US Tests Nuclear-capable Balistic Missile Arsenal



America has launched two nuclear-capable ballistic missile tests  off the coast of California-  tests which would have been uncomfortably visible by American citizens, who witnessed and videotaped  its launch and explosion. More uncomfortable for American citizens was the fact that the Navy did not convey its intentions to hold the test beforehand- letting witnesses believe that it might well have been a UFO… or an actual missile launch.


The US has been rather quick to finger out other countries, calling their actions provocations or threats whenever they test ballistic missiles, but has called its own actions a regularly scheduled drill.

These drills are far from harmless practice runs though; as with military maneuvers of any kind by any country, they are designed to serve as threats. And Economics lies at the heart of this threat.

This year, billionaire investor George Soros has warned that economic disputes provided a “real risk” of triggering the third and final war of human-kind. Truthstream media breaks down the reason behind this posturing:


Sources: Activist Post, LA Times

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