By Jake Anderson at theantimedia.org
There are few issues right now more contentious than gun control. One of these issues happens to be “false flag” operations. Actor Steven Seagal has previously sounded off on both. In an interview with RT, the action star-turned second amendment fundamentalist claimed “a lot” of domestic shootings in America were “engineered” in order to drum up support for gun control legislation.
In the video, Steven Seagal speaks forthrightly about his belief that there is a concerted effort by the government to violate our rights as part of an assault on the constitution:
“I believe in the second amendment and our constitution more than anything in the world, and I think that Adolf Hitler – for example — when he wanted to annihilate the people of Germany — the first thing he did was to take away their guns.
And the right to bear arms wasn’t just to protect the people from foreign invaders, it was to protect them from evil governments, and anyone that would violate their inherited rights as human beings.”
He continues, “I believe that, and I hate to say this, a lot of these mass murders and all this funny stuff that’s going on, I believe a lot of this is engineered.”
The conspiracy theory surrounding domestic false flag shootings conjures intense emotions on both sides. “Truthers” claim the government uses either CIA operatives or patsies controlled by MKULTRA style psyops in order to foment violence so abhorrent that Americans will be forced to embrace gun control legislation. They believe the end-game of such an insidious scheme is to disarm the general population in advance of extensive martial law or indefinite FEMA detention.
Whether any of this theory is true or not is endlessly debatable but highly unlikely. Theorists who claim every mass shooting is a government conspiracy — without providing concrete proof — detract from the documented fact that governments dopartake in conspiracies and false flag operations.
However, while the mechanism by which domestic shootings could be “engineered” is still unknown, the MKULTRA program is an established historical fact. Researchers are still uncovering CIA connections from this time period, but we do know experimental subjects included Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber.
Here is the full interview:
This article (Steven Seagal Thinks Many Mass Shootings Are “Engineered” by the Government) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Jake Anderson andtheAntiMedia.org.
a more self important asshat ive never seen, the funnest part is he thinks hes clever. in reality he has delusions of grandeur..he thinks hes a comic book super hero.
Are you kidding me? He’s speaking his mind on what he thinks an im sure alot of people think the same thing. And a comic book hero?? Please. He’s Steven fucking Seagal. Personally i hate his movies but he’s right…
Yeah because it’s really so likely that in some secret bunker 20 miles outside Washington, all the government’s highly complex, twisted, fascist takeover plans are on hold because of a band of halfwitted inbreds with machine guns standing in the way, isn’t it?
The world is laughing at America so hard and has been for 20 years+ now. It’s the only country where moronic, paranoid, delusional bedwetters like the people posting on here are seen as more manly instead of catastrophically and embarassingly less… pathetic over-compensating retards who know nothing about what it really means to be a man. Lucky the same people are so utterly ignorant of every single culture, political system and practically all of history and current affairs, or they might actually realise what a laughing stock everyone thinks they are…
Revolutions and popular resistance happen when workers lay down their tools and line up in the streets for what they believe in against the police/military/etc regardless of how many are about to be slaughtered. It’s the refusal to cooperate and being fearlessness enough to carry on marching forward unarmed in the face of bullets coming at you that brings down governments. A few rednecks will get picked off in seconds as soon as they draw their weapons, that’s the sad reality of all this utter BS all over the internet now… it’s when you’re unarmed and united that you force the police and military to make a choice between killing innocents or defecting to the side of the people that change happens… and come on let’s be fucking realistic for one second, all of these american pro-gun fuckwits, most of whom are already terrified of gays and muslims even in these times of complete peace and safety when america owns the world, would piss their pants, run away and cower in their basements, divided and conquered, without a big gun to hide behind and make them feel safe and secure and stop the paranoia eating away at their feeble little brains.
Guns are toys which a lot of people love to play with in the US, please stop these ridiculous fantasies to try and make it something more than that… the fact that there are so many people involved in this collective toddler tantum over sensible regulation of them doesn’t give any extra credence to the argument, it just makes it all the more pathetic the longer it drags on and on. All the pro-gun people need, as sad a truth as it is for so many fully grown men and women, is some good hard parenting which they clearly never had, to make them put down their toys, shut the fuck up, and go and do some colouring-in instead. And it will save 100s or 1000s of lives each year.
Clearly you’re more than an idiot Tim. It’s organized for a reason, it’s not as simple as just taking guns. It’s the governments discriminate act to violate and trample the constitution and what it stands for. Your rights and liberty to do what you will as a human being. The more it is trampled the easier it becomes for goverment to instate new regulations, new laws constricting it’s citizens to a state of almost complete vegitation where all things are no longer rights to us but owned by our government. Doing it this way makes it deceitfully ethical, makes it unquestionable unless you’re not an ignorant fool to believe it all. 9/11 was a terrorist attack, despite the overwhelming evidence that discredits much of what the media proclaims, and thus the patriot act and countless laws and provisions were inacted to supposedly manage the freedom of people by taking it and replacing it with false security as well as a undeclared war supporting both globalism and special interests. Ensuring this they did with the war hungry media. Why is the media so war hungry? Why is it necessary to falsify what is going on over there? Why did the media go so far as to censor, edit and mute the crowd applause for anti war presidential candidates Ron Paul and Rand Paul? Why was Ron Paul’s name skipped countless times in the top tier listings by Fox, CNN and other pro war media outlets considering you could clearly see his name on the screen when they read it off? The Washington machine grasps the stupidity of people to ignorantly accept what they are told, in fact they count on it so broadcast the lies they continue to do. We’ve been feed, led and comforted into a corner slowly becoming a cage rationalized by the government. And it’s all on paper, it’s all ethical. A society completely slave to it’s government is easy to manage. The depopulation quota has always been a major topic of discussion amoung big leaders. How there’s just too many people. Well a populous with no rights, no means to defend itself and completely monitored at all times. It’s easy to create slaughter scenarios and even easier to silence witnesses after all they wont have any guns and their security will be false. Many who run the show don’t even know the show, it’s called compartmentalization. Creating corperate puppets and leaders is easy under such means. Believe it or not it all comes down to the so called banking institution, the root of all evil, money. Only two presidents have ever tried to end the Federal Reserve Bank and both were shot. But of course why not believe what the media tells us instead, after all they’re out for our best interest right? This is why it is important to fight for the constitution instated to protect it’s people. It’s important to protect every single amendment not just one, these are our rights, our liberty. We the people formed the government and elected our leaders, the government is meant to be small, a mediator to overse the people not control. You can call it paranoia but time will tell the story and based on the ignorance in this world it’s slowly but surely becoming a trajic one. You should open up to this message of liberty if you really want to change this country.
Wish there was a way you and I could exchange ideas, that was a very well worded and thought out statement.
Wow. Congratulations! You win the Long-Winded Moron of the Year award. I at least hope you were drinking before you went on this idiotic rant.
Break out the Troll Spray for Jesse and his buddy Tim. . .
You just reinforced this theory. Your explanation on what it takes for people to bring down Hobbes’ all controlling leviathan is spot on. Unfortunately, due to the dumbing down of the population through political correctness and infiltrating academia to teach individualism and separatism through a subtle way of putting a label on everything and alloting privileges to the so called less fortunate by taxing and limiting prosperity for those responsible workers you speak of, the next American generation is becoming lazy, dependent, and completely divided.
The purpose is to create an us against them attitude in order to perpetuate the idea of war, which in turn creates revenue. And you are mistaken to think that this would be some small operation in a bunker. You must remember, the reason for our superior war technology comes from the defeat of Nazi Germany, in which we attained many documents on Hitler’s world wide domination. One could only logically reason that a smart government would only use such information to gain worldwide advantage and control.
You must also keep in mind that Hitler used religion and politics as the catalyst to create the division and hatred for the jews. There is a much deeper, and shall I say sinister, underlying factor influencing our world, and you would be ignorant and blind to deny it.
Don’t forget, the vatican is a country & is recognized in the U.N and other political arenas. It is one of 6 nations who hold no national debt. Though the actual country was not established until the 1920’s, the catholic institution has been in rule since 1a.d. when it created it’s stronghold in Jerusalem, and greatly influences our country.
Pick up some books and read. MKULTRA, is real. False flag operations do exist. To write off every incident as one would be preposterous and naive, but it would be even more naive to completely trust your government and believe that they could not be capable of such doings.
Well stated Robert. Stay strong and safe!
Hey Tim, moronic, paranoid, delusional bedwetters like the people posting on here … wow that’s a fairly grandiose self description of yourself you dropkick
Dear Dave,
Whatever you want to call what you just said provided ZERO contribution to anything resembling an intelligent, constructive contribution to the conversation. So, asshat, say something productive if capable of doing so or take the keyboard warrior person you are and go play in traffic. We clear?
Dear Dave, and Tim (so far)
Dave: Whatever you want to call what you just said provided ZERO contribution to anything resembling an intelligent, constructive contribution to the conversation. So, asshat, say something productive if capable of doing so or take the keyboard warrior person you are and go play in traffic. We clear?
Tim: you’re just an idiot. A gun is a tool, used in conjunction with someone with both discretion and ability. Will people who shouldn’t possess a firearm due to psychological issues or just want to watch the world burn end up with one no matter the safeguards put in place, yes. That’s an unfortunate reality. However your suggestion that someone walking into a firefight unarmed as a means of rebellion is the definition of what a “man” is, well, the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. It would be social Darwinism at its finest.
What Tim is talking about sounds a lot like what has happened in a few communist countries in the past right before unarmed citizens are shot down in cold blood or ran over by tanks, He is not smart because he is talking racist, hateful bullshit!
Tim is a moronic, system supporting, brainwashed parasite he is the part of what must be destroyed before we can return to a legal and lawful government.
Your an idiot, you dont know any history you socialist communist idiot, if you dont likenit here leave
You sound like a good communist boy speaking hate and real racism!
I’ve yet so see a buttocks cap whom values themselves as much as you, Dave. The most hilarious part is that you think you’re keen. In reality you’re a dim witted buffoon with an Oedipus complex.. You think you’re a chimney sweep.
Like you’d have the guts to block his path and say that to his face.
You got any idea what would happen to you if you tried that?
I doubt it – so I’ll tell you;
He would hear you out before deciding you weren’t worth his time….and move on.
After all’s said and done….
It’s not like he was the first Westerner to be allowed to open his own Dojo in Japan.
It’s not like only a few years ago it was discovered that quietly, for twenty years, he’d been a volunteer Deputy for his local Sherrif’s department; training others in unarmed combat and firearms – but mostly just out on patrol like any other cop
….and his home not being some mansion in a glitzy part of Hollywood, but a relatively small place in Louisiana – where his patrol is commonly through the most underprivileged areas which van be the most dangerous.
Don’t like Segal – fair enough.
Pointedly disrespecting a TRUE man like that is something else again.
“Comic book hero”…..?
He just goes out and does the job.
Dave’s a schill!!
Seagal suffers from drug dealer Reagan and mass murderer Bush AMNESIA. This guy is delusional with his ignorant comments. What a jackass!!! Anyone who agrees with this fool is a jackass too.
And your just what the government hopes
For . I’m not agreeing or disagreeing with mr seagal . But I’m sure the government counts on people just like you and Tim . To say the things you do or believe the things you do . Think about it how do we know if Tim isn’t part of the government just to keep everyone in the dark . According to you and Tim we should trust completely in the government right they would never lie . Lmao .
Dear Dave,
Whatever you want to call what you just said provided ZERO contribution to anything resembling an intelligent, constructive contribution to the conversation. So, asshat, say something productive if capable of doing so or take the keyboard warrior person you are and go play in traffic. We clear?
Perhaps, if you assessed your OWN importance on creating positive change in society, and took responsibility in what is required of you by everyone else on the planet and educated yourself, you would see exactly where Steven Seagal is actually coming from – and dare I say it – admire him for putting his money and his body where his words are . . . I’m not discounting the possibility that he is as shady as every other celebrity that has thrown their hats into the ring of political controversy, but everything he has ever said runs contrary to the machinations of the corporatocracy and their “one-world government” ambition.
While government agencies have historically NOT been above engineering acts of horrific violence to sway public opinion, most of the groups who have that kind of power have strong ties to the industrial military complex, who by their very nature, want to sell as many non restricted guns as they can get away with. If government agencies truly wanted to take away everyone’s guns, they would engineer these things a little better and bribe the appropriate politicians to get things changed.
You do realize that the military industrial complexes best buyers are foreign governments? They don’t sell guns to regular people, local business owners do….
these things have been engineered very well to the point that the appropriate politician (obama) has been pushing gun control to disarm america. The guns our people have are to protect ourselves from our government. That is why we are allowed to own firearms. By taking them away our government would then have full control to do what ever they feel like and be able to get away with it due to the fear factor of easily ending all of our lives.
“the mechanism by which domestic shootings can be engineered is still unknown”.
Using the case in Australias Sydney siege as an example. It may have been engineered by the govt in that the man was released on bail, he was being watched for a very long time, and it was all about the govt not letting him see his children. People who knew him made contact with the govt parties involved because they knew they could talk him around and surrender. The govt parties ignored their pleas and voila.
Pro gun ownership people often say “Hitler took away the German people’s guns”. Actually it was the USA and other winning Allies who took them away as a condition of the Versailles treaty in 1919. After Hitler came to power in 1933, he made it illegal for Jews to own guns, but in 1938 he restored to the rest of the population the right to own rifles and shotguns. These are the facts.
ok.. hitler did not take away the guns.. but with out the people having firearms he and the military he came in control of was easily able to start something horrific. this just proves that when people are not able to defend themselves the governments have the capability to do what ever they like…
Actually, when people talk about him taking away guns, they are referring to what he did in the countries he took over in his conquest. He would go into a country that was in dire economic circumstances, promise the people he would help them, get everyone on his side that he could, and take away gun rights, including collecting guns people already owned.
Not sure about the truth of Germany, Tom, so I’ll take your word for it.
Just watch, if he’s right some how in near future he’ll be dead in some mysterious way
He also goes on to say that, “When these places are UNDER SEIGE, the shooters believe themselves to be ABOVE THE LAW and HARD TO KILL and mostly leads to bloody EXIT WOUNDS. The EXECUTIVE DECISION of taking guns away puts us ON DEADLY GROUND, taking guns away won’t help. Look at places with harsh gun laws they just use a MACHETE instead, if people want to kill you, you will be MARKED FOR DEATH, when it comes to gun control we are all just OUT FOR JUSTICE. THE KEEPER of URBAN JUSTICE is just the BELLY OF THE BEAST where A DANGEROUS MAN becomes a MERCENARY FOR JUSTICE, SUBMERGED just below the KILL SWITCH that keeps the criminals OUT OF REACH. THE PATRIOT is DRIVEN TO KILL AGAINST THE DARK crimes perpetrated by high goverment who utilizes a FORCE OF EXOCUTION and we are just PISTOL WHIPPED by it all. A GOOD MAN waits at the DEADLY CROSSING waiting for ABSOLUTION that may never come as THE FORIGNER walks by the PRINCE OF CENTRAL PARK, we hang our heads as NOT EVEN THE TREES can see the light in the DARK DAWN and we all sit by and watch how our liberties walk INTO THE SUN.”
He also goes on to say that, “When these places are UNDER SEIGE, the shooters believe themselves to be ABOVE THE LAW and HARD TO KILL and mostly leads to bloody EXIT WOUNDS. The EXECUTIVE DECISION of taking guns away puts us ON DEADLY GROUND, taking guns away won’t help. Look at places with harsh gun laws they just use a MACHETE instead, if people want to kill you, you will be MARKED FOR DEATH, when it comes to gun control we are all just OUT FOR JUSTICE. THE KEEPER of URBAN JUSTICE is just the BELLY OF THE BEAST where A DANGEROUS MAN becomes a MERCENARY FOR JUSTICE, SUBMERGED just below the KILL SWITCH that keeps the criminals OUT OF REACH. THE PATRIOT is DRIVEN TO KILL AGAINST THE DARK crimes perpetrated by high goverment who utilizes a FORCE OF EXOCUTION and we are just PISTOL WHIPPED by it all. A GOOD MAN waits at the DEADLY CROSSING waiting for ABSOLUTION that may never come as THE FORIGNER walks by the PRINCE OF CENTRAL PARK, we hang our heads as NOT EVEN THE TREES can see the light in the DARK DAWN and we all sit by and watch how our liberties walk INTO THE SUN.”
I agree with Steven Seagal. Most of them are ‘false flag’ events.
US is a nation based on genocide of the First Nations (called “Indians “) and was built up by Slavery. So this is why guns were needed for “the free people”. Up to now this culture is full of violence, whether the government is involved or not.
I have a funny feeling that there is something to what he says though not in the way he’s saying it….that things are engineered but by an organization that makes governments look like sand box players…healthy conspiracy side speaking
Steven Seagal wins the prize for “Best painted on Hair” 2015.
another RUSSIAN propganda
hey tim, moronic, paranoid, delusional bedwetters like the people posting on here … that’s a fairly grandiose description of yourself. Gun’s will never be the problem. They are inanimate objects. It’s the dumbass holding the object that’s the problem. Change the mindset to fix the problem. Truthfully, that won’t happen anytime soon in the land of the “LOUD MOUTHS.” Yip you’re reading it, you will always hear a yank before you see them. Maybe one day when they shove a muzzle over their mouths, the brain might actually have time to think of something intelligent like solve the problem.
Doesn’t this leviathan of stupidity have a small village to eat?
I believe All that Dye he is using in his hair and his beard these days is affecting his Bird Brain.
Let me just leave this here for all you long winded yappers. Take note that the least of deaths in the USA is Gun violence. Drunk Driving kills more Americans then gun violence. http://www.snopes.com/causes-of-death-2016/
Mr. Segal, please lose weight.