One of the most interesting debates going on within society these days is the right of females to participate in the military. As a male in the United States, every 18 year old is required by law to sign up for the Selective Service – should a war break out and draft be needed. Historically, females have never been required to sign up and until very recently, females weren’t allowed on the front-lines of battlefields.
As someone who considers myself an anti-war activist, one of the more surprising shows of activism I have seen recently can from women’s rights activist arguing on behalf of gender equality in the military. She was outraged that law makers were trying to block a bill that would have required females to sign up for the Selective Service.
It surprised me that someone would so passionately argue to be required to sign up for military service when they did not have to be. I would think most men these days, if left to their own choice, would not sign up for the Selective Service if they did not have to be -never mind lobby on behalf of it.
However, my female activist friend does have a point. If females truly want equality, technically they should be required by law to do the all things men have to so, such as sign up for the draft.
With this aside for a moment, this brings us into the heated debate over women actively serving combat rolls in the military. Did you know? Women ‘s full access to the front-line of battlefields (infantry) didn’t occur until December 2015. Only this April, Kristen Griest became the first female officer to ever lead troops into combat. The archaic system never realized a woman’s equality until very modern times. Jordan on the other hand remains a world leader in training female combat troops.
Despite the advancement and success of women on the front lines, there are still many people in society who are opposed to women in the service altogether. I remember a Congressmen saying what if a women is serving on the frontlines and a 6’2″ 225lb Marine gets injured and needs to be carried off – a 5’8′ 145 lb woman couldn’t carry him off? People like him argue that physiologically speaking, men are naturally built stronger then females – what it is. More recently, critics now point to fact liket 85% of women fail the U.S. Marine Test – compared to only 2.7% of males.
The U.S. Senate has voted, in principal, to include women in the draft – the bill has not yet been signed into law. For some political perspective on the matter, the Republicans control the Senate and typically speaking, more Republicans are against women on the front-lines than for it. But, as this law has now turned into a gender equality debate, not a physiological functionality debate, also taking into consideration the recent successes of women in combat, it appears females may very well soon have to start signing up for the United States draft.
What are your thoughts on these two issues: The debate about women equal service/combat roles in the military and women in general being lawfully required to sign up for a draft in the future?
Sources: NPR, The New York Times, Marine Corps Times, Politico
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AS far as Im concerned as a male who has worked with empowered women for over 20 years and supports equality all I can say is that its about bloody time!
If they want equality they can have it and that means being drafted onto the front lines then so be it. They have had the best of both worlds for a long time now. The career,the $, the door opened and dinner paid for. Hey every balless male whos been a victim of militant feminism if they work then they can pay. and if the want to be so militant over BS then let them fight. theyll soon be begging to be pregnant & bearfoot in the kitchen…but at the rate theyre going they also be wearing a berkah too with no rights. The feminist movement said nothing about their sisters being raped by “refugees” in Germany etc so let them wear the balls and fight if they really have the guts. Give them what they want. See how long it is before they realise that they never really wanted it…and all the men will sit back and say “I told ya so”
lol stupid American’s, still think the draft is a good thing… if you really were free, and equal, then there would be NO DRAFT, someone must actually want to join and fight for their country, no one should be forced to. not to mention the sole fact that they require a draft to maintain their military should show you how wrong and off track the government really is. if your populous doesn’t support the government it should be the government that needs to change and not the other way around. sadly America as a whole is relatively dumb and will probably continue to be brainwashed and easily manipulated to meet their governments needs. wake up and educate yourselves people, before its too god damn late.
The draft is stupid. Why should people be forced to go to war? Men and women equally.
Women wont be “begging to be pregnant and bearfoot in the kitchen”, they will protest being drafted, as they should.
So should men.