Knowing your full rights saves you from many troubles with the law enforcement agencies, especially the police, who recently have taken the law into their own hands across the United States.
Being stopped by police can be a particularly stressful experience. An innocent individual can easily get tricked into self-incriminating themselves, as the police officer badgers and pries for information. The police nowadays, are always looking for ways in which they can charge innocent people.
It is said that many innocent citizens have been imprisoned or suffered some consequence, simply because they answered questions from law enforcement officers, which they should have refused to answer.
Legal luminaries, advise that it is very important for every citizen to understand that the 5th Amendment of the United States Constitution, protects the innocent more than the guilty. And that is where you have the upper hand. During interrogation by law enforcement officers, you are not guilty yet. A court of law has to decide that.
Therefore, knowing how to assert your rights is not only a good way to prevent you from being unlawfully kidnapped or caged, but it is also a successful catalyst for change, when applied on a large enough scale.
In the video below, activist-Kenny Suitter, shows how to properly remain silent during police interactions. It is as simple as stating, “I do not answer questions”.
From the famous Supreme Court of the United States ruling in Salinas v. Texas, you are now expected to know that you have a right against self-incrimination, and unless you specifically and clearly invoke this right, anything you say, or do not say, including your mannerisms at the time you stop talking, can be used against you. You actually have to say, “I do not answer questions”.
Don’t bother yourself with what kind of interrogation you are facing. Don’t also worry about whether Salina’s case applies in your particular situation. Just invoke your 5th Amendment right immediately, verbally and clearly.
Kenny advises that memorizing laws and statutes can also help you silence the police, but the best solution is to have a handy business card that states your rights for you. This is much more convenient, especially when you are under stress from a hostile police officer. There will be no need to verbally describe anything, the inscription will talk for you. Have a look at the following two examples of words you can write on the handy business card:
- “I hereby invoke and refuse to waive all of the following rights and privileges afforded to me by the United States Constitution. I invoke and refuse to waive my 5th Amendment right to Remain Silent. I invoke and refuse to waive my 6th Amendment right to an attorney of my choice. I invoke and refuse to waive my 4th Amendment right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures. If I am not presently under arrest, or under investigatory detention, please allow me to leave.”
- “Officer, I Assert My Fifth Amendment Rights As Stated On This Card. Pursuant to the law, as established by the United States Supreme Court, my lawyer has advised me not to talk to anyone and not to answer questions about any pending criminal case or any other civil, administrative, judicial, investigatory or adjudicatory matter. Following his advice, I do not wish to talk to anyone about any criminal, civil, administrative, judicial, investigatory or adjudicatory matter, without my lawyer present. I waive no legal rights, nor give any consent, nor submit to any tests or other procedures, without my lawyer present. I ask that no one question or talk to me, without my lawyer here to advise me”.
It is highly recommended that you start dealing with the police in this manner. By doing so, the abuse and the harassment commonly enacted by the police will be brought under control. Never let the police take your rights from you. It is your rights and you can invoke it, at any point in time, when facing hostility from the police.
You can follow the featured link to download the PDF version of these statements, so you can easily put one on your handy business card. http://www.assertrights.com/Statement%20if%20Stopped%20-%20Assert%20Rights_10-copies.pdf
And the video below will also show you the effectiveness of these statements on your handy business card. Watch it carefully. It may help you one day.
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I hand them my ID and never say anything,get my ticket and go to court
Also, “Am I being detained?” “Am I free to go?” And, if necessary, “I do not consent to searches.”
That’s all well and good,but where I’m from “I don’t answer questions”and “Am I free to go”,will get you an ass beating and an unfree trip to jail!Then you have to answer to the judge.I wish any of that was true with the shit cops in jeffco mo.!It’s just not..
Crooked towns make there own rules then send you to a crooked judge. Same thing in the south.
“… is there anyone here that answers questions? I dont answer questions. uh I dont know how to respond to that sir…” lol
Molly, that is why so many people are saying “FTP!” Or “Film The Police.” There are many devices that will hold your smartphone, and there are apps that will stream the video as it happens so if the cops steal and destroy your phone, the video will be beyond their grasp. Stand Up! Ftp! As long as they are allowed to victimize you, they will continue to do so.
What’s bull shit though, is more times than not if you tell an officer “I don’t answer questions” or something of that nature. They treat it like you’re hiding something and generally don’t care what you say. I have tried to not talk and it ends up with them basically saying, talk or I’m taking you to jail… For no reason. What do you do in a situation like that? They are usually more forceful than what’s shown in this video.
What’s bull shit though, is more times than not if you tell an officer “I don’t answer questions” or something of that nature. They treat it like you’re hiding something and generally don’t care what you say. I have tried to not talk and it ends up with them basically saying, talk or I’m taking you to jail… For no reason. What do you do in a situation like that? They are usually more forceful than what’s shown in this video.
Thank God I am not living in Merica!