This disabled veteran TELLS IT LIKE IT IS! He puts this power-tripping cop to shame after the cop harassed him for “not looking disabled”.
Isaah James, a veteran of the US army who served more than a decade, had all of his documents to prove that he is disabled and he had his handicap placard clearly visible on the dash of his car. But the cop didn’t believe him and started to harass him.
VETERAN STANDS UP TO COP ON POWER TRIP!This disabled veteran TELLS IT LIKE IT IS! He puts this power-tripping cop to shame after the cop harassed him for “not looking disabled”. Full details and unedited video: http://bit.ly/1M2oS3d
Posted by Filming Cops on Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Full details and unedited video: http://filmingcops.com/cop-harasses-disabled-veteran-for-legally-parking-in-handicap-spot/
Guy is yelling and in a cops face. You are being retarded. He is allowed to check a guys plates and sticker. Didn’t see him do anything else until he was approached by a belligerent man.
Actually there is a video that is more like a half hour long that starts sooner than this one and the cop is seen getting upset and starting the issues. If I can find the link again, I will post it.
You are extremely blind, ignorant, and gullible…
Here is the longer version of the video.
Cops are basically nazis anymore. They used to be nice people, but now they have a power trip; “Oh, look at me, I have a badge and a gun, an none of the laws apply to me.” Fucking idiots.
oh hells no!!!!!! it’s cops like this that give the good cops bad names….and he should find out as soon as the soldiers name is ran that he was a soldier…all over a damn parking spot…I mean WTF dude???
There is one cop who needs a good swift kick in the teeth. I’ll bet he was too gutless to fight overseas, unlike the marine. Those who can….do. Those who can’t become cops!
But the gov in states wants cops to be stupid. Stupid is easy to controll. They want them to be power tripping finally they want You to fear them, cuz fear is what keeps the fat financial pigs fed and and politicians in their luxurious chambers.
And all the cops do is fucking eat donuts
The police officers body language whilst leaning on the garbage bin LOL
(it was that moment when officer douchebag, realised he fucked up)
I’m surprised you guys in usa put up with the shit u get from cops in there… I bet if police in any european countrt pull this shit off here they’d be stoned to death by public media, fired from the “force”, shamed, than somebody probably would piss on their graves. Time to revolt!
Nope in the USA all we get is arrested for disagreeing,or beat down when no camera is around, hell half the time even when it is around. And after you disagree, some crooked judge votes for the cop and puts you in jail,or some “good” lawyer gets you locked up for arguing with what we call “authority”. After that you get put in jail where the REAL fun with cops begins.
The laws have changed cops dont even have to know the laws for which they are locking you up for, they don’t have to read miranda rights anymore, they can pat you down and accosting you before they tell you any charges at all (happened to me for walking across railroad tracks) i was being patted and tapped all over my pockets FOR WALKING ACROSS RAILROAD TRACKS no charges were even told to me.
That officer , if it can be called an officer,should be punished somehow….I don’t see a cop in him,I see a far dumbass that believes got power….poor hog and shame on the precint he is from..
Just SUE THE BASTARDS .That was ASSAULT by a cop. All on video SUE ,SUE SUE What was the result of this ? Did the Vet sue?
I am so sick and tired of people automattically being against someone just because they wear a uniform. just assuming that somebody is in the wrong because they are a cop… what the hell is that?
police officers are people too for f*ck sake! what i see here is 2 people who are in the wrong. yes the officer should not have hit the phone out of the mans hands and he should check his facts before he speaks, but so should all of you! in my opinion the veteran could dile it down some as well. he just keeps on yelling at this PERSON! if that were me I wouldn’t know how to handle it either.
Police officers are just people trying to do their jobs in a broken system. why don’t you try imagining how hard it is for them? they proabably need a job to feed a family and this is the job that they have.they have the people on the streets hating them and complaining about how they missuse their power, but they also have their bosses telling them they need to write out so many tickets per year or they get less pay or less vacation days. It can’t be easy.
a while ago I read an artikel, about a police officer in my county (the netherlands) that decribed how he had an accident, that put him in the hospital for a time, while he was chasing a drunk man who was harrasing other people, and people started cheering.. they witnessed this man have an accident and just because he was police… they started cheering… I think that is just horrible…
so.. my point, I think both men in this video could have done better, but it makes me sad that all the comments, accept one, are about how the cop is the bad guy.
Just because you cannot see, feel, hear, touch, smell, a disability…DOES NOT MEAN IT DOES NOT EXIST!
That cop is a jerk 🙁 picking on him like that
În all countrys the smolest and insatisfacted person with theyr own social place found smoll soluțions like that frustrațions.(are how imited like a monkey…i m a vet…)..much man smoll person
I have two sons. I taught them that if they get stopped by a policeman for any reason, do whatever he tells you to do to make him happy. That is not the time for a verbal altercation.You do not want to upset a scared man with a gun no matter how ignorant he behaves. Keep your wits about you, be calm, get his name and badge number, supervisors name if possible and make a formal complaint in WRITING. A written letter will have to generate a response. My dad was a vet, Korea once and Nam twice and this is what he taught me. Don’t give an ignorant, trifling person (no matter who they are) the power to upset you. And thank you for your service to your country. I think our vets are unappreciated.