Someone claiming to be from the “Anonymous” Hacktivist Collective has now targeted Kanye West and his wife Kim Kardashian and criticize and accuse them in several points.
(AnonHQ is not affiliated in any way with the creator nor content of this video, although some points make sense.)
You’re a joke.
yeah lol he is! http://www.quickcourseworkhelp.co.uk/do-my-coursework.php
kanye who ? .. learn to music.
The best fuck you I have ever seen
hahahhahahahhahahhahhahahhahahhahahhahha. fuck you very much. and ya twisted bitch. bet she stinks of wealth. or carpet cleaner.
illuminati much? they should be next…
he bugud I guess you don’t realise this is a group of peoples
opinion no different then the comment you’ve made. its just there opinion is on a whole different level
i agree Houston
we are already against the illuminati, b elieve me, they are one thing we cant let slip through our fingers
Something about this attack on Kanye seems off. However, I do agree with the mass majority of it; NOT that Anonymous would need, want or desire my opinion.
BUT, if this is from the real Anonymous, then as an artist and photographer whose primary subject matter revolves around the nude human form, I can say this video left some points open for contention and regarding the Rennaisance, the artists, and how it all needs to be RE-understood in our current society.
Nothing off about it at all Christian,wake up dummy.
alot is off about it, its really stupid
That gay fish and its followers are the ignorance in person. That guy talks to much and he is not even a REAL MUSICIAN, he is just a fucking product for the masses!.
Kanye is racism in reverse. Disgusting, vile, and gross. How is his music helping young black kids?
Thank you Anonymous!
I’m really disappointed to see you guys stoop so low. What these people do is their business. While they are annoying, they are not hurting anyone.
Did you run out of actual causes? I’m sure there are some perverts pedophiles and child pornographers online that deserve your attention a bit more.
“They are not hurting anyone”… You are correct indeed by pointing out “anyone”. They are, to the contrary, hurting one societal level not just “anyone” but EVERYONE who idolises them. I am from an inner city blocks and trust me, the kids stink of his and her influence. Perhaps you won’t understand that, because it takes what is called “stepping outside your self”. Hey let profanity, addressing no one be normal in society, you know spiting F this and F that to the air doesn’t really hurt anyone. There are a lot of things which society outlaws even if it doesn’t hurt anyone, but stupidity should be though, because it hurts as on a massive societal scale.
I personally think that Mr.West doesn’t hurt everyone, but the people who actually take his message(s) seriously. Mr. West isn’t forcing anyone to be like him and if they want to do what he does it’s their own problem. And even if someone looks up to Mr. West as an example, it doesn’t mean that they have to copy off of him to be “cool”
Barbie you dumb slut they hit it on the head.He treats his wife like a whore and you defend him.His daughter will pay the price but your so use to this lose lifestyle that you see nothing wrong with it.Wake up you stupid bitch!Seems like you could find someone of importance to defend.
Wow, that was extremely harsh and loveless. She has an opinion, but didn’t name call anyone. Why attack her in such a way? There are better ways to disagree. Spread love, not hate. The world is hateful enough as it is.
fuck her big fat ugly ass who gives a fuck about her anyhow and him. get a life
How can one rage about someone else’s immoral speech by using said speech to attack his wife.Not cool.
Are you serious? Not hurting anyone? Do you not realize how many people this sorry excuse of a man influences? He is hurting more people than you can count. It’s because of bad influences like him that young men grow up to be so arrogant and stupid that they think they can have and are entitled to everything.. including what’s not thiers, like for instance what you mentioned.
If you want to change the world, change the influence.
thugs like kanye west ARE hurting others….they are hurting the young ones who may look up to this trash and actually believe that these ridiculous buffoons have substance.
He has done bad things. He puts an idea into people’s heads. He tells people how to be perfect. He tells people how to act or no one will like them. I know people who have killed themselves because of that message. If you don’t think that’s bad then you are messed up
Not hurting anyone? Really? So by being a ‘star’ that millions of kids look up to, and acting like a fucking immature GOON 99% of the time, hes not negatively effecting anyone? ARE YOU STUPID AS FUCK OR WHAT?
The fact of the matter is, dumbfucks like this dumbfuck, and by continuing to raise the limit on how much of a dumbfuck he can be, he is giving more and more dumbfucks ideas about how they can be RUL COOL like he is.
The world would not miss this douche-nozzle, nor would they miss his stupid wife, either.
Moreover, defending this piece of shit looks you look like a moron.
I FUCKING LOVE YOU GUYS!!! you are changing the way of the world from a computer its been a dream to be anonymous for o long an you know what hopefully one day i will be you guys are amazing and ill always be a fan of your works i read every new post you publish and love the encrypted messages you send they are chronic
I love your random targeting of Groups and people. Your message is spot on my friends.
Your random targeting of Groups and people is nice. Way to go my friends.
Well, there you have it!
I like both of them but thank you so much for your video. It is so very true. People, do something meaningful with your celebrity…. Morals have gone down the drain. It shouldn’t be about the almighty buck! Remember Character is something that no one can take from you!
I agree with everything that Anonymous said except for the fact “they” are giving Kanye West wayyyy too much credit. He is mostly known for exactly what he portrays, a somewhat talented egocentric goon.
You completely missed the point, which is they ARE hurting people, subconsciously influencing the most vulnerable.
Amen. Just like they said, figures like Kanye are there to help keep society in an idiotic stupor.
I have yet to be hacked by you. waiting. Leave my web design docs alone. 🙂
Nice vid
Wow, legit or not, that was impressive!
You, Sirs, have a new fan.
BRAVO! SALUTE! Pity your spot on! Such a waste with such a following, Corporate Tool.
The video does have very real valid points. They are role models but west is childish and Kim is anything but a role model. Feel sorry for the kids.
could u hack marvel studios I want to know things
The Problem with Anonymous is, that everyone can say: “I’m Anonymous” and in this case its used to do Bullshit.
This Page Is Bullshit.
Are you having a bad day boobie
Clearly not anonymous, but he/they have taken anony to a new level with this video. Playing the playas at their own game. #FuckYou :p
“Clearly not anonymous”? You must be mistaken. Anyone can be Anonymous therefore you fight for what you believe it right. That being said, this is a real video from an Anon.
I thought you guys at anon said any one can be an anon, why denying the maker of this content? All the person said is the truth.
kanye is just your everyday megalomaniac. this video was the shit, i had good laughs.
That’s why your opinion doesn’t matter ass
This is sooo funny and TRUE all of it
If Kanye Omari West was stripped of his funds, I believe this would change his outlook on life and allow him to actually live something fulfilling. Let us note this.
Well done! The guys an idiot! I really enjoyed watching that. Some people shouldn’t be/ don’t deserve to be famous he is definitely one of them!
I just wanted to say thank you! opinions are great but the big picture is the real point here. There are too many people ie celebs, politicians, people of power or wealth in general, that abuse society on a day to day basis and there is nothing done about it. We are are so consumed by day to day survival that truth of our society is overlooked. We are in a state of control. we live in an illusion. I already hear people reading this thinking that what I just said is crazy or that its “extreame” but I say take a moment and think..There is something wrong. You dont know what it is…but there is something….You can feal it……so I say to you Anonymous…..carry on wayward sons.!!!!!! Rather I agree or disagree, everyone has the right to an opinion, and to be herd. If that was to stop we have lost all hope.
How can you say this isn`t work of anons if you always say, that you have no leader and you are all equall. Who decided, that this is not anons work?
Before I had heard of this group, I thought America was coming to an end. That the other countries’ hatred for us on top of our own immoral, unethical, self sabotaging practices would destroy us. If you guys are what you say you are, and are not just another government facade put in place to make us feel safe when we shouldn’t, then god bless all of you and our future is indebted to you, hopefully to be paid back only by keeping morality in our politics.
The days of corruption need to be over soon. We think just Kanye is a little kid, but every “big-wig” who uses capitalism to hoard 90% of our economy for no other reason than the established status, is childish and dysfunctional in government.
ZEV move to Russia and let us know how that works for you. You probably live off the system and don’t have a job.
Honestly be careful I honestly would like that everybody’s credit is fixed due to the damaged system. As well peoples checking accounts be plenty full for once it would be awesome.
♥Thank you for saying what so many of us wanted to say. This is awesome! So many are sick of him and the Kartrashians because they could be doing so much good with all that celebrity status and money.. yet they do just what you said here. THANK YOU for speaking for many of us ♥ ~as for trolls and nay sayers… go on back and worship your jeezus lol~
well said anonymous. What goes around comes around Kayne. You are an idiot. I wonder if you know how foolish and racist you look when you do your stupid shit. Shut up Kayne. No one wants your opinions
Well put. Couldn’t agree more.
anonymous I want in this group.
anonymous I want in this group plz.
This clearly says that the real anon has nothing to do with this video . Yes anyone can be anon meaning “You the people , can change america .” They cant do it alone . They need us to play close attention to the government and fight for our rights as people . But also , that doesnt mean a random person should take the time to bash on a rapper & make themselfs known for that , because thats not their style . They said its not them , but they understood where that persons opinions were coming from .
Thats rock. I’m with you all anonymous!
I really dislike Kanye’s music and attitude, but this video is ridiculous. It’s full of logical fallacies (Kanye created a fashion line therefore he couldn’t possibly care about any bigger issues), sexism / slutshaming (nudity=perversion? what century are you from?), and hypocrisy (accusing Kanye of distracting the masses when the video itself is a completely frivolous personal attack with no relevance to real world issues). I also find disturbing the implications that art for art’s sake has no value.
All of this from atop the high horse of a group that relies on the iconography of a Hollywood film to lend power to their statements. Sad that Anonymous has no leaders and is consequently vulnerable to this kind of idiocy. What a waste of time and energy from a group that has the potential to really make a difference in the world.
Thank you Anonymous! Could you please make them dissapear online for like 48hours? wipe all their fb/IG, twitter etc? thanks!
I agree Kim Kardashian should be fighting for women’s rights as a influential star but she is disgracing women by what she is doing
I really dislike Kanye’s music and attitude, but this video is ridiculous. It’s full of logical fallacies (Kanye created a fashion line therefore he couldn’t possibly care about any bigger issues), sexism / slutshaming (nudity=perversion? what century are you from?), and hypocrisy (accusing Kanye of distracting the masses when the video itself is a completely frivolous personal attack with no relevance to real world issues). I also find disturbing the implications that art for art’s sake has no value.
All of this from atop the high horse of a group that relies on the iconography of a Hollywood film to lend power to their statements. Sad that Anonymous has no leaders and is consequently vulnerable to this kind of idiocy. What a waste of time and energy from a group that has the potential to really make a difference in the world.
Agree completely
I think Anonymous was paid to relay this shit-artist’s bashing. Look at all the reactions on this poor shit-artist bashing page on anonymous…looks like anonymous wants to divert us from the real problems that affect our world : the politico-economic-pharmaceutico-agronomico-religious system.
We don’t care of shit-artists, they are legion, indeed.
I read about this today. About time someone said it to the guy. He needed the reality check! Don’t get me started on his wife.
we should look at his twitter and fill his comments
Why is anonymous sexualizing seeing as something atrocious something as natural as the human body and a woman’s body ?? I agree that Kanye makes silly and stupid comments but that’s just what it is. Now you guys took it too serious plus you denigrated women’s body and all acts for gender equality have been thrown into a garbage basket. Thanks
Why is everybody thanking Anonymous for this video? They have stated multiple times that they had nothing to do with it. Read the words that accompany the video. And why is everyone jumping to bash and spread further hate over this video? It bothers me. It makes a few decent points, true…but isn’t Kanye a free man who can voice his opinions freely? Live his life freely? He’s an asshole, but that’s freedom of speech. I may not like the man but I will defend his freedom of speech. There are bigger issues out there than what’s going on with Kanye. No need to get worked up over the antics of court jester. Peace and love everyone. There are other wars being waged right now that need more immediate attention.
glad anonhq is distancing itself from the creator of this video. Bigger fish to fry. Not to mention Kanye knows what he’s doing and it’s not hard to figure out. Album is coming out soon and a little controversy doesn’t hurt. We’re playing right into his hand.
A lot of good points in this, but missed one thing:
What is the name of the song in the background?! Was hoping to see a credit or something for the artist/song but found nothing. It is awesome and I want it!
I will change my life because of this, thank you.
The video is 3 weeks old. It’s not done by Anonymous but rather someone acting like them.
I used to love his music… but i hate Illuminate puppets… your life is over!
It’s funny. You know. I just read through so many comments, only to see quite the bit of illiterate nonsense. First of all, that video isn’t at all Anon’s style and that’s the first thing to show that it wasn’t them. Secondly, anon’s don’t exactly make many gestures and mostly nod their head unlike the guy in the video. Thirdly, and finally, anon said in this article they didn’t make this video. I applaud those who know what anon’s style really is, and those who can take their word.
If this posted twice, I am sorry. My wifi cut out.
Yes!!!! Someone finally said it!!! XD
So, these are the problems some of us are considering important?
AnonHQ is not affiliated in any way with the creator nor content of this video, although some points make sense.
Kanye and Kim are “Forces of evil in a bozo nightmare
Banned all the music with a phony gas chamber
‘Cuz one’s got a weasel
And the other’s got a flag
One’s on the pole, shove the other in a bag
With the rerun shows
And the cocaine nose-job”
I dislike Kanye, but this footage is too damn high.
and what are you doing to help society? Kanye West obviously has a mental disorder like bipolar which manifests in narcissism. instead of getting mad at him, have sympathy for him and hope that he gets help.
Kanye West is just a Spoiled dumbass,is a SHAME for African Americans
he is Racist peace of shit,ku klux Kanye,i dont forgive him if he is Crazy
Usa does not forgave Hitler,or Tojo,or Hussein,they are dead now….
lmao. what a joke. this is according to who? anonymous? or anonHQ? because those are ywo completely seperate groups. Anon HQ is NOT even remotely affiliated with anonymous folks. the fact its called HQ just addas to the humor. whoever decided to name this the anonymous headquarters is high. and the group most certainly wouldnt waste their time blogging. not on deep web. and certainly not on the ckear web. anonymous communicate strictly through IRC client. the owners and developers of this site are nothing but frauds and radical wannabes. this is completely fake. to claim anonymous operates on the clear web and has a stupid make believe site like this one is just absurd. the site isnt even secure for a crappy clear web page. i can shut this down with only a ouple command shells. the server for this cheep site has it allocated so tight that can only handle 1472 packages at a time. i can shut this ite down using bruteforce from ten yearold phone. whoever the mediator and developer is. if youre reading this. save yoyrself embarrassment. having a guy fawkes mask nd website doesnt make you a NewBlood. shut it down. stop doingthis to ppl