Many political pundits in the United States and beyond have predicted that he is likely to get the nomination as the Presidential candidate on the ticket of the Grand Old Party (GOP) to battle it out in the 2016 US Presidential Elections, but this man is never out of controversy.
On immigration policies, Donald Trump has made it known if he enters the White House, he will never welcome migrants into the land with deep history of immigration. He publicly described Mexican migrants as rapists and drug cartels.
The latest controversy about Trump is that a video has been published on social media showing some hidden secrets of the billionaire. The film was commissioned in 1988 by the billionaire real estate developer, Leonard Stern as the first of a series on celebrity businessmen and finished in 1991.
Back then, the only way for a film to be seen was on television or in the theater and Trump threatened to sue any broadcaster, distributor or media outlets that showed the film.
The title of the film is, “What Is The Deal?” It is said that Trump’s reason for suppressing the film was that it was not “pretty to his standard,” and due to his money and influence, coupled with low technological development then, he succeeded in suppressing the film. The film was said to have been screened twice in back-to-back, standing room only showings at the Bridgehampton Community House on July 3rd, 1991. That was the day that Trump announced his engagement to his second wife, Marla Maples.
Currently, a website called TrumpTheMovie.com, has released the film with a note reading, “Now that Trump is running for president, it is time for the American People to meet the real Donald and learn how he does business. The old Trump and the new Trump? They’re the same Trump.”
In one scene in the film, Trump scolded former CNN megastar, Larry King for having bad breath. When Trump asked if anyone has ever told him that, a stunned King replied, “No.”
Other memorable moments include Tony Schwartz, co-author of Trump’s most famous book, Trump: The Art of the Deal, telling the camera the businessman would crumble without media attention, and an early Jonathan Alter speaking from a cluttered miasma complete with a prehistoric Apple computer… and that’s just in the first 10 minutes.
In addition, one of the interesting issues which were subjected to close scrutiny in the film is about the fortune of Trump. It became known as, “Does Trump really have as much money as he says he does?”
The producer, Libby Handros, told Mic in an interview about the film that the film was made during a time when Stern was trying to re-brand himself as a media magnate, and that he has been holding the film from the public for too long.
“I have been sitting on this film for 25 years. I figured someday it would be worthwhile. That totally freaked Donald out. There were three networks …you didn’t have to do much to get broadcasters scared,” Handros said.
You can watch the full 82 minutes video above. It will help you to make your own judgment about the person wanting to lead one of the world’s most powerful countries.
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You are so stupid! Yet anonymous is becoming bullshit! Rather lets just say you have fallen into mainstream and is no Bette Ethan what you was suppose to uphold the people. You are such idiots we now have ads on these articles and you want to pull out someone’s past but you know what that is what made him and all of us the things we have done in our past to see a better way. First you cannot buy someone with money unlike our past presidents and even in office this country is in such a financial crisis I don’t see how the hell we are not in deep depression and this is why? Because of our bought and paid for officials and presidents. So you tell me you would want someone in office to be paid for by the corporations anonymous had fought from? Do you see where in going with this? Family’s has to pay for fake wars and over budgets things gets cut Medicare social security everything because those people has taken the people’s budget and stole it. So yes we need someone like trump in office to straighten it out financially anyways the president is only a puppet to a higher power. So you think we need another fkin bush in office you idiots? Either trump or Cruz the people that will stand up to bs people throw at them. If you are to stand up for people then quit trying to push them away from what they want we do not want a bush or someone who has been in the White House we want a regular person that can take control of this fkd up mess. Before we are in a damned war with Russia over an inhouse job then a fake war to take control over the oil and still fk the people at the pump. We are sick and tired of this bs from you and them if he fails which he does not have a fail record then it’s called we the people can have him removed but he will get a chance. Not a god damned thing you or the media will be able to try to convince the people I’m starting to think you are ran by the government now
I am sorry, but I didn’t understand what the fuck your point was… Did you even read the article or watch the documentary? In summary, it is highlighting how untrustworthy Trump is, his entire life he has lied to everyone he knows to better his own personal life, why then, if he is elected would he suddenly change that and become an honest and trustworthy leader who will pull America out of its problems? It isn’t saying that Bush or Clinton are who you should vote for, the article is just asking you to think before you vote, something which I wish more people did.
So I ask you, Michael, can you please re-write your comment so as to get your point across so that others can understand why you are complaining?
Hard to believe that our government has become so messed up that we are actually considering electing a buffoon like Donald Trump for president. What makes you think any president can straighten things out for the U.S. financially, or any other way, without the support of the other two branches of our government?? I’m referring to the Legislative Branch (Senate and House of Representatives) and the Judicial Branch (Supreme Court and lower Courts). Remember, the President only administers the Executive Branch. Without support from the other two branches, the president cannot accomplish much. Do you think a person like Donald Trump, who apparently lacks social skills and diplomacy, is going to be able to get the support he would need from all the congressmen and senators in the legislative branch of our government? I seriously doubt it.
Anonymous, I appreciate you posting this. And while it does tend to show a degree of untrustworthiness, I still prefer Trump simply because of his policy stances. Why can’t we discuss that? I’m sure you disagree with me on policy viewpoints, but can’t we agree character attacks are so common that they’ve lost importance?