Video: The Meat You Should Never Eat


Most people are aware that ground beef contains meat from hundreds of animals, sometimes from different parts of the world, however when we go to the store and pick a prime-cut steak, the last thing we would expect is that the same methods are applied. Thanks to a special technique used by U.S. butchers (it’s banned in other countries), you might find yourself rethinking meat.



What is Meat Glue?

Meat glue is an enzyme called transglutaminase, which is naturally found in blood plasma, however some are produced through the cultivation of bacteria’s as well. One’s first reaction to the idea of using meat glue is perhaps revulsion, however, these same enzymes are found in meat anyway.

The problems with meat glue are that it is being used to deceive people, and more importantly, it creates a greater risk of bacterial contamination. U.S. meat is routinely tainted with pathogens, and some strains are resistant to antibiotics. These pathogens can be found on the surface of meat, and they are killed when the meat is cooked, however meat that has been glued together can hold these pathogens within, and if that meat is cooked rare, it can present a potential health hazard.

While meat glue may not be as notorious as “pink slime,” it’s still a scandalous practice if a company is cutting corners and using cheaper cuts to make a product look like something it isn’t. Not only that, it presents a danger when it isn’t prepared in a proper manner. For chefs who are trained to use meat glue, it may not be an issue, but it could potentially be risky for those who cook at home.

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Mercola, M.D.. Mercola. May 4, 2011. (–why-you-need-to-know-and-avoid-this-dangerous-process.aspx#!)

Philpott, Tom. Mother Jones. May 7, 2015. (

SharePowered. 2015. (


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    • and dogs as pets isnt allowed.
      sex with children and slaves is fine, its not even gay if its a male slave.. so i guess its the religion for sickos.

      also, pigs are cool animals. dogs are even better.

      • please sir , you may need to know more about this religion , because what do you think about it isnt true ! thanks for understanding

      • Actually dogs as pets are allowed (check up on the rules where this is allowed)… sex with children isn’t (you’re confusing this with activities that occur in the US and European countries and Asian sub-continent), ‘slaves’ is a misconceived word – when you consider that 90% of US products are made in China or sweatshops or child labour camps where wages are less than 1$ a day, so again it’s the US and Europe that use slaves, being gay is prohibited in all religions but the sicko US and European societies promote it. So Gavin boy, who’s the SICKO???

    • There are now Christian terrorist groups, and people here eat pigs, even when the bible tell you not to do that, and it didn’t changed in the new Testament. The book of Genesis calls for a vegan diet, but no Christian care to listen because it isn’t convenient. PS
      All organized religion sucks, no race is better than the other. And unless you are vegan you don’t have the right to bitch at other people for eating a certain animal you might see as a pet.
      Go vegan or shut up ya’ll!

  1. Go vegan or shut up!
    Just because you kill pigs (which God forbade in the old testament and never changed in the new) doesn’t make you better than someone in other culture eating dogs. You are both assholes that murder innocent animals for pleasure.


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