White Flag for Brussels in Strasbourg


“Même si la violence est toujours restée un outil privilégié dans le développement de nos civilisations, en tout temps, des voix se sont levées pour la paix. Souvent ces tentatives d’apaisement restèrent vaines et ignorées mais nous croyons toutefois qu’elles ont toujours participé à un certain équilibre. Ce geste, en soutient aux attentats de Bruxelles n’est pas une reddition mais un symbole pacifique en réponse à l’escalade de la violence.”

You may not be able to translate this, but in essence, it is saying that although violence has remained a key tool in the development of civilization, and is sometimes needed to maintain a balance, the white flag is not a symbol of surrender, but a peaceful response to the escalation of violence that we have seen in recent times in Paris, Brussels and the rest of the world.

Risking their life and arrest, this man has climbed the steeple of the Strasbourg Cathedral to hang the symbolic white flag for all to see. Perhaps, we are witnessing the starts of a resistance movement; something the likes we have not really seen in Europe since early 20th century history. The citizen is taking matters into their own hands, conveying a feeling of the governments’ of the world failing to give us the peace we crave.

Perhaps if a citizen of every nation were to do the same in their country simultaneously, a strong message would be sent. A silent, but strong message, not to be ignored that the people of this world have simply had enough.

This article (White Flag for Brussels in Strasbourg) is a free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author AnonWatcher and AnonHQ.com.


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