By Amanda Froelich at trueactivist.com
Chuck Norris is frustrated over the health risks caused by the world’s most popular weedkiller.
Earlier this year, the World Health Organization (WHO) deemed the chemical concoctionglyphosate, which is the main ingredient in Monsanto’s #1 weedkiller Roundup, to be “probably carcinogenic.”
While some countries scrambled to ban Monsanto’s herbicide shortly after the announcement, nations like the United States did nothing to prevent the further use and spread of the incrediblytoxic concoction.
Glyphosate has been linked to childhood brain cancer and Leukemia, but so far, only a few giant retail stores have made any effort to stop the sale of herbicides containing the concoction from further contaminating the food supply.
Chuck Norris is having none of that, however.
The majority of the populace in first-world countries like the United States might be more interested in Kim Kardashian’s butt than news concerning Monsanto, but it’s time the population wake up and realize that the food they eat is poisoning them and their future.
This is exactly Norris’ point in a piece titled ‘Chuck Norris Raises Red Flag Over Monsanto’which was published on World Net Daily earlier this year.
In the detailed open-letter, Norris calls out the greedy biotech corporation for decimating the food supply and treating the world’s farmers poorly. An excerpt of the letter – which mostly focuses on the harmful effects caused by glyphosate – follows:
“…Monsanto began marketing glyphosate under the Roundup name in the 1970s, and it quickly became an industry standard. In 1997, its use tripled with the introduction of Monsanto’s Roundup Ready crops, plantings genetically modified to withstand glyphosate in order to enable farmers to use more of the herbicide in killing crop-threatening weeds. Glyphosate is sprayed on most of the corn and soybean crops in the United States, as well as over sugar beets, canola and other crops.
In 2007 alone, the agricultural sector applied between 180 million and 185 million pounds of glyphosate to crops in this country. The home and garden sector applied 5 million to 8 million pounds, and industry, commerce and government applied 13 million to 15 million pounds of glyphosate. It was the most widely used herbicide in U.S. agriculture and second-most widely used herbicide in the home and garden sector.
… The only real way you have of knowing whether glyphosate traces or residue is in the food you eat is if you grow it yourself or only buy products that are certified organic.
The EPA promised a completed preliminary risk assessment of glyphosate by the end of last year.”
Similar to iconic music legend and activist Neil Young, Norris is done idly sitting by while bloated corporations continue to dupe unsuspecting consumers and poison the food supply. His letter, hopefully, will draw attention to the burgeoning crisis presently affecting all, and inspire consumers to stand up as one and urge Congress to ban glyphosate and the GM crops its sprayed so rampantly on.
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When people realise the natural human health benefits of the paleo diet we will have no need for large scale agriculture and we will have no need for criminals like Monsanto.
Hah yea that’s true. Tough there is not enough food for everyone if everyone where to do this. Someone has to eat thhe poison we have created and some gets to eat what you really need. Also some are really against using ketones instead of poison as a body fuel. Since it needs a high amount of saturated fat which people blindly believe is the cause to all evil. :3
Now this is putting it in a bad way. i could have said it in a nice way saying that many will not choose doing this diet because they like and they are used to eating stuff with carbohydrates in it. Even tough they know it ruins the cell membrane and gives them inflammation cause the body has to constantly repair damages to the cells. You could say that the body is rotting away, but trying to desperately save itself.
A neighbor in the development in back sprayed lots of Round up in the back to kill poison ivy about 6 or 7 years ago. It also killed a bunch of large trees in back. This neighbor died of cancer within the last few weeks. No one ever asked our permission. Now look what happened!
He’s right! I’m delighted to see popular personalities take a stand on this crucial issue. Glyphosate is, in my informed opinion, the key factor in the epidemic we are now experiencing in a long list of diseases and conditions, including autism, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, obesity, pancreatic cancer, thyroid cancer, and kidney failure, among others. Google my name and you’ll find more information on this.