It was in the early morning hours in Inglewood, Ca. when police responded to a call this week. A suspicious vehicle had been parked in Manchester Boulevard around 3am. What should have been a routine quick investigation of the car, turned out to be a 455-minute standoff that ended in the man and woman inside the vehicle dead.
The police had reportedly opened fire on the couple when they refused to obey the police officers command to leave the vehicle. According to a news release by the LA Times, the police on scene claimed the woman had a gun and feared for their safety. They opened fire on the car, leaving the woman dead from her wounds shortly after, and the man succumbing to his wounds after ambulance transport to the local hospital.
Major James Butts responded to media questions the day after the incident, but opened up more questions when he revealed the couple that had been shot were both unconscious. For the 45 minutes spent by police at the scene, they were attempting “to rouse” the couple in an effort “to de-escalate the situation,” said Butts. When questioned further, Butts quickly stated “Obviously at some point they were conscious because somebody felt threatened.”
The couple who died after the shooting were parents Kisha Michael, 31, and Marquintan Sandlin, 32. Both single parents, they have left three sons and four daughters behind.
Witnesses say the couple had made careful arrangements for their children to be looked after by relatives while they took the night off to go to a party, reported NBC Los Angeles. Sandlin’s sister made a statement saying “He was a loving father. All he cared about was his girls, getting them right.”
“The police ain’t telling us nothing,” said Michael’s twin sister Trisha, after the police have remained quiet about the incident.
This article (Date Night for Parents Ended in Police Shoot-Out) is a free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author AnonWatcher and AnonHQ.com.
The police will cover it up. The question should be, why didn’t the officers step back to take cover and used the PA system in their car to wake them up and give orders from there? Why stand so close to a car with two sleeping people and a known gun, if there was a gun? The investigation on these types of shootings by their own will work in their favor. History has shown us that time and time again.
Civil, cases are the only justice we have. A non-bias investigation needs to be headed by an outside sources and in no way affiliated with any law enforcement.
When questioned further, Butts quickly stated “Obviously at some point they were conscious because somebody felt threatened.” Actually, somebody was a pussy….
If a bunch of armed paranoid cops tell you to leave a vehicle with your hands in sight, that is the best thing to do. I don’t know what happened here, but the message the police is sending is clear, do what you’re told or you could end up dead.
Are you kidding me?!?!?!? That’s the complete fucking opposite way around. So because I don’t acknowledge an officer’s existence it gives them the right to shoot me?!?!?!?! Fuck no that’s so wrong on so many levels.
WTF did you just puke out that lame attempt to justify a pack of cowards murdering civilians who committed no crime? yes that what you just did. Since when do americans attempt to justify death squads roaming the streets and summary executions when no crime has been committed? They don’t and you’re not one.
To Serve and Protect should then be re-phrased ”Obey or we shoot”
I’m sure he’s not justifying what the cops did! He’s basically saying you can’t trust the cops..so do what they ask otherwise you are at high risk of getting murdered!
When I first read this story I was thinking the couple was still in the car when the cops started unloading bullets..
But Please people for you own safety and the safty of others just do what the cops tell you to do..
Wrong. Resist everything. Revolution is coming.
Are you retarted ? What part of the word ” unconscious” don’t you understand ?
People need to start taking those guns that they love so much out to the streets and start assaulting police stations. Kill as many cops as they can.
i agree
I agree too for sure! Will be the first who killed a shit policeman from behind guys!!! Im serious!!!
Dont moderate my comment, anomhq, thats not thr time for that. Just let it happen. There were killed too many lifes till now, its enough!
Not that long ago there was no such thing as “police”, the will of the king or government was enforced by the military. But some countries gradually started to acknowledge that all people should be treated equally by the law.
To serve justice and the law the Police where created to be different to soldiers, in that they were trained NOT to use violence and NOT to kill people. With less violence towards citizens there was also a more stable government too (because people felt less like rebelling when they weren’t being abused and killed).
Now it seems like the american police are acting more and more like soldiers again, putting their own safety above citizens, and putting the law above justice too.
This might not be all police, but until but it does seem like it is the case with a growing number.
*by recent I mean less than 200 years ago
If gun laws werent so loose in the US maybe these two would have a chance. Australia restricted gun laws in the 90s and to this day very little gun mishaps have arrisen. The police have no ground to shoot anyone. It is disgusting how the 2nd amendment still stands. Its an amendment… change it. But because the US relys heavily on the purchase of firearms as a source of income this will never happen. The 2nd amendment is stated that if the government was to rise in corruption the people could use firearms to take their constitutional right back and rise above the fascist criminals. But sadly this will never happen. So get rid of the guns! It gives them a reason to have a murderous outcome such as this. Claiming a woman had a gun because it is likely to be true. It gives them the power to use probability over cause.