Why is Russia destroying food…?Why is Russia destroying food…?via NowThis
Posted by March Against Monsanto on Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Russians have destroyed over 3 tonnes of food in a couple of days. Just because it was “illegally” imported from Western producers. Putin banned meat, seafood & dairy products from the U.S., Canada & Europe as revenge for sanctions imposed on Russia over their invastion of Ukraine. Memo to Putin: Roughly 1 in 9 people worldwide are going hungry. And about one-third of all food produced is never eaten. But hey, Russia is playing (politics) with it’s food.
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If I had a choice I wouldn’t eat this GMO garbage either, they aren’t throwing it away they are taking out the trash.
you do have a choice,buy from local farmers you know and trust!
All these responses are comical!!! Why was it good enough for all you Russians to eat last year, then???Huh???? Face it- your leader Putin is an asshole. He would rather see all of you starve. He doesn’t give a shit about you. I just think it’s funny our food has been good enough for you all these years… but now, and only now, after we sanctioned your evil leader, he brainwashed you all to think our food is bad. Lol. And you guys actually believe it!! Lol. I think dumb and dumber was modeled after russia. Lol. You guys are complete brainwashed idiots. Think about it. You are fucking brainwashed. Putin just starved millions of people and yet you think it’s okay and defend him!! Can you say BRAINWASHED!!!!
OMG JANNETE WHEN UR KID BORN WITH CANCER/Syndrome Down then come back to call us brainwashed u are the one who have been brainwashed to the very bone!!!! u are the biggest sheep i ever see on internet u should immediately suicide that would be great for mankind!!!! ROLF
Ur on point!!! Totally agree.. we in uk are also supplied the same posion!
@asd are you fucking right in the head mate?
Wow…commit suicide for feeling pity for the Russian citizens.I don’t understand your reasoning. And according to your logic, then every single child born in America would be born with cancer or down syndrome…do you really see that happening? I don’t understand your logic. Oh, did you see/ read the story published yesterday about the woman in China growing a HORN on her head, which doctors can’t explain. What the fuck is she eating. Don’t see that happening in America. You should recalculate your logic. And don’t be such an asshole. Even though I hate putin,and don’t particularly care for the Russians following him…but I would never wish death on anyone. We are fucking all human beings living in this world!!! Everyone has the right to live and live their lives to the fullest! ! That’s why I pity the Russians so much…your leader is preventing you from a good life. But you wouldnt know about that, seeing how you’re so brainwashed. Freedom of speech is illegal in russia, you have no idea the good life you are missing out on. I am a proud American and enjoy my freedom every fucking day. Best of luck to you!!!!
Youvare brainwashed into thinking that your government cares about you. Did you know that many US FDA approved food products are banned in the European Union as nit fit for human consumption. Because it contains poisones that you guys eat every day. Do you get that? Can YOU say BRAINWASHED?
And Putin is not better or worse than any of your politicians. You are just brainwashed into thinking that way.
And by the way the whole wirld thinks dumb and dumber was modeled after an average US citizen. Everybody’s laughing at you. It’s also true that everybody’s afraid if you, but nobody respects you.
Before you start calling out stupid, look at the mirror
Ana did I ever say that my politicians are fucking saints??? I know republican Americans are evil greedy war mongers. Most of America knows that. We are not brianwashed. We see exactly what’s going on. But putin is the epitome of evil. He couldn’t care less about his people. At least our government acts like they care and give poor people food stamps, welfare, medi-cal. Hell, we even give it to illegal immigrants….that’s how much we care about human life. Is there corruption though??? Of course! Show me one country without corruption and you would be world renowned for identifying life on another planet. Because there is no country on Earth without corruption. Russia just happens to be the best at corruption. Nothing to brag about though. Some rims being the best at something…isn’t always the best.
It’s funny how u call Russia dumb but you yanks are the fuckn dumbest people going around… I watch a doc’o with this pommy dude going around and asking you’d stuff… Half of you’s couldn’t even draw a map of your own country…. How pathetic is that!!! Walked up to ramdons and asked them where is grate wall of China is and they had to stop and think about it… You’s ain’t that grate…. Just self obsorbed wankers that like to stick there nose where it don’t belong… Like your government flying planes into buildings… Yeah top notch USA you’s are so good ??
Almost as pathetic as the dumb Russian girl trying to take a selfie holding a gun to her head and then pulls the trigger instead of snapping the picture. That parhetic, right? Dumb idiot. I think Americans are intelligent enough to know the difference between a trigger and snapping a picture. Fuck off with your ignorance.
DO you ever been in Russia?If you would been there 10 years ago and now, you would knew the diference, what “asshole putin did in this country”. it seems like you are afraid of Russia and Putin, nothing alse!
Uhhh, nope . Not afraid at all. Actually quite the opposite. I feel pity for the ignorant people of russia. 10 years ago russia was great, my husband has told me many stories how wonderful it was. 10 years later they are all living in poverty. Starving and trying to flee. What’s so great about that???
Putin is a smart asshole.
What he’s doing is called provocation, Putin is a very shrewd Person, he definly knows what he does.
‘just saying’
Exactly! Prova cation at the expense of his own people. How is that great? Putin could care less about his people…you are all disposable to him. Putin=Evil. He has done nothing for your country. We as outsiders can see that. I guess it’s hard for you Russians to see be a use you can not see the big picture as we can. Kremlin propaganda prevents you from knowing the truth. Us outsiders see EXACTLY what’s going on within your country…and I have news for you….it’s not good.
Hahaha an American calling someone brainwashed :L
Agreed putin is abit of a cock but your country is run by a tyrant and a majority of yall follow him like the good little sheep you are
See, I knew you could do the sheep call. you little sheepie!!! Lol.
I agree. Frankenfood’s best accomplishment is its destruction without ingestion.
It was all GMO food grown by the US, not fit for human consumption. He did his people a favor by not feeding them poison.
Another one bites the dust!!! Another casualty to brainwashed-ism! So sad. Russians had so much potential. Now you guys are the laughing stock of the world. You guys have morphed into complete idiots. Step away from the vodka russia- and wake up. Your leader couldn’t care less about you.
Obvious spam troll is obvious. In reality however I live in the united states and no we aren’t the greatest in the world hell were not even top ten anymore but nobody is perfect. The government in the us is being bribed by corporations like monsanto and the like and I can respect Putin’s decision to ban western foods because they are poison.
Really? How are you still alive then writing this post if you’ve consumed pioson?? Hmmmmm. Something doesn’t add up. Why aren’t you dead?????????
… Americans are the laughing stock of the world BTW
You are the only one brainwashed around here, Jeannette.
Russia invaded Ukraine? What are you talking about?
Our crazy zionist government with Putin decided to destroy food. This is strange shitty idea. But maybe they are trying to fight vs Monsanto?) What do you think about that?
Like US invaded Iraq for their oil?? Coz you greedy cunts drained your resources n sold them at high arse price Then the Arabs end up under cutting you dumb fucks so u try and take their’s… Wish I would still be alive in 150 years coz US is gonna be fucked…. It’s starting to happen now coz you’s have got nothing to trade…. Nothing to trade no $$$$ Drained your natural resources coz of greed…
Anyone who fights Monsanto will have the universe itself by their side.
The U.S. and anyone who supports their toxic monopoly will Fall.
God knows what the US genetically modified food breach. It may have even been poisonous food, plus supporting USA in any form is bad. I boycott American and Israeli food. I don’t blame Putin. Leave him alone, he works against Zionism and he knows best.
All these responses are comical!!! Why was it good enough for all you Russians to eat last year, then???Huh???? Face it- your leader Putin is an asshole. He would rather see all of you starve. He doesn’t give a shit about you. I just think it’s funny our food has been good enough for you all these years… but now, and only now, after we sanctioned your evil leader, he brainwashed you all to think our food is bad. Lol. And you guys actually believe it!! Lol. I think dumb and dumber was modeled after russia. Lol. You guys are complete brainwashed idiots. Think about it. You are fucking brainwashed. Putin just starved millions of people and yet you think it’s okay and defend him!! Can you say BRAINWASHED!!!!
you’re assuming all that support the destruction are Russian… aren’t you one brainwashed puppy
And another one gone…
They throw out western food because of gmos not because of sanctions, someone should probably do their research before posting atuff.
And another one gone…..
Filhotes de batatas :/ Serão jugados severamente diante Deus
hey the big retailers in Europe and US are destroying more and waisting even more…no say in that?
that doesn’t justify any thing! you may be right, and all of you have a point and have some truth in it. it may be emotionally or political, but like “Anonymous” guy said, which he is right about it
“Russia invaded Ukraine? What are you talking about?
Our crazy zionist government with Putin decided to destroy food. This is strange shitty idea. But maybe they are trying to fight vs Monsanto?) What do you think about that?”
it is a fucking retarded idea to throw any food out just like that!! i know some the food may not be the safest, but those who are affected by our situation got 2 choices, either eat what we are about to throw out and go to bed on full stomach, or they could say no bc of the health issue and go to bed on empty stomach and don’t know when they’ll eat plenty of food again, so why not give THE PEOPLE the freedom of choice. give them the truth and knowledge.
We should be 100 % ecology, but as our current situation we are only started to go for it, so all of us have a long way, not just Asia, EU, USA or Russia. we all have to drop GMO, and give it to those who really needs it, and then WE HAVE to invest in ecology, and in some year we can offer even poor countries our ecology or educate them in how to be self-sustained.
remember that it’s still food, it can save lives and something have been giving up for the food, either animals, plants or human rights. all that would be wasted if we just burned it, instead of give it to those who can use it and will use it.
let this be a reminder to all, less food we throw out, more food there is to share. all countries should focus on that subject. avoid wasting food, and not to be mean but ppl who weigh over 100 pounds, should take it easy with food so they don’t eat way too much. but then again, they shall have the right to eat all what they want and can, just a great way of showing greed and lack of control, same goes with everything from trees to animals. if we are not greedy, then the nature have plenty of resources, we just have to remember that we have responsibility to give back, what we have taken. we take a tree, we plant a new tree 😉
peace and love to y’all!
russians dont want gmo food !!!,,and 1 they can do what they want ,2 they dont want to russian population eating gmo and (food?) full of emulgators, 3,its joke when usa do this or israel or someone noone cares but when russia ,you gonna shit yourself)
fyi you should learn to number your sentences better, it’s as bad as my punctuation
And another one gone…. another one bites the dust!
Youre retarded as fuck
Anonymous is a joke okay got it?
Its not you who ddos those sites its those lil 12 year old kids try to ddos and deface sites well.
Now i got it they paid you to do this lol.
Thats bullshit i agree with putin those food god knows what it includes
somekind of chemical stuff to get cancer or dunno what.
Its all about GMO u faggots u do this to earn some coins stahp u faggot.
‘are you coming out the closet?
Yeah… Russia destroy 3 tonnes of food and you make a fuss out of it.
Yet, American hypermarkets destroy 40% of its produce daily due to slight defects.
those slight defects could kill someone
This is true. Supermarkets in the U.S. throw away upwards of 30% of their perfectly acceptable produce merely because of “cosmetic blemishes” and other aesthetic problems. Not that U.S. food is any good, anyway.
Russia did right in doing this and it should continue to do so with Brutal Disregard to anyone who disagrees.
These food was smuggled in Russia and does not have the certificates of origin. The authorities do not want to poison people with unknown food. In some cases where possible it is given to animals
so true and the law of the land is the law!
It happens in other countries as well. Now that Russia is doing it as well you want us to hate on them? If your going to write about this also write about how much America wastes and how they deal with illegal items.
Wake up hqAnon (< < This articles author)
Umm…I don’t know what planet you live on, but other countries do not burn tons and tons of perfectly good food. Only russia , that know of,has done that to date. And don’t get it twisted- we don’t only hate on russia because they wasted food in a starving country- we hate on russia because they are communists, and they annexed Crimea (killing thousands of innocent people and displacing millions)…and Putin is evil. That’s why we hate on russia.
Russia didn’t burn perfectly good food, they burned toxic cancer food that they, respectfully, don’t want to feed their people! Wish I was Russian!
putin has balls!!! Match Against Monsanto Destroy them all!!! Better Hungry Than Cancer and Control The food because in the end they will made u hungry after they will control 100% of WWFood!!!! SHEEPS!!!!! PUTIN MAN WITH BALLS!!! KEEP GOING!!!!
Yeah…itty-bitty little ant balls. Putin’s a creep and an asshole. I actually feel sorry for you, you believe/brainwashed by the ‘propaganda master’. Yeah, let him keep on starving his country…let’s see how far that takes you. It’s so funny though that just last year European food was good enough for all you to eat, now he has brainwashed most that it’s not. What’s even funnier though, is it was the Russian citizens that ordered that illegal food. Obviously there are still some people in russia that don’t believe his lies… good for them!
Before anybody criticize Russia check others. What is US or Germany doing with illigal Foor at the custom. But that is way not enough. Check also what legal practice with some food. Even if you dont speak german, take a few minutes to check the real world. Important words you will understand. How is it in the US?
Russia is good.. putin is a good leader.. America is bad.. and they only crying like a baby cause russia wont lick their arse or bow dwn to their evil agenda.. and all they can do is sanction.. they really sgudnt mess with russia.. russia has a good strong head on itself!!
Lol….Russia shouldn’t mess with us!! don’t get it twisted!!!! We can kick your ass and put you in your place in a heartbeat! If putin is not careful, you will witness that first hand. Don’t fuck with the USA! We are growing VERY impatient with your leader. And we are about to show you.
Jeanette, do you take amphetamine medications? Because your insane ranting is really out of control. Get a grip, you sugar-fed, bovine growth hormone guzzling, GM junkie.
It is good that you do not represent America. None of my American friends would support your inane ranting, raving, and shouting. Take your benzos to calm down now, eh.
And they good for doing so.. its not even right to give food to another that u wudnt consume urself.. thats not being generous thats like sayin i dnt wana die from poisom but let the poor do so.. as we all know snowwhite shudnt had ate the apple!!
Keep the toxic western subterfuge cancerfood out of your glorious nation!
I don’t normally comment on things like this but sarcasm way to fucking go Russia /sarcasm. Let’s starve millions of people because you’d rather burn perfectly good food than give it to your people just because it happens to come from the US. Good move. Don’t you get that this is what triggered the fall of the Soviet Union? Of the Berlin Wall? Communism does not work, people.
Amen, Diana!!!! I was beginning to think everyone on this site was brainwashed. It’s refreshing to to sane, normal people like you. Russia is a bunch of communits that could care less about their people. I feel very sorry for all these brainwashed Russians that actually believe Putin cares about them. It’s funny how our food has been good enough for them all this time, but only when we slap sanctions on russia as, is our food poison. Lol. I can’t believe how brainwashed these sheep are. Pity. Just a pity. Hopefully we’ll take care of Putin soon enough and the Russians can finally start seeing the light again. Such a tragedy for all these starving people living in poverty there while their president burns/Detroit tons and tons of perfectly good food (which again, they we all eating up until recently ).
There only 2 ignorant people. that don’t know of Monsanto in all these comments every one in the US should know 90% of our food are GMOs and are not safe for consumption yet we still eat it like it isn’t causing cancer, autism,and other birth and health side effects people should start researching
All you guys will see the truth soon….very soon :))))))