If you are a regular viewer of AnonHQ and frequent our Facebook page you may have noticed different people spamming a link for a site called AnonymousForJustice in the comments section to several of our articles. These people/accounts continue to post negative comments on articles, trying to drive the narrative that “AnonHQ is fake” or saying AnonHQ is not ‘the real’ Anonymous – just causing conflict in general.
Well, turns out these people have been trolling a lot more than AnonHQ and have also been targeting nearly all of the most popular Anonymous pages across the internet. Needless to say they attracted some attention. A group known as Anonymous Legion decided to engage the group, befriend them and gain their trust. They social engineered their way into the group them proceeded to dox the leader for all the internet to see. They then shared this information: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=482534071938617&id=129819337210094
This is not terribly surprising to see to be honest, these ‘troll armies’ exist everywhere. Even famous politicians like Hillary Clinton have them – “allegedly”. There are legally documented cases of troll groups who have influenced elections through social media in 7 different Latin American countries. Leaks have confirmed the social media propaganda troll army in China, of over 2 million state employees, hired specifically to post pro-nationalists opinions on social media to fake support for the state political policies. If this is happening on such a large, national scale, of course you can expect this on a smaller level.
Trolls are everywhere and naturally, affiliating with Anonymous makes you a magnet for all kinds of them. As you can also imagine, for different reasons, Anonymous makes many enemies throughout the world – who feel hellbent on retaliation. True story from our online chat-room last year, we had an infamous troll who would create dozens of emails for dozens of accounts all under the same name. So every time he got kicked from the network, he could just slide onto the other accounts. After months, turns out he was a member of the Church of Scientology. He was trolling us in 2015, all these years after Project Chanology in 2008. Sometimes you just never know what gets into peoples heads.
AnonymousForJustice has been exposed by the Anonymous collective for being nothing more than a group of trolls, spreading false information and propaganda, specifically to divide the members of Anonymous from trusting one another and working together. Needless to say, they have failed. In fact, they seemed to have opened up a lot of discussion between different groups, which before being trolled by the same person otherwise never talked with one another before.
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This article (Leader of Infamous anti-Anonymous Internet Troll Group Dox’ed) is a free and open source. You have permission to republish this article using a creative commons license with attribution to the author and AnonHQ. Join the conversations at www.anonboards.com
Guys can you seriously change ad provider? These ads are annoying, invasive and some are containing malware
Use adblock my friend.
AdBlockPlus + HTTPeverywhere + NoScript + Privacybadger = No brainer. Please join Anonymous school on IRC.
The link to the Facebook story also states that it is against you, AnonHQ, so I am confused as to why you would continue to act as you do? I will stop following you. I’m with them.
you cunts are so out of it and disrespected, i am stunned you can muster any kind of response at all. your ads are tabloid perfect and denigrate the name of “anonymous.” the article you just ran is another example of bs “journalism.” do you check facts or smoke a fatty and write? may i say anonHQ has been exposed for the trolls and shills that you are. Either get with the IDEA or get the fuk out of here. You can expect many more outages and while they may not interfere with your profit making scheme, eventually some dumb ass may figure out where you live. Shape up or shut up.
Well this is aka Steven Daniels here.
Firstly, I use a fake name, so that is NOT a Dox, in fact it is a very unskillful attempt at doxing someone who uses a fake name and is known to have lost 3 accounts because I cannot verify them.
So the dox should be embarrassing for Wayne K Baalbek.
Now, Why does https://www.facebook.com/anonymousforjustice/ the page I admin talk about AnonHQ? It is because you guys PROFIT from the name of Anonymous, you use click bait for your fans, you have pop up adds for your fans to fill out lying and false surveys, you sell merchandise and post ridiculous articles for click bait reasons.
For those reasons above, we have made videos and posts exposing you and your large page, for the above reasons and for calling yourselves Anonymous Headquarters, WE DON”T HAVE ONE!!
This article just goes to show the rubbish you guys and gals post, it is full of lies and even Wayne is not happy with it.
You do not own Anonymous and neither do I, Anonymous is for the people and if you think your lies will bring me down, it won’t, because my bloodline has been full of fighters for centuries, I love truth and I love the Anonymous idea, it will keep going well after all of us.
Sadly however, if all of this infighting keeps going, people will loose hope, trust and faith in Anonymous.
Anonymous needs the help of so many more people, to fight against the corrupt and evil elite on this earth for our future generations to not only enjoy life but to live on this earth on into the future with safe water, food and clean air to breathe.
Anonymous needs good hackers to expose the corrupt and to support our cause.
You posting this article about me because I have so much love for Anonymous that I have exposed AnonHQ for doing the wrong thing, just shows how much you will stoop too, to protect your profits you make from the people.
Yes the page I admin, which has present and past amazing anons whom I love and respect and have learned from, are the most wonderful and loving people I have known.
You can post about me all you like, but remember this, I have been around for a few years and people know who I am, I go to marches I even speak at marches and I put my face into the faces or those whom are making our lives difficult.
You will never bring me down and I cannot leave something that is full of righteousness, coincidentally, that is the name of the author of this pathetic post, seems like you are not a lover of righteousness at all.
BTW, keep going against the collectives non official rules of profiting and guess who will keep exposing YOU! 🙂 Anonymousforjustice will.
You go around calling every major Anonymous source around the world “fake”. You take the most popular Anonymous channels, go onto them, troll and attempt to steal as many from their audience as you can for your own popularity. You can not generate an audience on your own any other way. You are just mooching from people more successful at the same thing than you.
In doing so you tell people that every other Anonymous source “is fake” that you and you alone are “the real Anonymous”, that you ‘speak for what Anonymous really is’. According to you, If you don’t like something, it cant possibly be Anonymous. So yes, you are a troll of Anonymous and a hypocrite to boot.
Headquarters is just a name. Yes we publish a variety of news but is there any web site in the world that has more stories specifically about Anonymous then us? If there is I haven’t seen one. The idea being a headquarters for people to read about Anonymous news, get it?
oh really, that is lie, now post your evidence and prove your lies.
Show me one post by my or as my page where I claim to be the real Anonymous, post your evidence liars.
get them steven!!
Fuck off Righteous! You’re a fucking trader. Your name says it all. I didn’t know which side to believe, until I saw your name attacking ‘Daniels’. I know you’re a plant, so you commenting made it very clear who is telling the truth.
You have some anger issues, you wanna talk about it?
Not surprising at all… disappointing to really learn that there exist those who somehow produce the logic to justify their ill actions. Experiencing this first hand will quickly compel review and adjusting of an efforts’ opsec/infosec Such occurrences have become more prevalent as time has progressed. Proper prep and reaction is imperative to maintaining forward progression. Thanks for posting this.
Now i would like to share some infos and ask for more eyes on this for proper review…
RE:THuMP/Humanity Party/VoteAnonymous2016.org
This effort sounded promising when i first heard about it… but quickly this began not to add up.
I stumbled across another, individual apparently, who has intentions of infiltrating the Anonymous idea in order to hijack and misrepresent anon for his own nefarious agenda. This seems legit, but since i am only one anon, i would ask for additional eyes to examine for truth or fallacy.
Dude’s name is: Chris Namelka.
sites naming this guy a threat to anon and evil troll cult leader:
Then I find this link related to the anonymous4justice.blogspot.com