Vatican Stance on Slavery


Pope Francis, elected to his position in 2013, will be making a speech in early January, encouraging people to move away from those products produced by slave labor and to end the ‘general indifference’ that we suffer on a global scale. On face value it is an effort worth applauding, but one must wonder why such a speech will be given after Christmas.

But it is not just this speech, where the opening has been released to the public, but it is his other commentaries on other agendas involving the world’s currency and global governance that pique interest; not to mention his recent refusal to greet the Dalai Lama when he visited Vatican City in fear of upsetting political China.

Pope Francis has recently been advocating for a global currency and global governance through his unmitigated support of the UN’s role in wartime strategy. It isn’t surprising given the powers that the Vatican hold, and the ties they have with many elitists.

Yet in the very speech he is set to give in January, it is said that he will also be attacking the governments and multi-national corporations as well as law enforcement agencies, drawing attention to their shared responsibility in the exploitation of people.

The next step taken by the Vatican will no doubt be an interesting one.


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