The World Advanced Saving Project (WASP), an ambitious project that was pioneered to create a means of building affordable houses, has announced it will soon start operation in Italy.
The WASP project, which was founded in 2003 by the Italian innovator Massimo Moretti, is aiming to use the latest technological invention to provide locals in poverty stricken areas with housing at a very low cost. The design team at WASP unveiled the giant printer in the city of Rieti, Italy. The device has been named the Big Delta.
The device stands roughly 40 feet tall, with a 20 foot diameter. Engineers said despite its size, the printer is extremely efficient and uses less watts of power. Its oversized design allows it to quickly and easily print low-cost houses out of common mud. Housing experts said the future of affordable and sustainable housing may lie with such 3D printers.
The device, according to the expert designers, will be a very effective and important tool during relief emergency situations that require shelter solutions, such as earthquakes, Tsunamis, hurricanes and other related disasters.
According to a press statement that WASP released before the printer was put on display, the printer will help accommodate an estimate of 4 billion people worldwide. The company is aiming to reach this goal by the year 2030.
“Building Big Delta is much more than a dream come true if we consider that, by 2030, international estimates foresee a rapid growth of adequate housing requirements for over 4 billion people living with a yearly income below $3,000. The United Nations calculated that over the next 15 years, there will be an average daily requirement of 100,000 new housing units to meet this demand,” the statement said.
The company also emphasized that it can achieve it’s goal of housing 4 billion people, by using mud as their locally-sourced material. If successful, the use of mud will cut construction costs significantly and may even reduce them to zero.
The Inhabitant reports that although many 3D printers use cement, WASP chose mud because of its low environmental footprint, local availability, and natural insulating benefits.
People who have seen the device on display have spoken about its amazing shape, adding that they hope it will help make the earth a comfortable place for people who are finding it difficult to find a lasting solution to their housing problem.
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this is extremely misleading. they are not supplying housing to anyone no more than they are 3D printing houses.
These ‘humanitarians’ rather elite are trying to make the world love them by putting people into quickly formed MUD HUTS and nothing more. where does all the mud come from? what type of foundation does it sit on? what about plumbing and other amenities? people just accept it as a wonderful idea. how much is it ultimately going to cost?
So, you see, they are not housing anyone! they are just throwing up a ‘mud hut’ and saying this is a house – LIVE IN IT!!!!!
would they live in a mud hut? would you?
Would you rather live in a mud hut or in a tent? Read it again.
“The device, according to the expert designers, will be a very effective and important tool during relief emergency situations that require shelter solutions, such as earthquakes, Tsunamis, hurricanes and other related disasters.”
May be you missed this bit:
” …the printer will help accommodate an estimate of 4 billion people worldwide. The company is aiming to reach this goal by the year 2030.”
What’s up with this “CASH CODE” Pop UP Window SPAM?
YES< it's a WONDERFUL IDEA== THAT can't come soon enough with the Destruction by GOVERNMENT
AND what's the BIG IDEA for ASKING for a NAME and EMIL ADDRESS to Post?
In some parts of africa , some people live in mud huts already, and the government is forcing them out to “live better lives” in modern homes where they are now slaves to corporations to allow them to pay for rent and wtvr the new homes cost. They were much happier on their native lands, living in their mud huts and farming. Land being exploited by the gov to sell to corporations too.
I think you view point is very pessimistic and conditioned. To someone who has always live in and with the comforts of ‘amenities’ a ‘mud hut’ would be inadequate. But for someone who is living in a tent, a box, or simply beneath paper, a ‘mud hut’ is a home; a private space, with protection from the elements in which they are afforded the right to begin accumulating possessions and security. As with many progressive things in life, this may well lead to an increase in expansion of those people who will then be able to work towards a home with amenities.
There is also a presumption, in your comment, that there will be no running water or electrical. That is absurd since the article does not speak of such things at all. Both are capable of being ran as external fixtures despite the common practice to do so internally in most modern habitats. Additionally, and in lieu of, there are many ‘humanitarian’ projects to replace electrical and running water in extremely poverty stricken locations and (as the article eludes) disaster situations.
And just because you live in a 1st world country with access to affordable housing, doesn’t mean the rest of the world has the same options. There are places in this world in this 21st century where a mud hut like that would be a luxury.
I agree with you. The others commenting dont get how poor countries are exploited by the bankers and how these countries are stuck into poverty because they can’t buy oil needed to build their communities because they have no way of earning the global reserve currency, the US dollar. Without that dollar they cant advance and are kept in poverty and war which the rich nations then use to their advantage to further decry the need for a world gov to save them. Its a load of crap. We could have had a global utopia long ago but the super rich want absolute control over the globe and its resources and they don’t give a flying crap about the people who live below means.
that depends.. if it’s the choice between mud hut and the streets… I’d probably chose mud hut.. ^^;
Just because we live in a first world country we assume that all people should live like we do. In some parts of the world that is just not possible at the moment. The article says people who make $3,000 or less a year. Mud brick huts are very common in many parts of the world. This design and easy of production could help many people. You
The majorit of the world population live in some form of an earth made home. Mud hut, cob, adobe, and im sure many other version exisit and many are some of the worlds oldest structures still in use. There is a place in India the has 6 + story buildings made from sand clay and straw. Thousands of homes throughout Europe have been standing for over 200 yrs. Pubs, homes,farms all still in use. Show me a home made these days that will last 100 yrs without major upkeep or renos? Will never happen
☆ correction ☆ The major part of the population
Stop the indians,africans,south americans,asians,arabs,gypsies ,cenral america and to produce babies like chikens…act like humans with brain not like rabbits!
Europeans on other hand dont make babies anymore…Ireland and Turkey are the only ones!
So,this cultures and country all over the world should enjoy the future Shity Life coming soon on our Screens…Fucking like rabbits with no brains and crying like idiots to God for help…