The assault continues, this time in Seattle. In-car video footage was just released from a June 22, 2014 incident where a Seattle police officer, Adley Shepard, punches a handcuffed woman in his custody in the face as a defense for being kicked by the suspect.
Officer Shepard’s attorney, Eric Makus, states:
“This was a combative, resistant, violent suspect that was being taken into custody, she assaulted a police officer and he used appropriate, lawful force to subdue the situation.”
Though the officer’s actions were found to be ‘inconsistent with training and policy’ via an internal investigation, the King County prosecutor looked at the evidence and said ‘there was not enough to prove the punch was unreasonable.’ Officer Shepard will not face criminal charges.
December 07, 2014 – Video of a Seattle police officer punching a woman after she kicked him was just released.
Source: CNN
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Source of this article: http://theantimedia.org/cop-caught-on-camera-punching-handcuffed-woman/
Fuckin goof deserves to get punched, stupid ass pigs get away with everything these day . Necessary my ass she flails cause she can’t breath so u punch her what a man your wife must be proud doubt he even has one stupid pig, hope you catch one between the eyes dick .
Here’s another one for you, woman tapes man being beaten by cops only to get tasered and charged while people erased the video she took destroying evidence (thankfully they failed) but I’m sure won’t be held accountable
EDit: should read Police* erased NOT people. My apologies
Why are you trying to get people all up and emotional about negative ass shit. You guys are so fucking powerful right. Get world peace to come stop messing with the negatives and such and mess with the positives and make this world worth living in. Because honestly you are no different than the govern posting stuff to make people negative mentally and in turn creates more and more and more problems for the human race
There are still people out there who are defending all cops. People have to wake up and take action against corrupcy and fight for a real democratic government. Our mission is to report the truth at anonhq
Great reply! Very informative and insightful. Without your input i don’t think anyone would have known what he meant? Your a true work of genius. Thanks to you we no longer need a dictionary. How’s about you leave a real comment?
It’s called waking the masses Jeez.
sorry for my bad english
you are a beautiful people… i am with you…
please hack a italian website because the government italian no is good
Police brutality won’t stop until it happens to one of their own family members.
because this is america…. preacher of human rights. one set for the whites, another set for the non whites….one for the Israeli, another for the
this is america… one set of rules for d whites, another set of rules for the non whites…. one set of rules for Israeli, another set of rule for Arabs & Muslims….
Well as long as The victim is black I guess
Ah, yes … well he obviously feared for his life…
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