Two police officers in the city of Charlotte, North Carolina have been arrested for beating their 3-month-old baby into a serious vegetative condition.
Vegetative state — a medical term used to describe a disorder of consciousness in which patients with severe brain damage are in a state of partial arousal rather than true awareness.
Doctors say they are not expecting the baby to survive but if even he does, he is likely to be blind from severe bleeding, which the doctor who saw him called ‘horrific.’
The officers are a couple. The man was identified as Robert Jeffrey Taylor, who worked for the York Police Department as a corporal. The mother was indentified as Audrey Schurig, also a police officer, with the Chester Police Department’s Patrol Team as a sergeant.
It is reported that Taylor committed the actual crime against the infant but Audrey was arrested because she neglected the infant and did nothing to stop the abuse, although she knew what Taylor was doing to the baby. She has been charged with ‘unlawful neglect of a child or helpless person’ and has been granted a bond of $2,000. She has since resigned from her post and if convicted, can face up to 10 years in prison.
For Taylor, he is still in custody and his bond is set at $100,000. He resigned from his position a few days before his arrest. He has been charged with ‘child abuse and neglect’ and is facing up to 30 years if convicted. If the baby dies, he may be charged with ‘homicide by child abuse’ or murder.
According to the 16th Circuit Solicitor, Kevin Brackett: Jaxon Jennings Taylor, the 3-month-old baby, was abused so brutally on February 15th that he is unable to move or eat without a feeding tube. Despite being in a vegetative state, he is said to be in some pain and exhibits periodic cries.
Describing the gravity of the offense, Brackett said, “We don’t know if this child will survive much longer,” adding that, “upon arriving at the hospital, the infant was foaming at the mouth, had bruising around his neck consistent with being held by the throat, and was suffering from a lack of oxygen.”
Jaxon is said to have sustained brain damage as well as retinal hemorrhaging, or bleeding from his eyes, and doctors say it is so severe that it could only have been caused by violent shaking or a fall from a building of at least 20 feet.
Law experts say that even if Taylor was to be released on bond, he will be ordered to have no contact with any children under 12 and must wear a GPS monitor.
Taylor’s lawyer tried to fight the ‘no contact with children’ order by saying, “he was a protector of the community. A few weeks ago, could have walked into this court carrying a gun, and nobody would have thought anything of it.”
Since the incident was made public, local residents have expressed worry on the basis that the individuals involved in the crime are people who are supposed to be protecting lives and properties. They say if they are abusing their own baby this way, what will they do others? Their trial is still pending and we will be following for updates. Expect us!
omg omg why tell me why ??? a 3 month old baby why ? i hope this monster burn in hell.
So if i shake him i can give him brain damage ? And break his neck and ah hell can we even keep him on life support just so he can suffer. And ill even break his stragglers with a Mallot… YOU SICK SON OF A BITCH!
not only should they go to jail but they should be force sterilized. And Im Jewish so I know EXACTLY what Im saying. They lost their opportunity to ever procreate again.
Come on the kid was resisting like everyone else, both are cops so clearly they’re telling the truth.
Hah!! No shit!!!! Fucking pigs.
Yeah. Both cops feared for their lives.
i do as much as i can for anonomous “mainly just reposting and spreading the word” but i hope the the real upper anons can do something to make to destory him. and yes i know theres really nothing to do but prison is;nt enough for him he needs his life %100 destroyed every part of it.!!!
fk that guy.!!! i really hope he gets it in prison !! they hate people like him who hurt kids. i hope the beat him 1/2 to death let him recover then do it again and so on and so on.
And cops are offended people call then pigs and assholes….?? Because people like these two give them all a bad name!
I believe there are more crooked cops then there are good ones. Sorry… Just my opinion.
Poor little baby Jaxon.. My prayers go out to you little man 🙁
prison for life and abuse every day form their mates will be find
Pair of lowlife sick bastards , hope they get all they deserve . Poor little defenceless baby ,.
These two are not police officers. A 3 month old beaten – that can’t be true, but if it is so then I hope they get life because we the public is f…ked!! damn
There is so much I would like to do but lack resources,we need to fix everything but where do u start when u take out the trash and I would like to do that,Anonymous can do a lot,i’m tired of cops killin people,,,gov’mts tellin us what we can do on and on,,,,
Kill’em both
We need to revise laws regarding ALL forms of Child Abuse. They need to be harsher and ? And at ed sentencing. None of this Plea bargaining shit. Crime=mandatory charges=mandatory sentence guidelines=mandatory punishment fitting degree of crime. No appeals if forensics beyond reproach and definitive to party’s guilt and/or collusion in committing crime. Children should be given highest consideration of JUSTICE FITTING CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN(birth to 21yrs.old)
Time to Revise and Implement New Laws regarding Heinous Crimes Against Children. Time for petition drives to get new laws and mandatory sentencing on the ballots to protect kids and keep future harm to children by offenders with child abuse/neglect from happening again, by the same repeat offenders and first time offenders, alike.