While Caribbean nations have been hitherto known for being tax havens for the world, there seems to be another interesting marketable aspect to these countries. They are now being presented as terror free regions. Take for example the recent announcement by Timothy Harris, the prime minister of St.Kitts and Nevis which stated that Syrians will now not be eligible for their economic citizenship program which allowed anyone to get citizenship for a payment of $250,000.
“Dual nationality is, simply, the 21st century’s insurance policy,” Micha Emmett, a global managing director at CS Global, said in a statement. “From visa-free or -upon arrival options for 131 countries to the tranquil experience at the heart of the Caribbean existence, investing in St. Kitts and Nevis, Dominica, or Grenada grants tremendous benefits while, in turn, supporting the economic developments of each respective island nation.”
“At the heel of the recent events in Mali, Nigeria, Paris, Ankara, and Beirut, a second citizenship from a Caribbean island provides indispensable access to a safe haven, while opening substantial business possibilities.” Micha Emmett, a global managing director at CS Global, said in a statement.

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