At long last, the Israeli election is over. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has won a surprising, and controversial victory. This puts him on course for a fourth term in office as the Prime Minister of the nation of Israel.
His Likud party will control 30 seats in the 120-member Knesset. The Zionist Union opposition placed second and will have 24 seats. A united list of Arab parties came third with 13 seats. But the issue at stake here is not about the statistics or voter’s turnout. It is about the long standing conflict with their brothers-the Palestinians.
In Netanyahu’s final push in his campaign, towards the end of the election, he had vowed to oppose an independent Palestinian State. Political analysts say he has reneged on his nominal endorsement of a two-state solution, which he had subscribed to in 2009 when he was new in office.
He had also vowed to expand the illegal West Bank settlements, and to make matters worse, pleaded with his supporters to come out and vote in their numbers to suppress Arab voters whom he described as dangerous.
“Right-wing rule is in danger. Arab voters are streaming in mass to the polling stations. Left-wing nonprofit organizations are bringing them in buses. Go out to the polling station, bring your friends and family, and vote Likud, in order to close the gap between us and the Labor Party. With your help and God’s help, we will form a national government and protect the state of Israel’’, he said.
Many activists who support an independent Palestine State have said that Netanyahu’s final campaign message is unacceptable, and have equated it with apartheid South Africa where there was clear segregation between people of different ethnicity in a population.
The United States, who has been protecting Israel all along at the United Nations, has said it not happy with Netanyahu’s comments and has said that it is likely to review its policy towards Israel. Even the US believes that only two separate states between Israel and Palestine is the only solution that could bring peace to the region.
The US’s threats appear to have pinned Netanyahu to the ground. Mr Netanyahu told a US television network, MSNBC, that he will now support a road-map for an independent Palestine State. This is due to the backlash he has received from his own allies.
“I don’t want a one-state solution. I want a sustainable, peaceful two-state solution. But for that, circumstances have to change’’, he said in an interview.
In the next United Nations’ General Assembly, it is going to be interesting. The US has already said that had it not used its veto power to support Israel, Israel would have by now been rejected by the international community.
And now that the US is skeptical about Israel, it looks like there is going to be lots more pressure applied against Israel, in an unprecedented manner.
Meanwhile, back in Israel, the Likud party has said that Netanyahu intends to form a new government in the coming weeks. Talks are already underway with a number of right-wing parties for a possible alliance.
There is no doubt that Benjamin Netanyahu is now a more confused man than ever. There is sharp divide in Israel on the way forward with the Palestinians. Aside from that, there are economic and social issues which need urgent attention as well.
But the world cares little about these problems. What the world is concerned about is a peaceful two-state solution between Israel and Palestine. And that will be the next major agenda on the table of the UN’s next meeting. As to what the various countries will say about Netanyahu and his Likud party, we dare not speculate, but can only advise you to keep calm and follow events as it unfold. We will surely speak about Israel and Palestine again when the need arises. Expect us!