Every soul shall taste death one day. Therefore, it does not make sense to jubilate over the death of somebody no matter what the person has done to you while alive. That is a moral virtue we should all have.
But three former police officers of the New York Police Department (NYPD) have done the unthinkable by showing the whole world that they are extremely happy over the gruesome murder of a 14-year-old boy. They expressed their happiness on Facebook.
Christopher Duran left his Bronx home for school last month but he was targeted and brutally shot four times to death by some gunmen. Christopher was said to have had five previous arrests on his record and it has been speculated that he was a member of a gang and it is possible that another gang member might have killed him. The Police have since identified two suspects they believe were involved in the murder.
That notwithstanding, it is not a justification for anybody to jubilate over the death of somebody perceived to be some sort of a trouble maker.
A public post on Facebook by former police officer and current CNN contributor, Thomas Verni, sparked the detestable comments from the three officers.
The three officers commenting on Verni’s status described the boy as a, “piece of shit thug,” a, “piece of trash,” and a, “menace to the neighborhood.” The three men are Brian Charles, Joseph Gasparre and Andrew Blethen. You can have a look at what Verni wrote and the subsequent comments that followed from the officers.
Not satisfied with what he has said about the boy, Blethen later posted that while the death was a “tragedy,” there was no need to blow it out of proportion because the boy got what he has bargained for and it served him right.
For Gasparre, it is said he is known for making such loose and senseless comments about people who have been murdered brutally. Mic.com said he had previously commented on another article about the death of an unarmed black man, Eric Garner, who died in Staten Island, New York City, after a police officer put him in a choke hold for 15 seconds.
To make sure that the accounts associated with the despicable comments are the actual accounts of the officers, Mic said it had a confirmation from a NYPD representative. Joseph Gasparre and Andrew Blethen were the names of two former NYPD officers. As for Brian Charles, his account was too common a name for the NYPD to confirm. Even an Instagram account linked to his Facebook profile features a photo showing him wearing an NYPD uniform in 2006. We have the photo of Charles in uniform taken from his Instagram profile.
When Mic contacted the three officers asking why they made those comments, two refused to comment but Gasparre responded with his Facebook account. Below is what he said, we captured it in a screenshot.
Observers have said that while comments from a few individual ex-officers do not speak for the force as a whole, it is important for former officers to know that they have held a sensitive public job which especially has come under close public scrutiny and criticisms recently due to the spate of killings of unarmed citizens.
Due to these comments, many people are of the opinion that there seem to be racist and discrimination attitude towards the African-American community by police in the city.
The Reuters News Agency’s poll of 25 active and former African-American NYPD officers found all but one had been racially profiled while off-duty. Many therefore believe that stereotyping in the NYPD is so widespread that something needed to be done to avert further disasters in the city.
The officers might be former officers but the fact that they have been in the police force before make their status in the community somehow different, and what they do and say will be given deeper meaning to the extent that some will conclude that it was their behavior and attitude during their period of service in the police. This should not happen again. It is bad. It only brings violence and unnecessary tension.
I hope those piece of shit, white trash, racist police officers get killed in the line of duty. FUCKING SCUM!!!