Edward Snowden believed that the government fundamentally “had noble intents,” as did the American people. However, admitting he was naive, Snowden discusses the upper echelons of government and how they are pervaded with corruption, giving him the understanding that led him to do what he did – whistleblow on mass surveillance programs.
Snowden insists that the importance of the citizen in having the right to know and understand the policies that govern us – namely, one in particular, surveillance – and that this right is vital to our democratic functioning.
It’s important to revisit this notion and ask the question ‘why?’ Why did Edward Snowden whistleblow on the government’s surveillance program? Did he have an axe to grind? No. He simply saw a fundamentally flawed system, vitally wrong governing, and asked why haven’t the citizens been told?
As Snowden points out in a talk he gives, the vast majority of Congress knew nothing about the programs maintained and instituted, nor was the Senate and House fully briefed on covert actions. He points out the political unwillingness, post 9/11, to confront difficult questions about what was right and wrong, in this regard. Why didn’t the public have the opportunity to participate in debate about their security and wellbeing? Why were top officials unaware of this? Only a small handful of officials knew of these ongoing policies.
The creation of mass surveillance programs behind closed doors “illustrates” an “institutional momentum” that is “changing the boundaries of the rights that we enjoy as free people in a free society,” Snowden says.
Mass surveillance is a critical issue. It still continues to violate civil and political rights. Snowden, however, is arguably only a glitch on the top of the echelon’s radar. He can only report on what he knew, not current behind the doors policy, which most government and legal bodies still know nothing about – or are only fed scraps.
The system of government has essentially degraded our society. Our democratic processes have eroded away, not allowing us to know about the issues, let alone policy that is still being engaged in.
Snowden doesn’t claim to have all the answers., but he is able to assist in the steps along the way, ensuring that his efforts aren’t in vain and that we don’t forget.
Snowden eloquently puts it “We have lost the freedom to associate with our judgement.” And that in itself, is where the real danger rests.
This article (Snowden Warns About Government Echelons Maintaining Control) is a free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author AnonWatcher and AnonHQ.com.
save earth by the ideology of the exoplanet and gaia ideology
Sounds like he’s trying to kiss a little ass to get a pardon
Sounds like you’re an idiot.
Agreed, no clue where that came from.
I agree with David 🙂
Oh I’m sorry I thought this was murica
Everytime I click on one of your dtories I win a mobile phone. Please disentangle the virus or whatever it is from ur posts as its super annoying and I cant read a good portion of your articles from fb. Its only anonymous posts…
A little too much talking. Just get to the point.
Read Winnie the pooh.
lol :))))))
Hey I like Winnie the pooh
the freedom to know our places is nature habitat universe existence of a unique being purpose and completion for the whole habitat fertility florus pigmentation completion beingness… this is all energy… so, you belong to the nature and habitat… and because i know and as well as i advance in redescovering or remembering the natures of energies they are still synchronizing trying to cover up and gain advantage… what do people need judgement for?? for preserving their places and unique birth instance, its like florus existence habitat completion nature registries… like from the underworld and ghosts world… and you may not lose your freedom if you all realize that you are nature you may have a life force field like liquid grabbing glued to trees destiny and nature and nature that completes you… so for judgement… you need to know that you have all nature you belong to it you know you have a path and if you are strong enough you can well change it improve it… and that explains why the mind is infinite… look more florus allucinogenic natures… infinite i said… so you all can enforce your life nature rights and connection to brith florus nature… so they can’t do nothing because if they are with war against the people… they will be ended before start… the people will bring war to them and finish this… what other kinds of entities institutions have those kind of forces, so you now can see the exostructure behind that… and realms and natures and energy… they are grabbing from there, right… so its close, they are creating forces from the energies they knew from the 80’s… relative to nature to create transformed nature… they are also beings and they need to see, hear, feel as all of the people, so why all the other beings are being robbed from their true nature while everyone knows it… right, because they think they are robbing me from my energy tale and acid trip and tale to rob everyone in energy… you must not lose your freedom, nature, happiness and dreams, they are important… you can judge yourself if you are at dimension and level… answer with the same forces… so freedom habitat beings animals plants florus abundance fertility and they cannot take that from no one… no being… they dont know what aliens will do to them next… so to win to aliens they cheated on everyone trying to rob me… its impossible… they will be robbed… they are the doomed not us… thats why they are researching ways to create new entities, beings to win to aliens… judgement… create forces of nature good ones and inject enforce into any part of the planet… and if i tell you to do so, to protect what values most, nature freedom… you will save yourselves…
i think this kind of thing is that they are trying to remove people to defend themselves against noisy nature, that is not nature, to the final means to lie rob from us energy from our natural florus habitat for them, and the noisy nature is the barrier… why do you think they are better than you, they are not… they are robbing the planets nature and florus fertility abundance of fresh vivid liquid beings water to have all of life and energy which is the same for all of beings for them… its like, removing your senses energies good intentions for them to become higher entities to do the same to aliens… with the energy i found… but its everywhere… why they dont find it themselves… then they wouldn’t need to do nothing bad to no one… probably there is something on earth they need to rob first… about energy and secrets of energy… because energy, nature, intelligence, time, space, dimensions and realms, allucinogen worlds are everywhere… why dont they catch it themselves??? why do they need a so coordinated coherent energy form life force and continuity to rob from it???
from beginings of existence to existence of senses and florus to futurism… relative to the fertile florus nature… is that it… because that’s instinct and animal senses… they can’t live without that… so are they going in front to their futurism robotic post AI cyberpunk world w/ all the forces destroying their own nature… or will they wait to understand this nature that i can give surely to every kind being life form and having the nature for them while removing from anyone else… two roads, two destinies for earth planet humanity… humanity’s habitat era beings habitat…
so they want to pass through year 2045 same project avatar self identity beings project…
through this…
to reach this…
because of what energy… the one im telling you and that every being is part from and is able to find…
from my mind… so what am i? in the acid? from acid trip? there are so many per day…
if you wake up people everywhere and even inside the governemnts they will not stand a chance… and what energy and intelligence are they able support… so clean clear sight energy minds they have… what are they hiding waiting for…
if everyone knows do you think they will be able to apply force laws over people’s nature and right and enforce illusions…
its 7billion people against the illuminati… the fucking illusion of the eye and fake artificial energy…
enforce energy comprehension and wake up… every being nature will be alright and they will lose… im sure of that… or else i will do it all myself… even rip their heads off… im tired of this bullshit of the cat and mouse hide and seek playing…
when you find the energy keep it it is you path nature map guide for life and then everything you abstract will tend naturally to the tru nature… nature habitat beings birth gift…
and then you will have coherent natural gifted thought and energy… this is science and metaphysics applied… altogether…
what you need is to write in 1 minute what you know related to certain life’s values and thoughts…. (and i know they are unteaching you this also)… so then you join two by two words and write how do you comprehend it and feel it and sense it and get aknowledged of it… when it happens in apparition mode possibly…
then you write, heal, energy even by writting improving and getting aware of clear energy encounter, then you will write short sentences and then you feel and write, then you feel and write a few, then you feel, then you will not need to write or feel and energy has been in there always… and to study energy and improve healing energy writting does not approach it nor science… probably metaphysics in the beggining and then after you encounter the form of life force energy you find then you will be in the energy world realm…
so writting confuses you because of energies of secrets of languistics and ways to getting people unaware of the secrets behind language science and metaphysics and origins itself…
when you find energy dont lose it, and it will require nature body mind brain water freedom and florus habitat… to preserve it… so just guess they are doing it all wrong because fake nature is not better than true nature, never… you encounter and are encountered with nature… and the concrete size of human brain in data or energy is the whole deep experiences*florus nature*allucinogenic realms*max life span concretely… not what they say you know… or need to know..
and when you find natural forces energy you will have your instinct access and connection… and plants are animals so they speak… sweet water mountain nature plants brought to the oceans… sour water oceans animals molded by fluid brought to land and mountains… that’w why seed are spreaded with the wind…
when you reach energy concrete energy and instinct you will know and perceive what im trying to transmit to you…
if they want to be GMO’s let them be or robots or artificial or transformed… let them be… just dont let they take over your true nature that every being respects and understand but they dont comprehend enough and dont understand…
when you find that energy you will see their purposes behind every intention and the true intentions and flows divergences of energy… its quite difficult, but i believe many people can…
when in energy realm you will do not want (*fsociety*) you will embrace nature… because the path is nature forces its like the stream of water from a river… so if water are being pushed up because of plaques and volcanos where did all the ocean’s water came from???
staying with energy you will learn to follow strictly energy and nothing else and then when free and following only natural florus enery you will be able to have your birth gift ESP with all beings and animals… holistic animals is the proof of instinct… there are animals that can perceive more than humans and technology by nature… get that
now if you had all that nature ESP gifts holistic gift and florus instinct what would you protect?
now that the people is awakening and seeing the whole lie of kingdoms energies beliefs and governments and im discovering and remembering energy they are taking the moon eclipse illusion time and moment… they are fucked… more to come… srry by the cluttering… but it’s too godamn important… get it?? they are trying to eclipsing everyone with energies and probably even me but i dont believe… i live energy everyday… so ascend or transcend in energy or meditation or energy spiritual evolution of being and identity and entity…
OMG, STFU already… This is only a comment section.
thank you for saying it.
Dam David Costa TL;DR don’t you know we have short attention spans. From what I did read (ignoring bad grammar), we are part of nature and need to get back in touch with it, our pop culture has turned many away from the spirit/natural energy and we need to change.
To stay on topic with the post and video; we are no longer holding our officials and there controllers accountable (partially because we don’t know who these elite masters really are and can’t prove it).
We have become a stagnant people, why are we not joining the fight against the Dakota pipeline? For me because I am a wage slave that can not abandon my family to be a social crusader, though I wish I could. I feel my sentiment might be shared by many others, we see the wrongs being carried out by our government in our names and feel powerless to enact change and correct the action. Pardon Snowden, make our government transparent and accountable to the people it is supposed to be serving!
You should check out Anna von Reitz
@ Ninjo: You’re 100% on point & efficiently explained, to boot! Thank You!
Jfc. Shut. Up.
might be important for the time being this info for many researchers and everyone else…
it is about identity and this is something, a protection against reflexion problem of personalities behaviour, identity and the coming chip from govs corps elite bla bla bla… other case scenarios and sources…
identity is what you uniquely are relative to everything that lives, exists and is.
it is also the encounter between the inner-self and outer-self as if it was an encounter between your inner reflexion of all connections images reflexions of identities even galaxies… seahorse trees pattern…
it is also all your unique experiences, unique encounters of experiences.
it is what unique identities you encounter with unique form and perspective.
all unique senses emotions grown from all unique identities encounters and experiences.
and then there is pigmentation, apparition speed encounters of strange natures and epigenetics.
well now no one can rob or take over your identities.. it is done. just read you can notice even thereafter
ww3 after the matrix movie does not make sense..
take a look and pay attention to this thing… are we living wrong or defectuous by nature or by force? should we treat the elite scenario as a problem or a virus? because no one with money, even super rich, even presidents, can’t be free or natural and even free others? so should we treat it as a problem or a virus? as you can see no one in this world gets out from a command and order timeline.. so as all other sciences there are viruses or problems and we can treat them all, can we treat and classify this scenario as a virus or problem? because lets take picks bilderberg group and corporations and presidents, are they really free or just another level of bullshit puppets, because life for them i believe its only rules then is escalated propagated down. should we proceed with this virus viral problem??
human being is not well is sick, and needs to be healed, cured, regenerated… might have a parasite, virus, intestinal worm, resilient idea…
of course taking care, eliminating the virus by burning the elite.. they are the problem… they force everyone to be like this not the rest… but this time cont use pistols or miniguns, use flamethrowers… we need to burn the virus from the planet… the elite are the virus… they have the virus of greed and are forcing us all to live in this form of forces and laws and defectuous education…
so lets say it is correct some parts of society the elite makes it not working and defectuous…
After reading your many long-winded, nonsensical posts, I think we should all turn our flamethrowers on YOU, and eliminate the David Costa virus from our planet. Hope you’re happy with all the bullshit you tracked all over our nice, clean carpets….
Snowden is a gov’t agent; don’t believe the B.S.
Punctuation, please! Beautiful ideas cut from the bloom of realization by the lack of persistent fluidity of the writers final work. With a simple spoken review, greater understanding and clarity can be achieved. Thank you for the uncompromising ideas and truths that let us remember.
Anonhq has turned into add sluts get bought out like everyone else and story goes on even they had a price smh scum
Big money and their interests rule over countries like the USA. In a true democracy there would be no 2 party system. It would be impossible as there are too many dissident opinions to divide people among just 2 groups.
every one that uses cell phones and has satellite receivers and x-box’s and all that other stuff connected to satellites is tracked, watched and listened too.
i bet the illuminati didn’t see that coming (what cell phones are capable of ) when they decided to microchip everyone..
so now people just have to put tape on the cams, disconnect the mic’s/literally, not by software… and that would be a good start.
come on Snowden i say your video on securing a cell phone.. get those things to market asap,, throw a curve ball into their agenda.
encrypting all our phone calls would be the next step..
Game Over
I missed the part where Snowden revealed who really rules the United States?
It is about World domination by one group. It will never happen, fortunately. Mankind has progressed, and due to increased communication, can get to the truth. Fortunately, there are a majority of level headed humans, who can solve problems through discussion and cooperation, not belligerence and aggression, which has been the norm of history, up until now!