Activists 3D Print A Gun In Front Of State Capitol Building


To draw attention to their stand on gun rights, a group of activists, Come And Take It Texas, or CATI, 3D printed a gun right outside the Texas State Capitol building in Austin early this month. Motive of the protest was to push lawmakers to relax open-carry gun laws. The group used a small CNC device, the Ghost Gunner, which uses 3D printed parts, and is capable of manufacturing a gun.


The Ghost Gunner, made by Austin-based Defense Distributed, is capable of machining a receiver for the AR-15, America’s most wanted gun. Defense Distributed is the parent company of the ‘Wiki Weapon Project’ that intended to share open-source blueprints for 3D printed guns, allowing anyone with the right equipment to manufacture a firearm at home. In 2013, Defense Distributed 3D printed world’s first plastic gun, The Liberator.

“Anybody can purchase one of these to print firearms in their own homes”, Murdoch Pizgatti, president of CATI told NBC News.

“These machines are going to get more accessible, and the government is coming in and trying to curb what is inevitable. We’re pushing for a true interpretation of the Second Amendment, which is ‘shall not be infringed’,” he told The Dallas Morning News.

Texas is one of only six US states where citizens are not allowed to openly carry handguns. The group is backing Bedford Republican Jonathan Stickland’s bill on open-carry aimed at loosening the state’s gun laws and scraping the licensing requirement. People who have the license can legally carry a concealed handgun, but the public display of such weapons is prohibited according to the state law.

People use 3D printers to create firearms to artwork. However, in August 2014, medical researchers for the first time applied this transformative technology to remove and replace a 12-year-old Chinese boy’s second vertebra, the bone which helps protect the spine. There are five body parts scientists can 3D print – ears, kidneys, blood vessels, skin grafts, and bones.




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  1. Great Article! The New York times editor focused on the character of Cody, instead of actually focusing on the subject matter of weapon position in the US… Didn’t like that. But great video and content non the less!

  2. The US will forever be backward in terms of gun laws.
    There should be no ability for an individual to carry a gun, without background checks and strict limits. I fail to see how you can protest against gun crime, then defend the right for citizens to own guns without records.

    • Guns dont kill people, people kill people. Guns are just this generation’s weapon. That’s like saying spears should’ve been banned. I dont understand how people like obama can be anti-gun when they are defended by people with guns. Switzerland has the lowest crime rate in the world, yet 1 in 2 citizens has a gun. Plus, what will background checks and gun registration do? Because, idk about you, but I dont remember any criminals following laws, so i doubt that they’ll worry about getting a gun legally if background checks and registration become present.

        • If someone really wanted to kill someone they would still get a gun. Also u do understand if are guns are taken away the government could just take away all are rights and we would be powerless to resist. If they can’t get are guns before a big economic collapse which is coming because we are trillions of dollars in debt with a communist country. Just look at nazi Germany the nazis waited for an economic collapse so they could get desperate people to believe that Jews were the problem. When the economic collapse happens there will be violence when people are desperate for money and food etc the government will tell us that are guns should be taken away so that these problems will end once that happens we could very easily turn into a dictatorship.

  3. I’m very convinced to see a change in this corrupt world due to anonymous I was watching the videos and understanding what anonymous main goal and that was to have our government not to be so corrupt and inflict better laws for the people and somewhat for the people who are afraid to talk about change. Anonymous has been for me the new revolution for this year – 2015. I adore every aspect you do to make the world a better place 🙂


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