Crashed UFO Mystery in Deep Antarctica


A mysterious UFO in the Antarctic has received a lot of media attention worldwide recently. It’s an age old conspiracy argument of is this real, or not?

The supposed alien crash site has been captured by google imaging and posted by Valentin Degterev from Nizhny Tagil City in central Russia. He has stated that he discovered the unidentified ground object (UGO) using Google Earth online.

The image in question shows photos of what appear to be four tanks in a line facing a shadowy crack in the snow as though something has come to an emergency halt. Mr Degterev is convinced that what caused the crash is still half buried under the snow, and probably occurred at least three years ago.


But what appears to be tanks also leaves questions to be answered. Why are tanks left abandoned in the snow? Who put them there, and are they really tanks? In this day and age, anyone with access to Photoshop has an understanding of how easy an all-white image can be altered.

The satellite image used and examined was taken on February 15, 2012 and once posted by Degterev, went viral. Be it an image altered or potentially the real deal, either way, The Antarctic is a great place to hide away secrets.

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  1. I say we send people to antarctica. Maybe once it has been fully explored, we can once and for all end the debate about whether the earth is flat or a globe.

  2. Looked it up its already blocked out can’t even see the image yous have. Just a large grey path covering half the town and mountain area

  3. I’ve look at this image on Google earth recently and it looks like a mobile Base nearby and the crash mark is still there but the ufo and so called tanks are gone? Please reply you have me intrigued

  4. You can see a part of the Willies Field rd. That is the track through the snow to the local airstrip from McMurdo Station, close to Scott Base. well over a thousand people live on those two stations, some coast guard personal working the logistics and lots of civilians. There is a treaty that says that there is to be no military involvement.

  5. Look at “google earth”
    77°49’57.17″S and 166°50’37.99″E
    Fotodate 10/30/2014 – there are no “tanks” to see.
    But in the near, it seems so, there is a basis camp.
    There are a lot of “Tracks in the snow”.
    Whatever they found, it is not for our ears, Ithink 😉

    • WERNER of course it is for our ears We have every right to know what is going on in OUR world. You sound like the government. If I ever come across a ufo or someting along those terms I would tell the government but I would not tell them where it was. Give them a taste of there own shit.

  6. if there is “intelligent” life out there; they would have taken a look at us humans and decided that where really not worth the effort, and have probably moved on.

    • It’s possible that ET’s study humans like humans study animals and plant life (learning and developing from it)! Maybe ET’s study our technology and emotions? Platform or base of craft, light speed technology is the future!


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