Mass executions, beheadings, crucifixions, burying them alive, selling them as sex slaves, using them as suicide bombers and shields, and sexually abusing them are some of the heinous crimes being committed against innocent children in Iraq by the Islamic State militants.
The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) reviewed Iraq for the first time since 1998 and found severe violations of children’s rights at the hands of the Islamic State.
“We are really deeply concerned at torture and murder of those children, especially those belonging to minorities, but not only from minorities. The scope of the problem is huge,” committee expert, Renate Winter, told reporters after the committee’s report was recently released.
The extremist militants of the Islamic State are responsible for some of the most harrowing atrocities against Iraqi children. “We have had reports of children, especially children who are mentally challenged, who have been used as suicide bombers, most probably without them even understanding. There was a video placed [online] that showed children at a very young age, approximately 8 years of age and younger, to be trained already to become child soldiers,” Winter added.
“The CRC observations constitute the most thorough review of the child rights situation in the country,” Laurent Chapuis, UNICEF’s Middle East and North Africa adviser on child protection, told VICE News. According to Chapuis, in the past children were forced to work as guards, messengers, spies and to man checkpoints, but are now being used in armed combat roles. “This includes not only fighting in battles, but also working on the front lines to treat and evacuate wounded combatants, and to film and photograph battles,” he said.
The report added that many of the children, “are severely traumatized from witnessing the murder of their parents and are subjected to physical and sexual assault.” The Islamic State has committed “systematic sexual violence,” including the abduction and sexual enslavement of children, it said.
This is… Unspeakable. They must be stopped. Why are we not stopping this? Why are we allowing this? This is a crime against humanity. This is a crime against life. Why? Why? Why?.
We must investigate. We must act. We must help.
Feel free to enlist, the US will be over there soon enough. Then you can help.
We were already there I WAS ALREADY THERE. We should have never left but the coward we have for a president is just as responsible for this. We should have NEVER pulled out of iraq.
You shouldn’t have pulled in either stupid
Wel left because of the Iraqi gov not our people if you’ve been there you know that’s the only way there president would get re-elected if he got all u.s troop out
Fucking religion is just evil and violence then is what you got….
This is… Unspeakable. They must be stopped. Why are we not stopping this? Why are we allowing this? This is a crime against humanity. This is a crime against life. Why? Why? Why?.
We must investigate. We must act. We must help.
It’s because the people suffering are not of the white race and hence their lives are cheap and not very important. We all saw how the world went up in an uproar when Ukraine was attacked.. just a simple live example of the Just world we live in.
I think its pretty obvious anonymous is bought out. I think isis is nothing more than a distraction from the real tyrants at large. And it conveniently pits stupid people against the middle east. Anonymous is a pointless distraction. UNSUBSCRIBING NOW..
Whole idea of people in power is to create global conflict between Islamic and Catholic word or US, Europe against Middle East and Asia. So bankers family will get richer and population will be kept low and easy to control.
this is not true everything is fake iraq are muslims so why muslims kills muslims and about raping kids the extremist militants of the Islamic State can’t do something like that becease extremist militants in islam and in islam this extream forbiden …..so all of this made to make a bad idea about islam
oh so they are cristieans …….even this
……. in islam our holly book “qoraan” said “u have ur relegion and i have mine” so who did this is not muslim he is following somekind of terrors fake islam ………..for last real islam never do that i live in algeria and we fight terrors
This is easy to fix. AirDrop MILLIONS of guns and ammunition all over regions that suffer from terrorist oppression. The locals will then deal with the issue.
Yeah, a great idea. And screw the countless innocent women and children that die in the process eh?
something similar could work, if I were there I’d rather fight on my feet then die on my knees as my children were taken away to be sex slaves?
Ok, yes bad isis, bla bla. what the fuck is that video about though? crazy christian madness. probably made by people who would like to behead muslims!! ffs guys, get a grip.
all those signs are in perfect english ..which i find difficult to believe is real ..even us british cant spell right … i wish we would just wipe the ISIS out and get it over and done with and stop all this nonsense
Why do you have to show a video with a commentary by some Christian nutters? Strewth, pllease tell me that Anon isn’t just another evangelical religiious nutter group. Christian fundamentalists are imo just as big a part of the problem as ISIL, and the point is proven by the assertion in the captions that their religion is the right one and Islam is the wrong one. Never ones to miss the chance to score a point over the opposition religious nutters, eh? Ffs. The first part of the video itself is truly horrific and i suspect that the demented commentary is not the original audio for the footage, so if you can find an alternative version with more objective commentary it would be far more constructive.
What is almost as frightening, is the fact that almost all of the comments left here are barely able to be comprehended. The basic grammer, spelling etc are below a 1st grade level. Soooo scary.
THIS VIDEO IS MORE BULLSHIT FAKE PROPAGANDA AND ANY IDIOT CAN SEE THAT. I think its pretty obvious anonymous is bought out. I think isis is nothing more than a distraction from the real tyrants at large. And it conveniently pits stupid people against the middle east. Anonymous is a pointless distraction. UNSUBSCRIBING NOW..
I really dont like when people write islamic. This has nothing to do with the true islam.
There are only one outcome in all war !
We are no better , unless we try harder to make things right !
I think if any normal socity see killing is a crime , why people’s allow war to carry out and human live like hell everywhere for them?
When the day comes , your God ask u :
What had u done about any one sin happened when u walk on this earth?
U: will give endless reason to say at the end ,all the things others did has nothing’s involved youself, all you did in your life is only surrounded your own self .
This world needs a great sacrifice. Human population is so large that things like this begin to happen much more frequently. Every country is falling apart, you may not see it so obviously, but it’s happening. Then you have things like this happening due to humans trying to live in inhospitable parts of the world under some kind of religious control that only benefits those of higher power. Religion always plays a huge role in such terrible things, it’s a fact and I’m not going to state my religious point of view because it doesn’t matter. You look throughout history and just about every single major war and human caused catastrophe was by religion.
It may sound much worse then what this article is about but I am going to say what everyone knows to be true but refuses to admit it. Though the best option for the world it’s self is for us humans to no longer exist on it, there needs to be a “near” human extinction. Removing 75% of the total population and everyone left must resort to surviving on their means in perfect harmony with the planet. Then things like this would never (or EXTREMELY rarely) ever happen again.
If you removed every insect in the world completely, every living thing on earth would die within 100 years. Remove every human and every living thing on earth would thrive instantly.
Though a faster solution is a unified agreement to bomb and eradicate these countries. It may be absolutely horrible to say but it’s a faster more painless death then letting them tare each other apart like this. (Of course if there was a way to remove all the innocent people would be preferred, but realistically that wouldn’t be possible.) Not saying america is any better before any of you anti-US crazy people start going… well crazy. Remember, we all live on the same rock floating in space, floating in a solar system, inside a floating galaxy, floating in the midst of an infinite sea of galaxies that is our universe. Regardless of religious deities we know that is at least true.
Atrocitati sunt si in Europa si nu exista nici o diferenta intre un copil omorat cu sabia si un copil de securist omorat de un parlamentar liberal. E acelasi lucru dar cu metode diferite. In timpul asta Videanu sta si rade protejat de SRI cu echipele lor de avocati in timp ce sora mea e pe moarte linsata cand a fost jurista pentru ei. Mai mult nu spun dar pur si simplu sunt scarbit de sistemul din Romania care il acopera pe Videanu si pe gasca lui