If you’re thinking about illegally downloading material in Toronto, CA., in this new year, be prepared for a warning to flash across your screen reminding you that what you are doing is considered a big no-no. The new regulations surrounding illegal downloading are now in effect.
The new notice from your ISP provider will inform you that you are downloading illegal content. But that’s all it is. It’s technically called a ‘Notice of Notice’ and will ask you to stop your participation in copyright infringement. It doesn’t form part of the first stages of a lawsuit.
However, though it doesn’t form part of an initial lawsuit, copyright owners can still pursue civil cases against the offender. The liability that has existed in the past is still well and truly present. Damages will range from $500 to $200000 for commercial activity, according to John Cotter, a lawyer with Osler law firm; and for non-commercial activity, it will see the fine capped at $5000.[1]
Anonymous recommends: Protect your PC and mobile devices from your ISP, hackers & governments and surf anonymously
[1] Armstrong, J. (2015, January 2). New regulations about illegal downloading go into effect. [Global News]. Retrieved from http://globalnews.ca/news/1752246/new-regulations-about-illegal-downloading-go-into-effect/
I see the all seeing eye.
Who gives s fuck
its terrorism, knowledge is for all humanity.
A smart pirate uses a good VPN and private trackers.
N w o KANnada…thank you anonymous for sharing.
Lewis f I n d l e y
Post off I c e b o x 4331
Port went worth georgia 31407
9123060610 , 9122729166 , 9123588846
Lewisfindley31407gcpbc AT lycos DOT com
let me know when you need to remove this comment.
“be prepared for a warning to flash across your screen”
Where exactly did you get that dramatic idea?
The linked article says that ISP’s will email you a polite warning and that’s about it.
Only in Toronto? Shiny
Internet Service Providers Providers.