The Dark Web – there is one famous forum for dark web users named ‘Hell.’ Unidentified hackers posted an update about the hacking of over 47 million accounts, out of which 27 million accounts are legitimate. The remaining, they claimed, were accounts created by Bots.
Hackers also managed to set their attack on the weakest point of the online dating website Mate1.com. One hacker accessed the website, hacking into themate1.com database. As per reports, they researched a sample of the hacked data provided via the ‘Hell’ forum. Most of the associated accounts with mate1.com are from Gmail, other accounts were found with spelling errors – most likely meaning that most of the users who ‘used’ the accounts never really existed.The true irony is that Mate1.com doesn’t have any special authentication for emails, or any personal information of the users while signing up.
It also means this online dating website can be used mainly for extra martial affairs. Even under aged participants can sign up for this particular website, not having to worry about their identifcations being checked; with all fake information embed on the website. The database that was hacked doesn’t hold any encryption or hashing like other websites use.
It is unknown yet on what rate the hacker sold out the database. The hacker displayed the database worth of $8700 (converted from bitcoins).
This article (Mate1.com Hacked, 27 Million Accounts Stolen, most Fake) is a free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author Legion and AnonHQ.com.
This is pretty stupid. couldnt they find a more worthy target like big corperations that actually harm people?
Why is shacking dating websites and selling the information, or as in the Ashley Madison case, blackmailing everyone so honorable???? Yes, there are people on those sites that are cheating on there spouses. Guess what, that happens in every bar in the US, on Facebook, and every other social site in the world. But, in the mean time they are also hurting innocent single honest people as well… They are not heroes, they are common fucking criminals to black mail and extort people.
Or crooked Politicians. NAMBLA members are at the top of my wish list, as well the guy that espouses rape from his Mom’s basement.
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