Underground Military Bases do Exist


There has been rumor for decades of the U.S. Government constructing underground military bases across the country. And why not? The U.S. Government alone classifies over 500 million pages of documents each year. There is no transparency, so why not believe the rumor? We’ve got a 50/50 chance of being wrong.

Richard Dolan, a world leading researcher and writer has his own opinions on the shrouds of secrecy endemic within the U.S. Government. Dolan completed his graduate work at the University of Rochester, studying U.S. Cold War strategy, European history, and international diplomacy. Before that, he had studied at Oxford University, and had been a finalist for a Rhodes scholarship. His concerns don’t go unfounded:


“The Library of Congress adds roughly 60 million pages to its holdings each year, a huge cache of information for the public. However, also each year, the U.S. Government classifies nearly ten times that amount – an estimated 560 million pages of documents. For scholars engaged in political, historical, scientific, or any other archival work, the grim reality is that most of their government’s activities are secret.”[1]

Thanks to Dolan, Snowden, and other investigators and whistleblowers, the ‘black budget worlds’ existence was revealed. The United States has a long history of concealment, from the NSA founding in 1952 and its existence hidden until the 60s, through to the National Reconnaissance Office which was also hidden from public scrutiny for thirty years. Now the question of underground military bases beneath Washington D.C. and California’s China Lake have also gained some momentum. And the question has to be asked: Do they exist?


One man, Don Croft, claims to have listed the official whereabouts of over100 locations of underground military sites, including China Lake. However, upon interviews trying to be conducted with Croft by several people, either his internet fails or his last claim was a visit received from the FBI, and he hasn’t been contactable since. [2]

What we do know for certain:

The Cheyenne Mountain Complex is also one known location for military underground facilities. Only a few months ago, it was noted that the military were moving back into the complex after it had been abandoned for the good part of a decade. Completely refurbished, courtesy of the Pentagon’s $700 million contract with Raytheon Corporation, the site will now boast high tech communications said to be impervious to an Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMPs).[3]


Protected by 2,000 feet of granite rock, Cheyenne once again is active. Though not quite the underground military complex, the nature of it being publicly ‘out there’ makes one think if other locations are not so exposed to scrutiny.

Raytheon’s 10 year contract also involves “unspecified work” at an Air Force Base in California and Nebraska. Part of the delivery of the contract includes “sustainment services” for “unambiguous warning and attack assessment of air, missile (EMP included) and space threats.

What aren’t they telling us?

[1] Dolan, R. Our Classified World. Retrieved from http://www.afterdisclosure.com/2011/04/breakaway.html

[2] Retrieved from http://www.thetruthdenied.com/news/2012/12/14/complete-list-of-military-underground-bases-in-usa/

[3] Nye, J. (April 2015) Why IS the US military moving back into ‘Stargate’ base deep under the Rocky Mountains a decade after it was abandoned? Retrieved from [Mail Online] http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3031041/Why-military-moving-Stargate-base-deep-Rocky-Mountains-decade-abandoned.html


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