when clintons are in AGAIN ! very corrupt .
It’s all smoke screen the sheep just keep playing right into it, none of it is reliable they’ll put in power whoever best suits the agenda of the real power which is those that control the money, regardless of your votes or ideals, the true powers could care less which puppet they place on his or her temporary throne, and you shouldn’t either, they won’t effect change because they have no control, they won’t save your economy because they have no control, one muppet to the next and the show goes on.
I’ve been saying the same as A. Poole for months now, and I mean it. Trump doesn’t stand a chance against Bernie, but against Hillary I would see Trump win the presidency.
And to those of you looking to move to Canada should Hillary or Trump be elected, do your research first. Trudeau is a great change of pace for the country, but things there aren’t as easy peasy as one might think.
I agree (from Canada). It’s all relative, “the grass is always greener” wherever you water and take care of it.
I say keep that vigilant American Freedom spirit alive! … get the power back to the people, through non-violent protest & online petitions (embarrassment) and bring your wonderful country back to democracy…. over time. …. Godspeed Neighbours!!