Best known as an actor and martial artist, the living internet meme that is Chuck Norris has warned of a federal government plot to take over the state of Texas.
Writing on WND, or WorldNetDaily, Norris discussed the potential for Jade Helm 15, a US military training exercise planned for July and August, to turn into a full-scale occupation of his home state.
Exercises will be held in Texas and six other states during Jade Helm 15, across public and private land. The training has been the focus of what the mainstream media is keen to dismiss as “right-wing conspiracy theories”, since the exercise has labelled Texas, Utah and California as “hostile”…. For no reason, I’m sure, no veiled threats there…
“The US government says, ‘It’s just a training exercise’,” wrote Norris, 75. “But I’m not sure the term ‘just’ has any reference to reality when the government uses it.”
Both the governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, and US senator – and 2016 Republican presidential candidate – Ted Cruz have been accused of pandering to “conspiracy theorists” by the mainstream media due to their reactions to Jade Helm 15. Having a cynical mind, capable of critical thinking, seems to get labeled “conspiracy theory” rather quickly these days. Abbott asked the Texas state guard to monitor the training exercise. Cruz said his office had “reached out to the Pentagon” to ask about the exercise.
Norris, who appeared as Texas Ranger JJ McQuade in the 1983 film Lone Wolf McQuade and starred in the long-running TV series Walker, Texas Ranger, praised both men for their refusal to believe official government accounts.
“I’m glad … Ted Cruz is asking the tough questions of the Pentagon,” Norris wrote. “Particularly because its ‘exercises’ come too near to my ranch’s backdoor as well, at least according to the map.
“It’s pretty sad and bad when major military ops are ordered in a large, fiery state like Texas and not even the governor or its senators know the specifics.”
In the article Norris, who has been awarded a black belt across numerous martial arts disciplines, quotes “affable antique store owner” Mike Hightower as being among those concerned about the exercises.
“I’m not trusting what we’re being told,” warns Hightower, who lives in Smithville, Texas, where some of the training exercise will take place. “I think there’s something a little more involved than what they’re telling us.”
Norris also used his article to file a brief report on a recent gala held by his karate foundation, Kickstart for Kids. Governor Abbott and his wife Cecilia were in attendance, he wrote.
“It was an amazing night and gala!” Norris added.
Looks like you will believe anything. Its an exercise are people really this ignorant. Please show me a fact that might make this true?
You must be new here. These people are gullible conspiracy theorists.
So…It’s an exercise because they say it’s an exercise? Are people really this ignorant. Please show me a fact that might make THAT true.
So…It’s an exercise because they say it’s an exercise. Are people really this ignorant. Please show me a fact that might make THAT true.
they also told you the World Trade Center was taken down by two aircraft the jet fuel can’t melt steel beams and there is tons of bombs that went off before the collapse and the buildings just so happen to fall in a demolition style I wait for you to tell me I’m crazy
Show me fact that disproves the theory.
The above comment was made by an idiot.
its taking place on public and privet land, if you had to pick out one state that the government would have a hard time controlling if they tried to instill Marshall law on a wide scale to instill a new world government or dictatorship in my book Texas would be the hardest to take over. There the only state that has its own power grid, oil ect. And has many armed people. Why would they need an exercise over that many states unless they were planning on a coming war in a first world country. Fighting in the Middle East is not like fighting in America would be. Many top analysts have allready predicted a major stock market crash this fall. Along with many people in the alternative media. Think about how many things the government does not tell us, and covers up. I’m not saying this is all going to happen but it sounds like it could. Why can’t they train on there bases and make small towns to do there practice ops, unless this is really an undercover cyops mission to see how regular civilians will respond. Plus look at what’s going on in China right now, they hacked in to millions of government people’s accounts with high clearances and there building up huge bases in the South China Sea. Maby they just know the 3rd world war is coming it could be so many things. My last point is if this is a regular exercise why are they giving thoes state governments so little information?
AMEN MY Friend…You’re damn right we are well armed and most all our cops and deputies all will disobey any PRESIDENTIAL Orders as I talk to police chiefs and Sheriffs often allover TEXAS and they would fire on our military and side with the citizens and YES we are the #1 most armed state there is and OKLAHOMA is #2 and neither state will give up our guns ever…IT just isn’t going to happen and one in every three TEXANS carries a gun lawfully with a carry permit and one in every four applies for a HANDGUN CARRY PERMIT… IN 2012 just shy of 89 million guns were sold in AMERICA of that 89 million we TEXANS Bought over one third of them…YOU better believe we are armed and ready and will fight to the death over gun rights as most all TRUE TEXANS and Oklahomans will do the same…
This is the dumbest shit… Texas is already part of the US… already has several military bases… in every sense of the word Texas has been occupied by the US Military for almost 2 centuries now. There are real problems we could be discussing.
Why would the US take over texas if its already part of the country
Have you bothered to LOOK for a fact? Probably not.
In the military, you train how you fight. I don’t expect you to understand.
Exercise or not who do “these people” think they are labeling any state in my great country as a “Hostile State”? This government is completely out of control and needs a serious smack-down! Remember… the ONLY good politician is a DEAD politician!
I like your attitude. -A Texan
maybe action by us army will be taken because texas decided to ban fed reserve bank’s contol over its liquid assets ?!
Show me the facts that disprove the theory
First off, Operation Jade Helm is a wide spread exercise similar to a war game. It is done over those states because they have large areas of both urban and open regions so the military can train in various tactics with ALL of their forces working in cohesion where as training on a small base leaves very little cooperative training between different forms. Naval units have performed similar large scale war games to train for various possible scenarios for years (Down Para-scope is a good, if inaccurate, representation of one of those). Labeling areas as “hostile” has nothing to do with the people, but where units playing as “enemy combatants” will be based with their own objectives while the majority of the forces will attempt to thwart them. That is what a war game is, that is what is going on. Those of you who honestly think it’s an occupation attempt, or declaring martial law, you need to pull your head out of your ass because you’re so full of shit it’s stinking up Oklahoma.
That’s why we have NTC Ft. Irwin,Ca. I was stationed there for 3yrs. Huge desert,villages,towns are on base used for training. During exercises like this,all countries/states names are fictionalized. Just so they aren’t mistaken for real places. Even SF exercise, Robin Sage,uses the fictional town of Pineland ( town is Southern Pines ).
It’s not an exercise
…training for what?
Jade helm needs to be stopped before it’s even started.look at how the government used the Charleston shooting to get rid of the southern pride flag and passed this trade agreement and it allows forgien nations how to regulate business in America. It also gives the un power to keep Obama in office and also allows the un to search and seize your property and your freedoms and anything else they want from you…
Texas has requested all of its gold from the Fed. They must give them real gold not a check. This would cause them irreparable harm. Jon Kennedy was going to pull US out of the Fed when he was killed.Texas is ready to secede and the Feds and the UN trucks are setting up the Fema camps as the prisons won’t be big enough to hold them.That is the ones they fear but do not out right shoot and kill.
The reason their starting with TX because they put up one of the biggest fights so they want that under control when Obama declares martial law! They’re just starting with that state! The govt saw what happened in Utah when they tried to take the Bundy ranch so that’s one also! Montana will be because they’re all about their guns and free land same with Idaho and Wyoming and Cali’s pretty much the biggest star and has tons of military bases that are dedicated to artillery and ground troops and helicopters! They’ll start west and head east till their back in DC where headquarters is!