Anonymous Self Defence Handbook


The Anonymous Self Defence Handbook – well actually it’s a video – created by the Anonymous Defense Front (ADF) is aimed to help people protect themselves from the police on Nov 5th and every other day.

Actually, they need help translating to Kurdish, Arabic, Spanish, French, Cantonese, Greek and any other language that might need it** if you can help please let them know.

Contact details:
Twitter: @anondefensefrnt
Email: [email protected]

anonymous self defence handbook


Links: How To Protect Yourself Online





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  1. How can i join you? I have a good profile and i want to do something for the change in my country and worldwide, THE THINGS IN MY COUNTRY CAN BE CHANGED (MEXICO)

    i have been doing for 3 years voluntershiip and investigation

    now im in the field of aerospace and rocket propulsion

    i think i can help in some ways…

  2. les digo en español lo que dice
    La autodefensa Manual Anónimo – bueno, en realidad se trata de un vídeo – creado por el Frente de Defensa de Anónimo ( ADF ) está dirigido a ayudar a las personas a protegerse de la policía el 05 de noviembre y cada dos días .

    En realidad , tienen que ayudar a traducir al kurdo , árabe , español , francés, cantonés , griego y cualquier otro idioma que puedan necesitarlo ** si usted puede ayudar por favor, hágales saber .

  3. Thanks for helping to inform and empower the people. I would like to know if anyone can recommend an android app for filming. Something that is secretive and where video and photos are automatically saved and the phone locks if takes my phone or if the power is interrupted.

    • Very useful tool in cases where the eavesdropping laws are in effect.. Also very helpful to keep them out of the phone but how hard is it to destroy a phone? Cloud saving allows instant access for those who are behind bars allowing access from the attorney.Great idea though.

  4. I know this post is not necessarily the place for this comment, but – I just wanted to thank anonymous for everything. Spreading knowledge amongst the people and the youth. Also for giving me hope and confirmation that I am not alone. We are one.

  5. Just remember, do not attack the police first. Because then you are just giving them an excuse. Great video, glad to see Anons trying to help everyone be prepare

  6. can anybody teach my how to code or to give me any kind of software that will help me learn
    i would like to learn to further my career and i would like some kind of help

  7. To all my Anonymous brothers and sisters,
    The time is upon us to stay vigilant. We must stick together and watch out for each other, because a divided kingdom will fall. The swine are working overtime to in-slave us and maintain the lions share. They stick together watch each others backs and this makes them a formidable enemy. They seek to make us hate each other. They love to come up with new reasons for us to be afraid. They use the media to point out all the ways we are different from each other, then they follow that up with why we should hate things that are different. We must unite under one flag called the greater good. We must fight for our freedoms that are being systematically taken away a little at a time as to not alarm the sleeping beast that is the American people. They know if they did it all at once we would NEVER stand for it, so they move slow. They are a very patient bunch.This means we have to fight and win all these little battles that on the surface seem minuscule. These little achievements all added together become major victory’s over time.We are Legion. We will win. We are powerful. We are Anonymous.


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