White House Race: C-SPAN Exposes Clinton Campaign Team Engaging In Voter Fraud In Iowa [Video]


The race to the White House, the Presidential seat of the United States of America kicked off in the state of Iowa on February 1.

The Grand Old Party (Republican) and the Democratic Party presented their candidates to their respective caucuses to decide which candidate gets the nominee to contest in the 2016 Presidential election.

Before the vote in Iowa, political pundits predicted that Donald Trump (Republican) and Hillary Clinton (Democrat) were the favorites in the contest.

However, voters proved the pundits wrong. Trump was completely beaten by Ted Cruz on the Republican side. Trump conceded defeat and promised to do better in the next caucus. For Cruz, it is a victory that is sending a warning to all Americans. He said “Iowa has sent notice that the Republican nominee and the next President of the United States will not be chosen by the media, will not be chosen by the Washington establishment”.

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However, as the Republicans chose their preferred candidate without any acrimony, on the Democrat side, it was chaos, allegations and counter-allegations.

Even before the Party officially could announce the winner of the contest, the so-called frontrunner; Hillary Clinton had issued a statement, proclaiming victory for herself.

CNN published a statement from the Hillary campaign team that said “Hillary Clinton has won the Iowa Caucus,” the Clinton campaign said. “After thorough reporting — and analysis — of results, there is no uncertainty and Secretary Clinton has clearly won the most national and state delegates.”


Meanwhile, as at the time of issuing this statement, all the results from the state were not ready. The Iowa Democratic Party headquarters told CNN after Hillary’s victory statement that the party was not ready to make a call on the contest. Party chairman, Andy McGuire said “The results tonight are the closest in Iowa Democratic caucus history. We will report that final precinct when we have confirmed those results with the chair.”

As this confusion was ongoing, with Hillary wanting to be declared winner at all cost, then another allegation emerged.


A video released by C-Span pointed to voting fraud by the Hillary team in the waning hours of the election. The video showed Hillary caucus chairman, Drew Gentsch and precinct captain, Liz Buck allegedly not conducting an actual count of Clinton supporters, seeming to deliberately mislead the caucus at precinct #43 in Des Moines, Roosevelt High School.

According to explanation accompanying the video, the final delegate count finished with Hillary receiving five delegates, and Bernie Sanders pulling four delegates. It is said multiple rounds of voting took place, as the head count changed from round to round, which raised questions from those in attendance.


It was assumed by chair Gentsch that the voter difference was due to a few people that left the building before the second round began. And the question is whether there were really 456 total people present for the second round of voting. That was not clear. It was confirmed that the Hillary team did not perform a recount of all of her supporters during the second round of voting.

But the Bernie counters recounted everyone, while the Hillary counter was literally recorded telling someone else that she only added newcomers to the count she had before, and when she was asked if she recounted everyone, she lied to the organizer and said “Yes.”

This means that if anyone left the caucus site who was supporting Bernie, then they were removed by Bernie’s re-counters, but any Hillary supporter who left the caucus site was treated as though they were still there for the purposes of the recount. Thus, artificial inflation of her numbers occurred unless everyone who left was a Bernie delegate, on top of the Hillary campaign surrogate lying to an election official to cover up her (negligent at best, malicious at worst) mistake.

Free Thought Project reports that this malicious or negligent counting likely went on at many more precincts. According to even the Washington Post reporter, John Wagner, the results from 90 precincts simply went missing.

After all these dubious incidents surrounding the contest, it ended that Hillary could not secure a win as she had earlier claimed. A coin had to be tossed to decide who the winner is. And that is how Hillary, with all the money and support she received from corporations emerged as the winner in Iowa.

Despite everything, Bernie has sent a strong signal. The next caucus will be in New Hampshire on February 9. Bernie is hopeful that he will secure victory. The situation now in the Democratic Party is unpredictable. Bernie is turning the table around.

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  1. I don’t think Bernie voters need another reason to distrust Shillary or her campaign. She is as dishonest and vile as they come. She is all flash and no real substance. She sure can shoot the bull with the best of them. There is a video out there with Elizabeth Warren before she became a Senator. In it she describes just how slick and slimy she really is.

  2. Finally, a well written paper documenting the (all) events affecting the count between Bernie & The Shrew. C-SPAN’s video clearly identifies several opportunities to alter a vote. I can’t fathom the reason for a multi-hour caucus sessions in this day and age of instant electronics. Something to consider is if Microsoft (Rubio’s #2 contributor) supplied voter software (a conflict of interest for everyone except Microsoft & Rubio) was speculated to have been a “reason” for Rubio’s exceptional performance (more fraud). I do not know if this software was generalized or party specific, but if there is a case of electronic fraud on the Republican side, one could pose it affected how Democratic votes were also distributed.

  3. Question. What is with a show of hands? By all means keep people there for a recount but what ever happened with a pen and paper ballot? Everyone comes in, everyone is shown the empty boxes and they are locked and everyone watches the count. done unless there is a tie and then obviously either a recount or coin toss as per pre-arranged rules. How hard can it be. Australia has the best voting system when comparing to the US what with each side counting hands, and that ridiculous chad thing that beat Gore in the winners brothers state>>>>Is there any integrity in the US at all?


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