Written by: EV
This Thanksgiving the New Hampshire activist group, Shire Sharing, provided hundreds of free meals to needy residents throughout the Monadnock region. Additional funds and supplies were delivered to the Liberty House homeless shelter in Manchester. Shire Sharing continues to be a positive influence throughout New Hampshire communities, and their impact continues to grow.
Started four years ago by Free State Project activist, Amanda Bouldin, Shire Sharing’s aim is “to have a positive impact on social issues through voluntary actions and private charity. We raise funds, collect items, coordinate deliveries and connect with our community.”
In 2011 Shire Sharing provided 174 meals to impoverished families in Concord, and on Christmas of that year they delivered 24 backpacks to some of the homeless in Manchester. 2012 proved to be more successful, distributing over 650 Thanksgiving meals to individuals, and exceeding their goal of 600 people. By Thanksgiving of 2013 Shire Sharing was able to provide enough meals to feed 1,371 individuals.
Shire Sharing is one of many projects developed by the Free State Project that has had a positive outcome on the community. The Free State Project’s plan is to build New Hampshire communities of freedom-oriented and like-minded individuals from around the world.
Check out the video below for information about Shire Sharing:
Free State Project. (https://freestateproject.org/)
Shire Sharing. Jan 2, 2012. (http://shiresharing.org/welcome/)
Vibes, John. True Activist. Nov 24, 2014. (http://www.trueactivist.com/activists-distribute-hundreds-of-free-thanksgiving-dinners/)