Does the Establishment Still Have You Brainwashed?



Those at The Mind Unleashed have compiled a series of questions to test whether or not you’ve been brainwashed by the media and the establishment, a few of which we’ve provided below. Click the hyperlink above to take the full test.

As pointed out by The Mind Unleashed, an alarming number of individuals still have no idea how reality works, and “are instead engaged in fruitless fighting against each other.” The first step in helping to awaken ourselves and others is to ask the questions below.

Many of us will eventually go through our “awakening,” that period of time when our view of the world begins to focus and become clear, and the more research you put in, the more you begin to see through the veil that’s been meticulously placed over the public’s eyes. Once your mind picks up the patterns, all the lies, deceptions, and manipulations that constantly surround you will become easily recognizable, and you’ll realize you’ve spent your whole life wading through bullshit on a daily basis without ever having realized it.

If you answer ‘yes’ to any of the following questions, you may be brainwashed still:


1. Conspiracies are bullshit and that there’s no way information is being hidden from you?

2. Those at the tippy top of the power pyramid have your best interests and the earth’s best interests at heart?

3. Politicians are at the tip of this power structure?

4. Our governments are operating independently of this shadow structure?

5. Free trade agreements such as the TPP and TTIP are in the best interests of the people and not corporations?

6. Law equals ethics?

7. Personal freedom is fundamental to our legal systems?

8. Democracy is in a healthy state and therefore there’s no need for electoral and legal reform?

9. Politicians, academics, journalists and scientists are not compartmentalized and therefore can see the big picture of how the system works?

10. The mainstream media provides cutting edge information in an unbiased way that will reflect to you the truth about what’s happening in our world?


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  1. I really like this article. It makes you sit there and wonder how one lady can be present at multiple world disasters. How there is no proof of any of these logos, stories, etc changes. I remember, I am awaken. Just like many others. It may look like we are paying attention to all these little details that don’t really matter but that how we are ahead of them. We can and are aware of those little details. This makes me wonder if “dejavu” has to do with time lapses. There are so many possibilities in this world.


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