Even on African soil, discrimination against blacks persists. If this had happened outside the continent, it would not have even made the news. But this time, it has happened right in a sovereign African country, where there are laws against discrimination.
A Chinese restaurant in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi does not admit Africans, insisting that Africans pose a security threat to clients who visit the restaurant. The staff cites criminal situations and the activities of Somalia’s militant group, Al Shabaab.
According to the Nairobi News, last year, there was a robbery incident at the restaurant. The Chinese owners of the restaurant thereafter made the decision to stop Africans from eating at the restaurant; does this mean every African is a potential thief?
Public Relations manager of the restaurant, Esther Zhao, said that the ban of Africans to the restaurant was in response to the spate of incidents related to Somalia’s militant group, Al Shabab in the Kenyan capital.
“We don’t admit Africans that we don’t know because you never know who is Al-Shabaab and who isn’t. It is not like it is written on somebody’s face that they are a thug armed with a gun”, she said.
Zhao also added that the guests of the restaurant feel safer and more comfortable if African customers are kept away. “Only taxi drivers and Africans accompanied by European, Chinese or Indian guests can be admitted’’, she added.
The saddest part of the story is that as the restaurant turns Africans away, it is the same Africans who do the menial jobs in the restaurant.
A restaurant worker told reporters on the condition of anonymity that even decent and famous citizens in the country have been banned from entering the restaurant.
“It is strictly a no-African policy and we have even had to turn away some prominent Kenyans who were obviously not a security threat,” the worker said.
The only people who are allowed to go into the restaurant are the politicians. But even they have to spend 20,000 Kenyan shillings (about $217) in a certain time-period to “qualify”. Nairobi’s Senator-Mike Sonko and former Cabinet Minister-Raphael Tuju are allowed access because they are reportedly the owner’s friends.
Since the story broke, there has been public agitation regarding the country’s authority to close the restaurant down.
“That amounts to racial and ethnic profiling, which is unconstitutional. It has in it the inherent assumption that Africans are inevitably pre-disposed to be robbers. Whatever measures they choose to take to maintain security must be measures that treat people equally irrespective of race, gender or color”, said the country’s ombudsman-Otiende Amollo angrily in reaction to the story.
Mr Amollo has also urged any member of the public who is not admitted to sue for discrimination and contact the National Commission on Human Rights so that the authorities can revoke the restaurant’s license.
Despite this reaction from the office of the above ombudsman, many are still not satisfied. They ask why an African is not allowed to travel to China to establish a restaurant that forbids Chinese from entry?
What would have been the reaction of Beijing authorities? Or is it because in Africa nobody cares about such matters, and anybody at all is allowed to do whatever they wanted to without worrying about the rule of law?
We all must admit that this is practice is a form of discrimination. It is true that there are security challenges in Kenya as a result of Al Shabab, but it is the responsibility of the owners of the restaurant to provide for increased security at the restaurant. If they cannot do that they should simply close the facility down; there are other restaurants and hotels that are operating with higher standards of security, without having to turn people away. This is just unacceptable.
they should just kick them all out of their country!
truly that is bullshit. kick the Chinese out of Kenya. being that they are there only for economic colonialism of African resources. Give the contracts to Russia, they’ll pay security guards to check patrons and voila, no more racism.
No more racism, just a shit load of communism..
Lol damed if you do, damed if you don’t
Revoke passport and deny them entry to all countries in Africa. They take nothing with them every thing of value will be paid to those that they humiliated by denying them entry.
There are always three sides to a story. As a business owner, I would want my staff and patrons to feel as comfortable as possible. As a customer, I would want the ability to enjoy whatever amenities an establishment has to offer. The notes left seem to very passionate about each commenter’s personal beliefs.
I don’t understand racism, and have been called an idealist by many people. If I were refused entry strictly because of ethnic heritage, I’d probably shrug my shoulders, shake my head and walk away in confusion. I would think that those people are closed minded and eventually spend my money somewhere else. I’m going to guess that this restaurant is not the only Chinese place in town; and I have a hard time believing that their food is so good that everyone has to eat there. Additionally, would you really want to eat somewhere that you’re not welcome? At the end of the day, it’s their loss, especially at over $200 a meal. I mean come on, are the chopsticks gold and silver? Really?
I’ve been to kenya in 2013 and planingon going again soon but this doesn’t surprise a bit. The corruption problem in Kenya is out of hand, basically if you have money the cops are your slaves.