It’s a weapon that has been routinely used since the Cold War era. Exploiting the refugee as a weapon during war time is nothing new, according to Research Fellow of Belfer Center’s International Security Program, and Associate Professor at Tuft’s University, Kelly M. Greenhill, as she explores the manipulation of population during wartime.
The research paper “Strategic Engineered Migration as a Weapon of War,” published in volume 10 of Civil Wars explores the historical context and current day situation. Using statistics and analysis, Professor Greenhill provides a setting and type of identity most likely used. As unconventional as this move is with policy for anyone considering it, there also carries a massive risk of retributive cost.
Professor Greenhill has also penned ‘Weapons of Mass Migration: Forced Displacement, Coercion, and Foreign Policy,” and several other research publications and books. She tackles the tough questions, with sometimes surprisingly frightening results in her data.

In “Weapons of Mass Migration”, she shows “both how often this unorthodox brand of coercion has been attempted (more than fifty times in the last half century) and how successful it has been (well over half the time).”
The “coercion by punishment” involving mass migration can be achieved in two ways: “the first relies on straightforward threats to overwhelm a target’s capacity to accommodate a refugee or migrant influx; the second, on a kind of norms-enhanced political blackmail that exploits the existence of legal and normative commitments to those fleeing violence, persecution, or privation.”
In other words, by swamping a country with refugees, neighboring states can achieve the upper hand through state-to-state coercion, and is usually enacted by a generally already weakened nation against (usually) a liberal democracy.
As we have witnessed in the last few months with Syria, Germany, and other EU states, the unlikely weapon may have been enacted again.
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Once upon a time, in a rare moment of candour, Tony Blair confessed that an inflow of migrants could be used to alter the culture of a host country. Whether or not he was chastised by his superiors for this confession we may never know. Since our illegal Iraq. Afghanistan Libya and Syrian wars the consequent flood of refugees from the Middle East has illustrated just how true his observation was.
It is quite obvious to most of us by now, just how easily our movers and shakers can design and market ideas, whether they concern Man made global warming, Islamic Terrorism or merely the thrill of buying brand new jeans with the knees and backside already scrubbed threadbare. In the case of the Islamic Extremist and their Anti-Mussi counterparts, the targeted populations would appear to primarily include disgruntled youth desperate to gain recognition and self-esteem as demanded by the emotional traumas of puberty.
Unlike world-war one and two, it would seem that WW3 is intended to be less traditional. The idea that combatants should face each other across a real or imagined front-lines, each dressed in distinctive uniforms and accompanied by brass bands is no longer appropriate. The New War that is intended to precede our formal introduction to the New World Order is to be fought on innumerable streets, in multiple countries. A series of civil wars in fact, of the dehumanizing hand to hand kind we now witness in Syria etc.
To facilitate the required conflict in otherwise stable European countries, the present ‘refugee crisis’ has been engineered to result in the further alienation of religious and racial groups. As correctly predicted, in spite of the desperation of those escaping from areas of conflict and the sympathies of the receiving hosts, the increasing pressure on already underfunded services as feared or felt by the existing populations, together with a little encouragement from the Mainstream Media is resulting in growing tensions and mounting aggression.
It is long past the time when we, the rank and file, should wake up and start to respond to these Elitist provocations in unexpected ways. If we chose, our designated enemies could no doubt become valued friends with whom we could work together to defeat the psychopathic ambitions of our undeclared but mutual enemy.