In the wake of the terror attacks on Brussels, Anonymous have declared war on ISIS, vowing to come down hard on the terrorist group. A video was released, threatening to hit back hard.
The attacks in Brussels have seen at least 34 people killed. Many more were injured from the suicide bombings and explosions, in the airport and the metro. ISIS has since claimed responsibility for the Brussels attacks, which came only days after capturing the prime suspect of the Paris attacks.
This time, OpBrussels will be initiated and engaged in. More ISIS websites will be hacked and shut down, along with ISIS Twitter accounts if discovered, and a new move to steal “their Bitcoins” is on the table.
“Our freedom is once again under attack… This cannot continue,” a computerized voice was heard saying in the latest Anonymous video. “To the supporters of Daesh (acronym for ISIS), we will track you down, we will find you, we are everywhere and we are more than you can imagine… When they killed innocent civilians in Belgium, they hit everybody in Europe. We have to fight back.”
It follows the OpParis operation that saw many ISIS accounts on Twitter removed. “We severely punish Daesh on the dark net, hacked their electronic portfolio and stolen money from the terrorists.”
“We have laid siege to your propaganda websites, tested them with our cyberattacks, however we will not rest as long as terrorists continue their actions around the world. We will strike back against them.”
For likeminded people, join the forum or go into the chatrooms.
If you want to assist in this op (Join #opbrussels #opiceisis #opbelgium irc.anonops.com port : 6697 ssl) https://pad.riseup.net/p/A95gw3psQIrD
Appropriate computer security measures to be taken, and is up to each individual.
We are Legion. We do not Forgive. We do not Forget.
Sources: Huffington Post, Daily Mail, YouTube.
This article (Anonymous Launches OpBrussels, Vows to ‘Strike Back’ at ISIS) is a free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author AnonWatcher and AnonHQ.com.
Isn’t it time you stopped skirting round the edges anonymous & go straight for the jugular, the top of the tree, the boys that own our media, create wars, print money & poison us. Why aren’t our friends the Rothchilds being taken to task & exposed for what & who they are?
I was wondering the same thing. Why not expose the real people behind the terrorist attacks. The people that fund isis.Expose the new world order.
Because you simply don’t. Anonymous isn’t about people, Anonymous is about actions/behaviour/violence and such. Spreading hatred isn’t our goal. And what would it be good for, to know their names? That is the part of the police and security. We want to have a free action field. By revealing names an such, we would simply be offended by the government(s).
I’m sure the Rothschilds applaud the fact that Anonymous doesn’t use “their funds” but “their Bitcoins”. sigh. The erroneous link in many people’s mind: “bitcoin = money for ISIS and criminals” has been reconfirmed once again.
I know you generally go after big issues but there’s one thing I’ve tried to change and have been ignored. Animal abuse videos are allowed on Facebook which goes against their own rules against posting illegal actions or graphic violence. Nothing has been done about Matt Maloney, the Australian guy who bit the head off a live rat and posted video to Facebook. There was another of a girl eating a live mouse in a slow and cruel fashion. I happen to be a rat lover and have had pet rats for several years. They are very caring and emotionally complex animals. But no one should be able to use such cruelty to become internet famous. I hoped maybe you could make a statement or get involved because those of us trying to make a difference have simply been ignored. My friends and I would really appreciate any efforts on your part to shine a light on this issue.
That is a really good point! I agree with you about rats too, I have lived with people that had them for pets and they were really curious, social little guys. There is a real hypocrisy of the way human animals regard non-human animals and treat them accordingly.
Here here!!!! I cannot agree more!!!
That link ‘ https://pad.riseup.net/p/A95gw3psQIrD‘ what exactly is it? And what type of actions will be taken in order to get involved via that link?
https://ghostbin.com/paste/s8bxn Will tell you more about that.
The elite doesn’t know either what idea keeps them together… because how many elite and secret societies would then exist… if someone knew the truth about freedom no one would be manipulated in any form… duality goes up and down… like lazyness and slavery and labour and gift and intellectuality… why no one knows the truth? because when one realizes it, they would be independent from any party… at all… independent sentient mind is the answer to everything… no one can have that mind with corrupted commitment…
All the wars in recent history and terrorist groups that lead to the tragedy of Death only hurt the drones: that is the 99%; the regular people suffer, the regular people irrespective of how delusional they maybe fight in these wars and suffer. The people that create wars and terrorist cells and manipulate cultures and nations in order to oil their infernal machine of war, pestilence, famine, Death, ergo propagating hatred and division which ascertains they maintain power and control over the masses. Time unshackle the chains of oppression stand up and be free and set your kin free as you do so!!!
First of all..Thank You, I was starting to loose all faith in humanity, You keep doing what needs to be done, God bless you & protect you, I will do what I can hear, you just be safe, love you my brothers & sisters.
Wait!!! What did you actually stated on this video? “ISIS cannot recruit muslims in Europe, if EU people are accepting muslims as a part of our their European society…” did I really got it righ?!
You got to be Troijan Horse, Judas, or at least Person with a Wierdo humor sense! You know that if 30 – 50 percents of muslims are radicals, there is absolutely NO WAY TO AVOID TERRORISM INFLUENCE in European society! If you accept Judas in your family… he will stab you when ever you turn your back! AUTHOR! You are speaking now with a voice of those who created ISIS, they want to take this as their clever strategy all the way till the end of NWO… this is what they are trying to reach… Secondly you got to be aware of, that… This – this, what’s going on in Europe is just part of the process… mix the cultures to break all Integrity single nations have – Elite of the NWO have to be able to control people all over… “One major kind of crisis and people are ready to accept The New World Order!” It is all about how economy Elite lives it’s own live, and there is no longer individual, who is able to stop the developement. There is too much fear against those puppets taking the snare, they just need to follow. People keep your minds clear, as you really cannot know where your enemy is standing!!
the best way is not to fight the terrorists but the guys who rule the world for thousands of years… who created the history of mankind without adding the real information… money is just a trigger to provoke the marionettes “terrorist” to action. what is imported is to smash the Rothschild and the Rockefeller and also company like Black rock form the throne by hacking its systems and other stuff… without gun war!
its toxic infects all religions all clotures and all knowledge of the mankind .. also in japan you see people who suffer every day because of the society rules… every one is just care about his or her own business. a manque social courage is in every days life. there are stories like if you shout help if you were run away from someone nobody will react however if you shout instant of help “fire” everyone will come to see it. it obviously depends on the situation… other things which have to be fixed are the responsibility of the higher ranked employees for the trouble witch caused by newcomer or by their bosses. the most common kind of taking it is to write a letter of resignation…. as the society insist to do that.. in my opinion if the person who causes trouble have to resign the problem do not disappear. in other words resignation is not the way of getting rid of it. an other big issue is the media which is based of world propaganda… form the cradle to the grave the mankind is poisoned with subconscious propaganda of spending money and obeying the rules are given. obey is the keyword in every household of the world… the stereotypes are also a big product of those propaganda’s… so most funny thing is that the people who spread it doesn’t even know about it.. that complex that system cross linked every thing.. what we know and think… if you have the power to control the knowledge of humankind you can manipulate it however you want! in old Greece Socrates used to say “i know that i know nothing” that the exact thing that the mankind is knowing the facade without any knowledge of the background…for example if you look in Tokyo there are 30 millions people except the tourists which may be see each other every day but now one will greet someone as every one lives in there own “world” its a large lack of communication and corporation. people in the offices work overtimes with tons of service hours.. for the companies boon. it is a battlefield in other dimension due to the rising competition. you can be elite however you are just a tool which is just getting used for several time to being thrown away like mud.is this that world which the mankind is looking for or deserve? in my opinion to get rid of all that stuff the is one.. to communicate and to corporate with each other to fight the system… it is obvious like in the mo” matrix” trilogy the mankind are slaves of the authority but who is “the one” who will not just reboot the system but create a new one which the humankind deserves? the first step is expropriation of the “weapons” and than the eternal peace between the humankind can begin!
I want to help in the fight im tired of the injustice ive been a victim of this racially geared prison industrial complex i need HELP so i can be free to fight
anonymous, like western governments has a problem identifying the enemy.
the fact is isis is sunni islam sponsored supported by sunni islam globally.
the one core goal of islam is a global caliphate via any means possible. they have subverted the UN and do the same thing to any country that is foolish enough to allow them
I feel like anon hasn’t really done anything as of late because they are too busy bickering amongst themselves. Anon is run by the alt-right anyways (as proven by their inability to do literally anything). OP Trump was an embarrassing failure on Anon’s part. OP ISIS was a relative failure. Also I want to point out that demanding that candidates resign (like Cruz, Trump, Clinton… etc) is the furthest thing from free and democratic as can be (something Anon is said to stand for). If only Anonymous could be taken seriously again. If only they weren’t a bunch of 12 year old script kids that shout empty threats. I Lost a lot of respect for the organization. Also, on the subject of credibility, Anon has lost all credibility by posting “news” articles littered with typos, articles that are outright fabrications, and articles written by what seems to be someone with the knowledge of a misinformed teenager… Anon used to be a great idea… and that’s just it… on paper they check out. In practices they cant get much done. #StillWaitingForResultsFromOPTrump
If you ever come back here please tell me is there anyone actually doing anything? And if so who and where? I’ll check here once to see if you replied, thanks in advance.
I’m not going to say I am intelligent about many political aspects, but I do almost daily look at today’s world & know that no matter how hard I try to do good help where I can or do something just to try make the world better , truth without doubt is , it’s only going to get worse. I’m surprised that with all the Governments resources they can not defeat ISIS but I believe that there is reason for that and one is the Government need them, just as I don’t believe Twin Towers was only by the hands of Terrorist and as much as I love all people that every state Country Province is changing their way of living to suit those who are brought in from other Countries & if anything goes wrong watch how fast they cover it up faster then it took them to tear away the twin Towers so evidence could be disposed. We have all the technology to erase and end these wrongs but it is essential for the Government & wealthy to have disasters continue.. You may dis agree , but just daily look at the world and society and eventually you will see that it is only getting worse..