After 22 years of raising chickens for Perdue, one brave factory farmer Craig Watts was at his breaking point and did something no one has done before. He invited us, as farm animal welfare advocates, to his farm to film and tell his story. Ask your supermarket for Better Chicken at http://better-chicken.org. Watch here:
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Or just don’t eat chicken
I’m going vegi bleh
or you could go vegan, and help the environment and health! 🙂 its better than what they say tbh…
Yeah! Be an unnatural pussy, and avoid the single best source of protein there is, in favor of thinking animals have the same rights as people!
Not sure what you mean with “be an unnatural pussy”, pussy is a very natural, common and fascinating genitals. Being a pussy must is something good.
Did you know that the natural way for humans to get protein is to eat vegetables and beans? All vegetables have plenty of protein. Even carrots. How do you think elephants get so big? Or ask all the vegetarian/vegan bodybuilders. 🙂
Would you try to kill an animal yourself with your sharp meat eating teeth and your killer claws?
The anatomical evidence tells us that we’re optimized for eating mostly or exclusively plant foods.
Wishes you a pleasant journey through life filled with exciting openings to the whole.
Yes, and that’s why we have to drop millions of years of evolution. We are better than nature. We can forget everything what nature gave us and use our canines for beans and carrots.
this shows just how evil industry really is, i am beyond protest man, im ready to break out my guns.but i am following you in a peaceful protest.
That is the correct way. You can not fight evil with evil. Then you would be no better than them at all. They should fear our collective. Only as a collective, a peaceful, educated and smart collective, can we change something in this world, to the better.
The world isn’t passed the point of saving but unfortunately the majourity of people aren’t and it becomes more prevalent everyday. I can actually quote the farmer “we are passed the rewind button, we need to reform and restart”.
Well said, hqanon
I’m sorry hqanon but with every fight between good and bad or evil there is a necessary amount of equal power to be used. If we stay as a peaceful collective that’s smart…how do we survive war? How do we survive bullets and knives and bombs and gasses. Fight evil with evil but make sure you can control what you create.
J. … You’re fighting evil as we speak … with your keyboard. It often doesn’t seem enough but the internet and groups like Anonymous (I.E. YOU) are truly doing wonderful things in the world. Stay calm and keep on Rockin’ it!! Godspeed!
Please help us fight these horrible corporate powers that continue to pollute our food and our health for profit! The people continue to speak out and vote and at every turn we lose our rights to these bullies because they have more money and corruption! Help Maui Help Jackson County, help Vermont!! We have a basic fundamental right to uncontaminated food!!
I’m ASTOUNDED by the sheer callousness & selfishness of the words of Courtney!!
What is wrong with your thinking & emotional response, when all u care about is YOU, & whether YOUR food is contaminated???
That is the response of a mind without compassion; utterly self-obsessed; not a scrap of love in your heart for other creatures.
I consider your words beneath contempt; disgusting; morally bankrupt; & thoroughly repugnant AND reprehensible.
Why not watch & read the article again – this time actually THINK about what u r seeing: then re-read your comment?
Then bow your head in shame…
Video suggests we treat animals better and fix the system: Mass of comments saying we shouldn’t eat chicken at all.
Well, there is absolutely nothing wrong with eating chicken, but we don’t need to have it mass produced to extremely that chickens are living in a nightmare. People are talking about cost, but I haven’t seen anyone with information about what is actually would cost. Some people say it would be $20 a breast, but for all we know it could just raise the cost by about $0.25 a pound. I mean, at the end of the day, they’re fucking chickens who aren’t that complicated to raise.
i will still eat chicken.
Life is not all about sunshine and rainbows. Get used to it. Mankind survived by hunting and eating animals. Without ”this meat eating thing” you would be nothing but weak. We do how ever need to reform the method indeed.
this is one reason i try and only buy local farm raised food, including my meats.
It will take a generation or two for massive change…. but vegan diets absolutely work, AND are far healthier. I suggest a little passive research into what is fast becoming a global trend, … and then simply cut down as you can and move forward. It cuts way down on the world’s methane output too. Save the earth one (produce) bite at a time. I’m almost vegetarian and moving along towards vegan. “Bon apetite” not “Bone” apetite. 🙂 Cheers!
Whatever your stance is on meat consumption, this is not ok. I don’t eat it but if I did, I would at least not buy factory farmed. Are we that apathetic?
What saddens me is that you all attack the farmers and corporations that produce the chicken meat and yet these entities would not even exist if it weren’t for consumer demand. Nearly every authority (local or federal) around the world allows anyone to raise kill and eat their own chickens and yet. The only restriction is usually on the number allowed to be kept. Take away the profitable demand for any product and you in turn take away the supply.