American Girls don’t Marry Muslims: Parents Reject Daughter’s Choice [VIDEO]


After meeting her fiance in a restaurant, an American girl’s parents are aghast because they believe Muslims are terrorists, so she can’t be engaged to him. If you were one of the bystanders in this uncomfortable real world scenario, what would you do? Are all terrorists Muslims? While there is a jump in numbers of interracial couples across all races in the United States, why do most Americans love to hate Muslims? Watch and share your thoughts in the comment section.

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  1. what I saw was the soft bigotry of low expectations. people are willing to intervene when its the white parents because they are held to a higher standard than other people. the muslim family can get away with shit like that (and much, much worse in the Mideast) because in an effort to not be racist, politically correct liberals have set the bar lower. they can get away with things like forcing women to cover themselves because we blow it off as “part of their culture” whereas if it were a white man forcing a woman to cover herself it would be seen as a crime

  2. Problem here is usually also that Muslims are only allowed to marry Muslims in almost all cases. In case of a Muslim man marrying a christian woman, their children have to be raised as Muslims according to Islam.
    Not following those rules is considered a dishonor for the whole family. There sure is a hand full of examples that managed to get together anyways, but the main question at some point always is religion, whether or not someone converts. Older generations will continue trying to stick to their values and religion, while younger generations are torn between the freedom of choice western countries usually offer when it comes to religion and their own traditional values and rules. I havent heard of a working solution that enables both partners to have the freedom to choose and that is accepted by both religious sides without at least their future children getting involved.

  3. Non-muslim women shouldn’t marry muslims who weren’t born and raised here. It has nothing to do with terrorism or racism. Muslims are too ‘old fashioned’ and controlling for western women.

  4. I really loved what the last woman said. Just respect each other.
    I would add love each other, if everybody did that we would have world peace.


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